"I'm pooh."

Lian Daihua took a sip of disdain.

touched the chin said with a sneer wearing five high level ring-like fingers-"You are not qualified to know the identity of this Young Master. I will give you a piece of advice, A man who can't afford to support his own woman, he is not as good as waste. Now take the money and get out, don't be shameless!"

After that, he mobilized Najie and threw thousands of silver to Lin Chen Sacred dollar coins, with a rich and imposing look.

The silver sacred dollar coins rolled down, making others look dazzled.

In just one sentence, Leng Yueqi, Sister Su Lan, Liu Lin'er and Yue Linlin looked cold, killing intent!

Lin Chen raised his hand to stop the girls while Battle Qi swept away, flicking off his silver sacred dollar coin, and said with a smile in a personable manner: "What a coin-slotter, I can’t think of being in the world. There are people who throw coins like this. It seems that you are very rich?"

"Grade 4 Chamber of Commerce Wanjin Club President, even Wanjin is my father, let me crawl if you know you!"

When Lian Daihua was arrogant, the gray shirt old woman stood beside Lin Chen and released a ray of Shengwei to warn him - "Lian boy, want to make trouble? Really think I'm bullying in Bingxin Palace? "

"Holy realm...hmph! I don't care about you for the time being, a trash that only knows how to hide behind others, I want to concoct you, like a pig and a dog!"

Sweeping a glance at the Shuangsheng behind Lin Chen, even Dai Hua walked away, sarcastically.

"If you dare to participate in the conference and meet someone from Juetian Pavilion, you will be brutally abused! If you are more acquainted, get out quickly. Trifling Fan Snake also wants to win glory with True Dragon and humiliate himself."

"Hey, you forgot to bring your coins."

Lin Chen flicks with the finger, roll up the fallen silver coins and throw them back to Lian Daihua, who is casual Put away, disdain to leave.

Lin Chen asked the two girls: "He is rich?"

Yue Linlin helpless——"He is a hedonistic son of rich parents, indeed very rich and not capable Weak, and joined the Juetian Pavilion in the Profound Domain, a sect composed entirely of young geniuses."

"If the squad leader finds him annoying, Linlin and I will take care of him after the conference. "

Liu Lin'er smiled softly, but there was a deep murderous intention hidden in the smile!

Her title is Beautiful Woman of Thousand Poisons. She kills people in the midst of talking and laughing, and the methods are so cruel that it makes people hear about it.

She is an opponent that most geniuses don’t want to face. Attacks are easy to block, and poison qi is hard to defend. Unless she is a cultivation base crusher, she doesn’t know when she was poisoned and she died unclear. White!

Perhaps only the tiny few people and the young man in front of her can make her smile.

"Hey, they have grown up. Everyone, everyone who can't handle the class leader can say that they did him for me."

Lin Chen pretended to be embarrassed, Liu Lin'er cheeks flushed.

"Don't worry, this kind of stuff, it's not difficult for you monitor me."

Lin Chen laughed, how about the son of Grade 4 Chamber of Commerce, the foundation of Grade 4 forces The condition is that there are two spirit plants of inferior spirit plant. Isn't he Lin someone?

He will throw coins, but someone Lin, will pretend to be forced.


In a loft, dozens of Handsome Men and Beautiful Women gathered for a table to negotiate and drink.

"The champion of this conference, our Juetian Pavilion is bound to win, let these hillbillies of Qiyu see the foundation of our Profound Realm."

"I don't know that Lin Chen will I won’t come, dare to kill our people from Juetian Pavilion, the dog is not timid!"

"This coward was targeted by the Dark Pavilion. How dare to show up, I am afraid it is not hiding in the corner now."


"We will look at the information that Lian Daihua brought back later, and see if there are a few worthy opponents to our Juetian Pavilion."

tone barely fell, Lian Daihua wore a suit Fatty, with a gloomy complexion, walked into the pavilion room.

