Part of the powerhouse aura riots, the action of desire rushed to rob Lin Chen’s two million silver sacred coins, which were piled up like a mountain, and finally they were all standing on the sacred place. Be shocked!

Lin lay in the pile of money and asked unlovably.

"Junhao, Ying Liang, you said in your heart that you are embarrassed to be such a poor squad leader with me? I really have nothing except handsome!"

Bai Junhao and the others rolled around laughing on the spot!

Squad leader, too much! The whole world owes you a golden man!

Feeling all around, the more and more attention is cast, Juetian Pavilion and the others complexion ashen, green and red for a while, shameful!

Especially even Dai Hua, almost bursting out of anger! What a shame!

Who was just now arrogantly and pompously mocking people for having no money? Laughing at others who can't even support their own women?

That's two spirit plants! It's as strong as Grade 4 sect.

Don't even mention raising one, even if you raise a group, raising a hundred is no problem!

Although the geniuses of Juetian Pavilion were born in Grade 3 and Grade 4 forces, they are only one of the forces, not the entire force!

Any sect force rarely exists and exhausts all resources for a single person!

Qiyun spirit plant is related to the lifeblood of the entire force and the source of cultivation resources. It is related to the development and continuation of the entire force. Even if they are the noble second generation ancestors or family heirs, they can only enjoy Tens or even one percent of the cultivation resources of the spirit plant!

But the resources they enjoy may seem to be a lot to outsiders, but in front of Lin who holds two spirit plants, it is a fart!

Who is a frog in well? Who is the real poor?

inviting humiliation to oneself! Juetian Pavilion, this is the real inviting humiliation to oneself!

How awe-inspiring they were when they were on stage before, now they are so embarrassed and embarrassed that they can’t wait to pack their things and leave!

Just staying on the table is enough courage! All around, more and more fiery eyes were cast, like a knife cut on the faces of Juetian Pavilion and other geniuses, losing all the faces of the previous life!

"Eh, every rich person in Juetian Pavilion, what's the matter, why are you still packing things up!"

"Don’t, there are so many delicious foods. It’s wasted! Are you humiliating me, a poor person who can’t eat enough? Huh? Are you? Can’t you afford to play!"

Lin Chen asked about the "soul torture" and asked the Supreme Court. A group of geniuses gnashing teeth, their complexion flushed, it's him, who is humiliating whom?

"Inviting humiliation to oneself must endure."

At this moment; the Vice Pavilion Lord of the Juetian Pavilion, Mo Jingchen said indifferently, he was in the Juetian Pavilion just now A few people who did not humiliate Lin Chen with Lian Daihua and the others.

"Since I have taken the shot, I must be able to afford to lose. My Juetian Pavilion has been along the way and the goal is Peak, but it is by no means invincible. Don't forget our purpose here."

With a word, Vice Pavilion Lord bowed the heads of all the geniuses, training them to be convinced. There was no such arrogance as before, which made many people secretly startled.

Deserving to be the Vice Pavilion Lord of Juetian Pavilion, this kind of tolerance and indifferent, many geniuses are unmatched!

At this time, the three sanctuary judges on the stage sat back to their positions with trembling hands, their mouths were dry, but their eyes were extremely excited!

"I found it, Long Qingguo!"

"We finally found Long Qingguo, and the stubborn disease in the body can be cured!"

" This kid has the Dragon Ching Tree, and the energy produces the Dragon Ching Fruit, so he has to trade him..."

Long Ching Fruit is too important to them. They searched the Profound Realm and the Strange Realm back then, but they didn't find too much, but Lin Chen actually had a Longqing Tree in his hand!

"Lin Chen, your life still belongs to the Pavilion Lord. This question will not change. You do have a lot of resources. But true powerhouse is always the strength to speak. Let your people come to power, both of us. The real thing!"

Mo Jingchen's eyes were sharp and he shot Lin Chen directly.

Seeing the opponent's showdown, the'actor' Lin simply stopped acting, resting his head with both hands, leaning against Long Qingshu, and whistling cynically.

"Zhen Dejiu, go up and play with them."

'Zhen Dejiu' wears a black coat, has handsome features, pale face, extremely cold breath, and a knife on his waist.

Zhen Dejiu stood up, his cold face opened with a smile, which is very rare, such as the darkness covering the clouds and the sun suddenly shining a ray of sunlight, he cups one fist in the other hand to Lin Chen : "Yes!"

Tear and pull~! silhouette Flashes quickly, takes a dark step, steps on the stage, stands against the wind, and stands by the knife.

Mo Jingchen raised his eyes, and Xia Jianfeng, with three feet azure edge, was seriously nodded and swept away like a sword light straight on the stage!

Everyone is in an uproar!

The Sword Emperor vs. the Sword Emperor!

Lin Chen put away all the silver sacred dollar coins and two spirit plants of Qiyun spirit plant. On the way to the conference, his Tianyi holy water has consumed three-quarters, but in exchange for entering'Peak Qingyao tree and Longqing tree in growth period.

The spirit plant in the Peak period can mass produce more than one million silver sacred dollar coins per month. This does not include the medicine ingredient and spirit plant specialties produced. If these are also included, The value is incalculable!

Not to mention also to have one Longqing tree that is about to become extinct, Lin Chen's wealth is comparable to Grade 3 Peak sect and even Grade 4 forces!

"Squad leader, this is too fun!" Bai Junhao

Yue Linlin excitedly waved her little pink fist--"haha, let those who look down on us know us The squad leader is great, and he pretends, cut it!"


Han Ziyun smiled with his finger on Lin Chen's forehead. For so many years, he seems to have not Change it.

In fact, Lin Chen shared everyone’s massive cultivation resources before the start of the conference, especially Qingyao jade dew, which has 20 bottles per person and 15 dragon fruit per person. As for medicine, The ingredient is for everyone to pick it up.

When I knew that Lin Chen owned two spirit plants, the shock of Class 66 was no different from everyone in the venue.

As for tall trees attract the wind? Lin Chen had already given up! He has been spotted by the Dark Pavilion. Lin Chen predicts that there will never be more than one Dark Pavilion secretly coveting him. In that case, why not disturb the situation and make the situation even more chaotic!

Either you are not crazy, low-key and muffled to make a fortune. But now that it's on the table, it's crazy to the end! To mess things up beyond the enemy's expectations, this is the only probability to live without relying on others!

This four-party conference is when Lin Chen accumulates his strength!

Look at the battle stage again, the sword is everywhere, and the atmosphere is on the verge!

Many spectators began to hold their breath and watch the battle with concentration.

From the perspective of the rankings, Zhen Dejiu (94171) and Xia Jianfeng (86,441) are not at the same level!

On the cultivation base; one side is the late 9th layer, and the other is the Battle Sovereign. The gap in the cultivation base of the genius list has a decisive advantage!

Even if more people are optimistic about Xia Jianfeng, this battle is still full of expectations, because the people in the dark horse club are full of mysterious!

The referee of the Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign cultivation base gave an order!

"Single-player martial arts first round, Juetian Pavilion Xia Jianfeng, face off; Dark Horse Clubhouse, Zhendejiu! Start!"

Swipe~! Boom~!

The sword light flashes vertically, and Xia Jianfeng's sword is out!

His sword technique thousand hammers, hundred refinements, without the slightest fancy, drew the sword with a flash, like a white light piercing the rainbow, and pierced Zhende for a long time!

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