Xia Jianfeng's sword is extremely fast, and over 90% of the spectators did not see him pulling the sword clearly! His strength is not inferior to Xiao Qing who Lin Chen beheaded!

The aura suddenly skyrocketed. Under the seven-fold change, Zhen Dejiu's aura skyrocketed. Pulling out the dragon yao like a crooked moon, the sword and shadow wheel turned like a mirror!

Clang~! Baihong sword light bounced back towards Xia Jianfeng with the turning of the sword shadow, amazed all the sword kings present!

bang bang bang! When Xia Jianfeng blocked his sword to parry his sword light, he burst all around. The air current blade suddenly rose, the moon light flashed, and the'speed of the moon' slashed horizontally, speed to the pinnacle!

Shoo~! A nether shadow shattered like a phantom light, shredded by the moon of speed.

Xia Jianfeng retreated safely, his purple-tier top movement method'ghost shadow three flashes' can explode with extremely high speed in a short distance.

Tear and pull~!

'Zhen Dejiu' takes a dark step, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, Dark Tribulation Battle Qi twists and turns, closely behind Xia Jianfeng, followed by another knife!

clang! Swords intersected, sparks shot in all directions, sword light smashed together like lightning, and countless viewers were both surprised and surprised!

Zhen Dejiu actually confronted Neng and Xia Jianfeng? The ranking gap between the two sides is nearly 9,000!

"The overbearing pure power of more than 20 million dragon power is blessed on the Blade Technique. Interesting is worthy of being able to kill the Dark Pavilion Seven Masters. However, compared to my Xuanyang sword body, it is inferior. Too far, death!"

Xia Jianfeng has sharp eyebrows, and the 9th layer of Xuanyang sword qi bursts all over his body, one after the other is overbearing. Contains two top grade sword techniques of the purple stage?

No, it's not over yet! Xia Jianfeng has a double sword with double skills, long left sleeve with a sword in his sleeve, and a round of reverse splits, making Zhen Dejiu use the "Mirror of Defending" parry to become a resistance. It is actually the technique of double swords?

Xuanyang sword body + double sword stunt, instantly counter-suppresses true virtue for a long time!

"Really strong, Xia Jianfenggui is a descendant of the sword saint of Grade 4 Aristocratic Family. Not many people have ever been able to force his true strength!"

"His sword dao innate The talent is superb, with double swords superimposed, and the sword technique formidable power has doubled. He is far more than just the strength on the ranking!"

"It is already very strong to be able to fight Xia Jianfeng to this point, really Dejiu is defeated without resentment!"

Xia Jianfeng stepped closely to Dejiu, his sword technique was like a tide, and a shard of the sun system in his body was shining brightly, constantly blessing his sword technique. formidable power!

Xia Jianfeng used at least four top grade purple sword techniques, including four completely different sword dao styles, which are perfectly compatible and can face any opponent calmly. This battle is almost one-sided!

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed. The strength of this Xia Jianfeng is better than Xiao Qing, who is not wearing the "Seven Demons", but Xiao Qing is good at assassination because he was caught by stealing Ancient Saint inheritance. In the case of frontal combat, the skills are different in specialization.

But there is no doubt that Xia Jianfeng and Xiao Qing must belong to the same level of battle strength, the successor of Grade 4!

"Let's lose!"

Xia Jianfeng's two swords suddenly picked up, smashed the'Mirror of Shou', and picked up Zhen Dejiu's Long Yao sword. The sword technique is such as directly attacking the root of the problem, cut it off!

It was almost a final moment, but Vice Pavilion Lord Mo Jingchen suddenly shouted coldly!

"Sword wind, retreat!"

Xia Jianfeng stagnated, he unconditionally trusted Mo Jingchen, and he wanted to forcibly retract the sword technique to show the movement method and retreat!

Shih~! sword qi After the rhyme is cut, Zhen Dejiu's clothes are ripped apart, but he rushes forward without hesitation, clenching his fist and condensing his momentum!

Boom~! The airflow twisted and collapsed, and there was a cracking sound. The power of Zhendejiu, who had lost the knife, did not decrease but increased. The blue and secluded brilliance flowed all over his body. The pure power of the mysterious circulated and condensed in the arm, and punched out!

"Ultimate Moment·Seven Powers in One!"

The shot of this fist, like the seven barbarian dragons flying, actually pulled the airflow with strange force, making Xia Jianfeng’s figure. stopped, was violently beaten up by a punch head-on!

