Xuanyu, Purple Brothel Pavilion.

A handsome and upright young man has an elegant manner, talking and laughing, showing a little endowed with extraordinary intelligence of absolute self-confidence.

"Qian Yun, really don’t think about it. If I make it to the evildoer list in the future, I will definitely promise you the first genius list!"

The young man persuaded me, the opposing beauty Wearing a long purple and black dress, his figure is astonishing, and the delicate mountains are like a unique landscape, like the stars under the dark night and the orchids in the empty valley.

Her blue silk is like snow, peach blossoms and blue eyes, her eyebrows are like a distant mountain in March, with white teeth and cherry lips. The purple and black dress with stars adds to her quiet and elegant beauty. The mysterious color.

At this time, the beautiful woman puts her chin on her slender hand, and the breeze blows the ends of her hair dancing, her beautiful eyes are in a daze, staring into the distance, completely ignoring the former.

The youth seems to be extremely patient and not anxious, said with a slight smile: "If you don't like it, I can explore the many Immemorial Prediction Master ruins and battlefields for you, and discover the secrets of Prediction Master."

She hasn't paid any attention, but the young man still says-"Qianyun, I can help you break through the holy realm and aspire to Peak."

The beautiful eyes are fascinating, the young man is gentle and elegant The demeanor, slowly put away, calmly said.

"My eyeliner space is sending a letter, a guy named Lin Chen has arrived at the Quartet Conference."

Swipe~! The beautiful woman turns her head, beautiful eyes are shining brilliantly, the style is peerless, and the world is full of beauty!

Seeing that the beautiful woman has such a big fluctuation because of this name, the snow-clothed youth who is very deep around the city can't help but flash a bit of irritation!

But he suppressed his anger, stood up, and sorted his clothes.

"Qian Yun, one day you will understand my heart. As for the Lin Chen you mentioned, I will bring his head to see you."

Ren’er’s beautiful eyes condensed, and finally opened her mouth, her lips lightly opened-"Chen Feng, you will regret it."

"Regret? Are you threatening me? For this man, you dare to threaten me "

The young man was extremely angry and laughed back. She gently shook her head and stared into the distance, beautiful eyes flowing with blue waves.

"The people who have offended him have no good end. He has always been like this. From that small wasteland to Ling State and Nine Provinces, he has always exceeded everyone's expectations. He has , Pick the fighting spirit of War God! No one can overwhelm him, even if it is you, there is nothing in front of him."

"Joke!" Chen Feng waved his sleeves, "I created 2nd Grade Sect by Chen Feng. Pie, it only took ten years to reach 70,000 on the genius list. In today's holy world, besides the enchanting list, how many people can fight with me mention on equal terms! Why does he fight with me!"

"Only with you, only aiming at the enchanting list, short-sighted, pretentious, arrogant and proud. If it is him, it will not stop here."

Yan Qianyun smiled, peerless grace and elegance. Look at Chen Feng!


"Who, is it my fault to be too handsome!"

Someone Lin was'filled with righteous indignation' and called injustice in a serious manner. All the people in Juetian Pavilion were so angry that their veins were exposed, and all of them were so angry that they were all green, and left in anger.

Yue Linlin laughed wildly beside her, and Ying Liang exclaimed: "The monitor is really a role model of my generation. I have seen shameless, and I have never seen someone as shameless as the monitor!"

Before Lin Chen had time to recount with Bai Junhao, a coldly snorted woman with crisp lithe and graceful resentment sounded from behind him.

"Yes, I don't know which handsome guy forced the girl to the corner and touched it and left. The color heart is not bold."

Purple The hair was like a waterfall, and the pretty beauty stood beside Lin Chen, staring at Lin Chen with a bit of resentment, as if anger and joy.

"Huh? Zi Yun, why are you here too! I've grown up since I haven't seen you for so long. Brother Laichen hugs...Mom, who pinches my old waist...!"


restaurant, everyone gathers.

Leng Yueqi, Sister Su Lan, Yue Linlin, Liu Lin'er, Han Ziyun, Bai Junhao, Ying Liang, Gu Chenfeng, almost half of the people who went to the Holy Realm were there!

"Squad leader, you are too interesting. I created a sect, so why don’t you call us!"

"Yes, big brother, we are all in class 66. It’s over, it must be if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers! We also want to join the dark horse club!"

Bai Junhao and Ying Liang shouted Lin Chen, not enough!

"Squad leader and squad leader, I also want to join the club!"

Yue Linlin's eyes beamed, and his face looked like'the squad leader led me to make trouble.'

"No, you can't join the Dark Horse Club!"

Speaking of this, Lin Chen looked solemn.

Lin Chen, the sect rule of the holy world, knows that if you unconditionally dig out the dísciple of other forces, you will have to pay a big price.

Especially everyone like now, even if there is no ranking, almost all have the battle strength of the genius list. When they join the Dark Horse Club, it means that Lin Chen wants to take away the sect's young power behind them, which is basically to offend them all!

Sect exhausted a lot of resources to cultivate a true biography, but instead it was dug out by other forces, and no one can stand it.

Secondly, he himself is now trespassing in the holy realm, and he will surely provoke many powerful enemies. If everyone joins the Dark Horse Club, they will become a target instead, which does more harm than good.

He is alone, and he retreats. Anyway, he is his own Avatar. It is most convenient for him to act alone.

There are no outsiders on the scene, and Lin Chen does not hide it, and tells it all.

When everyone knows that the'Dark Horse Club' is the Avatar of their squad leader, they can't help but twitch their mouths...

This is too fierce! The story of the geniuses of the 36th Territory's famous massacre of geniuses before feelings, turned out to be the record of his own squad leader!

"My mother, big brother, Bai Junhao is convinced..."

"I didn't expect the squad leader to make such a big noise when he came to the Holy Realm."

"I think this confusing hand is good! Anyway, no one knows the dark horse club, the mysterious origin, but it can shock many younger generations."

Everyone, you say me. After an excited discussion, Lin Chen and Leng Yueqi looked at each other and smiled. Everyone hasn't changed at all, as if Lin Chen would always be full of vitality as long as Lin Chen was around.


On the other side; on the last day before the registration deadline, the cloud boat docked at Wanri Square.

A woman wearing a veil doesn’t show her true face, she can see the leopard just by looking at her exquisite and slender figure. This woman must be a devastatingly beautiful person. She speaks and behaves well even when she takes a lotus step. There is an elegance engraved in the bones.

The beautiful lady went to the special registration channel and gave a polite nod.

"Jianbao Grade 3 sect ·Tiangang Baibaomen recommended, dísciple Shangguan Bihan, sign up: Jianbao project."

As soon as this statement came out, many seniors were surprised. color!

It was actually that Tiangang Baibaomen who claimed to have recruited the strongest Jianbao genius since its establishment, Shangguan Bihan?

The Old Senior who was responsible for recording the registration couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"Good fellow, even this little evildoer is here. It is said that she can even see through the lost Holy Artifact at a young age. There are countless veteran Treasure Appraisers in the Profound Realm. It seems that this time the champion It has already been booked in advance..."

After signing up, the beautiful lady Lianbu moved away slightly, beautiful eyes staring in a certain direction, her eyebrows curled up, and she smiled.

"This time I am a strong enemy, Lin Chen Young Master from Heavenly God~"

In this four-party conference, the wind and clouds gathered together, and the dark horse club was born. After entering the Quartet Conference, the giving tit for tat will directly point to the dark horse club, and it will detonate everyone's attention!

focal point of ten thousands, the Four-Party Conference, ushered in the opening!

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