Xiao Qing has a solemn expression. The formidable power of the knife just now is the equivalent of a half-orange battle skill!

However, Xiao Qing hasn't come back to his senses yet, a more terrifying scene has appeared!

"Thousands of miles away!"

"Speed ​​Mirror!"

"Seven Stars Sword Gang!"

"Dou Huang Seventh Style!"

The dark arrows flew back and forth, soaring swiftly for thousands of miles and hundreds of miles! Five dragons swept down toward the emperor spear, spear glow Dragon Transformation, roaring the sky, enveloping the spiral sword of starlight, sword qi, storms came!

"Absolute Shadow Style ·A life-threatening search for flowers!"

Flying swords, like dancing lightly and gracefully butterflies, seem to be withered and gorgeous, but in fact, murderous intention is hidden. When you realize When the murderous intention in Jiying, the flying knife is in front of you!

The blue dragon light is shining, the dragon king flaps the purple phoenix wings, and the dragon tail sweeps and cuts it, like a sword opening Heaven and Earth, dividing the stars!

Each of its moves is so powerful that the Six Masters of Dark Pavilion have changed their colors, and they have shown their powerful trump card Absolute Art to contend with it!

"Seven Stars Sword Score", "Death Archery", "Mirror Moon", "Fighting Emperor Ten Styles", "Shadow Flying Knife", a top-level battle skill such as a storm Generally displayed by the five avatars, the offensive crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, crazy penetration of the opposite attack!

"Impossible, how can your people be so strong!"

Xiao Qing was stunned. Every move of this is the formidable power of a half-orange battle skill!

A genius outside of 90,000 on the genius list, can be counted on one's fingers with a half-orange battle skill, Lin Chen, all of them possess a half-orange battle skill?

When did this battle skill, which is close to the rank of'Orange Legendary', start to rot?

"There are so many things you don't know!"

Lin Chen and the five Avatars instantly body turns into a shadow, sneaking into the void, like an instant disappear, the breath disappears, like transparency Like disappeared, there is only one dragon king left in the audience!

This shocked the Dark Pavilion Qijie. They are the experts of the killers. They are not the best at frontal combat. Assassination is their strongest method, but Lin Chen and the others are extinguished. The methods are actually better than these assassins of them?

Tear and pull~! With the sound of breaking wind, the offensive broke out from behind Dark Pavilion Qijie! Blade light and sword shadows, flying knives flashed instantly, spear glow burst one after another!

[The host completely triggers the purple rank passive innate talent: Strike, formidable power bonus 300%. ]

[The host triggers the purple rank passive innate talent: tear. 】

Boom! boom! boom!

This time, it was all the seven dark pavilions who were repelled, and Xiao Qing was the one who was injured the most!

He was hit by Lin Chen behind him, and any defense was instantly torn apart, and he was seriously injured by Lin Chen's sneak attack!

The attribute ball of light was scattered all over the sky, Lin Chen had no intention of picking it up. He pressed on Xiao Qing every step of the way, just wanting to kill him first!

"Why is his battle skill destructive power so strong as Battle Qi!"

Xiao Qing, who was almost killed by a knife, horrible to see!

It is no accident that Lin Chen’s top grade top grade battle skill of the purple rank can play the half orange rank formidable power!

In the ultimate moment of innate talent, all cultivation techniques formidable power are doubled, core method doubled is 1+1, and the core method in the doubled state will display a battle skill of 2×2, which actually improves Lin Chen’s possession. 4 times the formidable power of battle skill!

The core method enhancement +13 makes Lin Chen's overall elemental attribute value equivalent to increase 240%, which is a considerable increase of battle skill formidable power by about two and a half times!

Finally, most of Lin Chen's battle skills are basically strengthened by +13, which is also an increase of 240% formidable power!

The core method enhancement, the ultimate moment, the battle skill enhancement, and the 3rd-layer enhancement have resulted in a superposition that is almost sky-defying! Lin Chen in the'ultimate moment', the battle skill formidable power he used will surpass the original unenhanced 8.8 times and nearly nine times the battle skill formidable power he used!

