

Almost at the same time, when the registration of the'Dark Horse Club' sounded, it was absolutely amazing Ge and Lin Chen entire group looked at each other!

At this moment of dignity to the extreme, three drunk Little Brothers stepped into the special passage of the registration venue, hooked their shoulders and put their backs together, and there was a burst of lowly laughed.

"Hey, the wine is really delicious. A while ago, a beautiful girl came over and asked if I had ever seen the most handsome man. She handed me a mirror and said The person in the mirror is the most handsome, grass! I was so angry that I drew a portrait of our monitor on the mirror on the spot!"

"Ying Liang, your kid wouldn't be so drunk when he ate a peanut just now! "

The three brothers walked into the registration venue, and the drunk-eyed three suddenly stunned! Staring straight at the silver robe boy in front of the counter!

Lin Chen looked back and hoped that when the three drunk three people were drunk, he also stayed in place! It was Ying Liang, Bai Junhao and Gu Chenfeng!

"I rely on, is the monitor?"

"Big brother!"

"My grass, I have hallucinations after drinking too much?"

When the three of them exclaimed in unison, they sneered, and the wind broke like a knife, and the people of Juetian Pavilion took the lead in attacking Lin Chen!

"hehe, the people of the dark horse club, let me come experience!"

"Pavilion Lord has ordered that you have to give him a gift if you meet Lin Chen. !"

The wrist swung swiftly, the red flames circulated, and the power was ferocious. They gathered in the sharp hand knife and crossed Lin Chen's head. A whip leg is like an axe, and the wind blade Battle Qi winds around the room, smashing and smashing!

There is even more fierce spiral fist, hitting Lin Chen in the abdomen and leaving! The three afterimages are as fast as they are shining, the genius of Juetian Pavilion, there are three people who besiege Lin Chen in one encounter!

Lin is calm, face doesn't change. At this moment, many powerhouses in the registration venue did not stop it. It seems that everyone wants to see Lin Chen's methods and depth!

Boom~! The thunder-like anger on the ground exploded!

A closer look, all the attacks of the three were taken!

But it was not Lin Chen who blocked it. Instead, Ying Liang, Bai Junhao, and Gu Chenfeng made the move!

They each stand by Lin Chen's side, parrying each other's whip legs, fist marks, hand knives, Bai Junhao arm dragon scales, Ying Liang is surrounded by sword qi, and Gu Chenfeng's head is covered. blood light killing intent, shaped like a knife!

"Dare to move the squad leader (big brother), pass our level first!"

The three of them showed the standard'respect the old and cherish the young' smile of Class 66. !

"Oh? It's kind of ability..."

The three geniuses of Juetian Pavilion were a little surprised, and were about to make another move when they came coldly shouted.


It is the Vice Pavilion Lord, Mo Jingchen has spoken!

His eyebrows are like knives, his breath is cold, and his face is stern, he walks slowly in front of Lin Chen. The three geniuses of Juetian Pavilion retreated, their eyes facing each other, and they were very close.

Lin has a serious face. When everyone thought he was paying attention to his opponent, he suddenly jumped out.

"Well, I'm still handsome as expected."

Everyone is overwhelmed!

"Lin Chen, your life belongs to the Pavilion Lord. He has ordered your life to belong to the Pavilion Lord of Juetian Pavilion. In the martial arts tournament, life and death are in peace. I hope you can stick to the final round. , Otherwise it would be boring."

Mo Jingchen's aloof and remote attitude made Lin Chen curious and asked.

"Does the Pavilion Lord of the Absolute Heaven Pavilion like men? What kind of imperial appointment to me, I have not seen me before Lin? It seems that the Pavilion Lord of the Absolute Heaven Pavilion is jealous My Lin is handsome! Or that he and Ji Wutian have an affair. After Ji Wutian was beheaded by me, his Master Pavilion Lord could not find a suitable chrysanthemum for him?"

pu chi ~!

Many people in the venue laughed on the spot.

"Your bitch mouth is very hard, it looks like you have to smash it first!"

The light girl next to Mo Jingchen's face looked like frost, The former stretched out his hand.

"This is the venue, and we still have to respect the rules here. Lin Chen, see you in Wusai!"

"See you in Wusai, the rules of our club are life and death. If you don’t accept it, do it. If you want to do it, we will accompany you to the end! Only ask about the time and place in the fight, don’t talk to me about those who don’t, if you’re not convinced, I’ll fight you now!"

Lin Chen raised his brows and leaked domineeringly. The five Avatars behind him and the humanoid Dragon Emperor immediately surrounded the people of Juetian Pavilion!

Gu Chenfeng, Bai Junhao and Ying Liang were surprised. How long has passed since then, how come there are so many squad leaders around! In terms of oppression, they are not inferior to those of Juetian Pavilion!

"Fuck! You are actually a poor man!"

"Where did Xiaoxiao come from, dare to move my Juetian Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord, courting death?"

Another group of silhouettes emerged at the venue, including other geniuses of Juetian Pavilion including Lian Daihua!

The atmosphere is dazzling, and it's on the verge!

All the forces and powerhouse in the registration venue almost held their breath at the same time!

Black Horse Clubhouse and Juetian Pavilion!

One side is a mysterious force who was born out of the sky, suspected to destroy 30 genius list geniuses, behead the Dark Pavilion seven geniuses, and suddenly kill seven genius list geniuses!

One party is a Legendary force composed entirely of the second generation ancestors of Grade 3 and Grade 4 sect. Although they are listed in the 2nd Grade Sect faction, they have the highest resources, the best teachers, and the highest priority rights. , The creation of Pavilion Lord is extremely talented of 70,000 in the genius list!

There is no doubt that both parties are Qiyu and Xuanyu come out first, the most legendary sect, unexpectedly encountered in this juncture!

Who is better?

Almost everyone is looking forward to it! Even those sacred realm powers are no exception!

The more intense the collision between geniuses, the more exciting it is! Because only competition can give birth to more top geniuses and an infinite future!

"hehe, the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before. Little fellows, the venue will not allow you to fight. If there are any problems, wait until the martial arts to solve them."

The peaceful laughter of the old man suddenly reverberating in the venue, but it contained a unique magical power that suppressed the imposing manner of the crowd in the body, and contained a kind of purity that educates the world.

"It's a great good fortune Saint senior... a powerful method."

The geniuses of Juetian Pavilion are secretly shocked, Lin Chen disagrees.

"Since the good luck senior has spoken, then I will sell the face of senior in Juetian Pavilion."

Mo Jingchen is a cup one fist in the other hand, with Juetian When the pavilion's people left, they secretly sound transmission to Lin Chen.

"Ms. Yan Qianyun was born noble, and she is right in front of our Pavilion Lord. You are not someone who can get your hands dirty. Don’t think that killing a Dark Pavilion Seven Jie is supercilious. The world is huge. You are just a man. a frog in well. If you dare to cross the boundary, more than one Dark Pavilion will find you by then!"

Hear the sound transmission of the other party, Lin Chen startled!

What's the situation? Yan Qianyun?

She also came to the holy world?

Okay, it turned out that this Prediction Master genius little elder sister gave me a show of Lin!

Lin Chen suddenly shouted at Mo Jingchen.

"Is it my fault that the pavilion Lord your shit likes me? I'm so annoying! Damn, I bear the handsomeness that shouldn't be at this age, you know my pressure How big is it? Really annoying!"


The corners of the mouths of the people in the venue were violently pumping...

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