A white clothed youth leaned against the screen, with his hands resting on the back of his head, and whistled to Lian Daihua.

"Wants to come to come, Dai Hua, what's the love over there... What are you doing, your eyes are staring like preserved eggs, your kid has a fire, send it to the Pavilion Lord, and send it to the Master. Go!"

"Damn it, I met a woman who dared to touch Laozi!"

Everyone asked curiously. interest.

Interestingly, who is not long-eyed should offend them Juetian Pavilion!

"You are really stupid, you didn't even ask your name."

"He will definitely participate, when the time comes, we will take turns to ravage him, hahaha! Dai Hua, don't worry. , In this tone, we helped you out, do this kid!"

"Dare to provoke us Juetian Pavilion, courting death! If you meet him in Wusai, I will abolish him!"


A giant dragon head ship docked in the void outside Wanri Square, and a group of strong men walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger came down!

The headed young man has sharp eyebrows, and his body is full of baleful aura, as if he walked out of the Great Wilderness with a million blood.

"Junhao, play well in this martial arts competition. You have the strength of the genius list. Take this four-party conference to make you famous!"

Several robust men laughed proudly. Although the white clothed youth looked serious, they were already excited in their hearts!

"According to the character of the big brother, since he has come to the holy world, there is no reason to be absent from this kind of event!"

This young man, as if joining the holy world, sect'White Dragon Sect''s Bai Junhao!

At the venue of Southwest, a red clothed youth with an evil spirit and madness had his eyes brightened and looked all around. What is strange is that he does not look at beautiful women, only men, and only stares at the Chrysanthemum area...

The young man has an empty sleeve, which is actually one-armed.

"I knew you, a pervert, would come to a place with many men."

A ridiculous voice rang from behind the youth, the red clothed youth turned around, facing each other, grinning, Both sides stretched out their fists and touched them.

"Mother, Ying Liang, your kid has not seen you for two years, and he has become a lot more handsome!"

"I like Morrowind, you tell the truth, hahaha!"

The two hooked up their shoulders and laughed at each other.

"I heard that the squad leader has already arrived in the Holy Realm. He slaughtered the Dark Pavilion Young Pavilion Lord as soon as he came! Grass, so happy, we can't lose him this time!"

"Of course, let's go, have a drink together, and sign up together after drinking, haha! This time the Sifang martial arts competition first get a genius ranking ranking!"


Registration venue; vast crowd, but there is a special channel on the side.

If there is a sect recommendation, there is no need to line up, just enter the special channel directly.

A woman with purple hair is slender and beautiful, with blue eyes full of limpid autumn water, she said indifferently.

"St. Pill Pavilion · Han Ziyun, sign up to participate in the alchemy tournament."

The beautiful lady has just finished signing up, and there are a few messages from the side of the special channel or she is rebellious. , Or a cynical voice.

"Juetian Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord · Mo Jingchen, sign up for the competition. Members: Yun Zhentian, Xia Jianfeng, Luo Wuji, Long Yang, Xiao Qianyu, sign up for single martial arts competitions, team martial arts competitions , Refining medicine, casting, Prediction Master, rhythm, appreciating treasure project."

The beauty of Zifa has serious eyes, and she is surprised--"It is actually a person from the Juetian Pavilion. The stunning 2nd Grade Sect pie..."

The appearance of Jueten Pavilion caused a burst of surprise and attention.

Next, there was a joking chuckle from further away, so that everyone in the registration venue was quiet for a moment!

"Lin Chen, the deputy director of the Dark Horse Club, signed up for the competition. Members: Zhendechang, Zhendejiu, Zhendeying, Zhendeshuai, Zhende Show, Zhendepi, participating in single-man martial arts Competition, team martial arts, medicine refining, casting, Prediction Master, rhythm, appreciating treasure project."

Hearing this familiar voice and tone, the lovely body of the lady with purple hair froze, and beautiful eyes revealed complexities. The splendor and a bit unbelievable!

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