What the hell is this concept?

It is equivalent to the battle skill used by Lin Chen at this moment, which is nearly nine times stronger than himself without core method and cultivation technique to strengthen and open the ultimate moment!

The core method of the Nine Tribulations of Genesis itself can become stronger by obtaining nine elemental attribute values. Lin Chen’s core method is better than most of the genius list geniuses, and now it is close to nine. Times the formidable power......

If the complete'strike' innate talent is triggered, it will be close to 12 times! However, the innate talent is triggered and requires hard conditions.

There is no doubt that Lin Chen’s battle skill will surpass the category of art by 9 times the normal state!

Not to mention reaching the orange level, but at least comparable to the half orange battle skill!

What's more frightening is that Lin Chen has never used a Level 6 charge rune until now.

He can bring it up a level!

Tear and pull~! The shadow flashed again, Lin Chen and Avatar dived into the shadow again, and the'Innate Shadow Technique' was brought to its fullest!

In the past, Lin Chen, just maintaining the state of Innate Shadow Secret Art is the limit. This secret technique is extremely concealed, but it consumes Battle Qi too fast, Lin Chen cannot use it for a long time. In battle.

After absorbing the'dark system alien crystal fragments', the energy of the dark system skyrocketed by 150 million points, giving Lin Chen a little squandering capital, which can be used in battle for the first time!

"Rune of Slowness!"

Take advantage of Xiao Qing's serious injury, Lin Chen hit 100 million Level 6 Rune of Slowness, the gray talisman fell from the sky, suppressing the ages, and sealing Xiao Qing all The void of around!

At the moment when the space became slow, Lin Chen raised his hand to hold the blue bright moon and slashed it straight down, splitting a "moon of speed", the moonlight was bright and mighty, and he wanted to cut him with a single knife. In half!

Boom~! baleful aura, killing intent like a dragon! Seven Killing Formation's speed suddenly accelerated, and the breath of Wandao ash-gray emerged from Xiao Qing's body like a sea tide!

This breath not only breaks through the shackles of Rune of Slowness, but also makes Xiao Qing crush Lin Chen's "speed moon" with one claw, Lin Chen is surprised.

At this time, Xiao Qing's breath became particularly violent and cruel!

"Damn it, didn't expect this Young Master to be forced by you to use the seven evil spirits! This is what this Young Master intends to use to hit the seventh millionth genius ranking. The hole card, Lin Chen, you can die well!"

Xiao Qing's voice is hoarse.

At this time, he was wearing a black armor mask, which was like a ghost, with hideous horns and teeth. The root of the mask has a vein like veins and is inserted into Xiao Qing's neck, conveying the coercion of atmospheric bursting!

At this time, Xiao Qing became cruel, crazy, bloodthirsty, like a gunpowder keg that could explode at any time, his cultivation base unexpectedly temporarily broke through to the Three Tribulation Battle Sovereign, which was five times stronger than before. more than!

Dark Pavilion Six Jie, who was influenced by Xiao Qing due to the'Seven Killing Formation', became as crazy and brutal as him. The cultivation base was temporarily promoted to the Second Tribulation Battle Sovereign!

In the ordinary Three Tribulation Battle Sovereign, Lin Chen is not afraid. But the Three Tribulations Battle Sovereign at the level of the genius list is quite terrifying!

Not to mention there are six other people at this time!

"Wearing this mask, you need to pay a certain price. Let me see how many cards you have! You have a back hand, I'm Lin Chen, and more!"

Lin Chen Full of anger, full of pride and laughter, thinking about the system one after another, turn on the Level 6 charging rune in one go!

Both of his hands hold the knife, the azure blue moon glows like a blue light, like a mirror moon hanging in the sky, it seems to burst out with the knife!

"Mirror Moon Evil God!"


A moonlight flashes out from the blue blade, slashing across the sky! Like the moon in a mirror, it is brighter than all the light of the world, and the sky is reflected by the moonlight in an instant!

Reflecting the water and moon like the Star River falling down, slashing the sky!

Xiao Qing's pupils trembled with fear, this blade, he felt the smell of destruction!

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