He can only parry the sword horizontally in front of him, urge the defensive battle skill to expand the sword light barrier, and force it!

Bang~! カka ka! The formidable power of this fist skyrocketed to an extremely abnormal state. The pure power penetrates through the defense battle skill and penetrates the body with the force of'twisting, penetrating and killing', making his defense burst and defense Treasure Item burst!

pu chi ~! Xia Jianfeng vomited blood and dropped dozens of attribute light balls, but a sudden sound of breaking the wind sounded, making him have one's hair stand on end!

He is so familiar with the tearing sound of this cutting airflow! It's his "Jueying Flying Knife" that belongs to his Juetian Pavilion and Ji Wutian!

【Host Avatar completely triggers passive innate talent and strikes. Activate Level 6 to charge rune and Level 5 to penetrate rune! 】

"Da Ri Tian Yan Sword!"

How can the other party know how to fly a sword, Xia Jianfeng took out the strongest sword, the half-orange Da Ri Tian Yan Sword, two sword qi in the hand burst into grandiose orange flames!

"Break it to me!"

Double swords cut horizontally, the wheel splits behind and up ahead, two extremely flashing blazing blades, with a bang, slashed away. In the scorching air waves, two streamer afterimages were intercepted in the air, and they were two extremely fast-rotating flying knives!

With a bang, 25% of the penetrating formidable power twisted the sword light and burst into pieces. The two swords were shaken and the rays of light were dim. The flying knife was cut open. Xia Jianfeng was startled inwardly, inwardly startled in one's heart —— "really strong formidable power, the Juying Flying Knife out of the martial arts angel is also strong, but you are always impossible to have a third knife..."

pu chi~~!

Blade glow flashed, and at the moment two throwing knives were cut apart, a blade glow emerged from the top of his head, slashing towards Xia Jianfeng!

At the crucial moment, he unconsciously urged the movement method to avoid a little, the blade glow cut off his right shoulder and right arm, and the sun-type crystal fragments in his body fell, blood Toss and fly! The body shape instinctively retreats!


Xia Jianfeng is unbelievable, Jueying Flying Sword! He actually learned the Jueying Throwing Knife Three-Linked Perfectly!

Shih~! A piece of sapphire shattered. This is one of Xia Jianfeng's Life Protecting Talisman. The sword saint refined by sword saint can only predict the danger once and allow the body to make a fine-tuned response.

Boom~! Zhen Dejiu's aggressive attack, Xia Jianfeng's cold sweat, like a big Hah!

"I surrender!"

Tear~! The referee of the Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign immediately dispatched, and he stopped Zhen Dejiu in the air. He calmly collected Xia Jianfeng’s sun-type alien crystal fragments and the attribute light ball.

[Get 40 million cultivation technique essence, 7,900 cultivation technique essence, 190,000 Fire Element Energy, 780,000 innate talent points...]

[Open five amethyst treasure chests, Obtained: 20 rune evolution stones, 10 million innate talent points, 40,000 enhancement points...]

You lost?

All the audience were stunned. Zhen Dejiu, who had previously fallen into a disadvantage, turned his defeat into victory in a few tricks?

After the sword saint of genuine, it is also the inheritance son of Grade 4 Aristocratic Family. The strength of the foundation is not inferior to that of the Peak dísciple of many Grade 4 sects. The people in the dark horse club gave skipping grades to defeated?

This scene has changed the expressions of many geniuses in Juetian Pavilion!

How did he learn Ji Wutian's shadow flying knife? Also cultivated to the point of'Juying Sanlian'!

What's even more terrifying is that his'Juying Three Lian' is better than Ji Wutian's by several grades, and each sword has reached the level of half orange!

Jue Ying came out in three consecutive times, and even took advantage of the sneak attack, and Xia Jianfeng was defeated! Without even Mo Jingchen's prompt, Mo Jingchen will die directly!

"Give me back my alien crystal fragments!"

Xia Jianfeng coldly shouted, Zhen Dejiu asked without saying a word, holding a knife—"The wind is too big, you say What? Say it again?"

"If you don't accept it, you will be beaten. If you have the ability, you will grab it."

Zhen Dejiu glanced at him disdainfully and stepped down directly.


Xia Jianfeng almost vomited blood, even if he lost in the martial arts competition, he lost an arm and paid for a strange crystal fragment, and he lost his grandma's house!

"According to the rules, he didn't violate the rules."

Elder said indifferently.

At this time, from the seat of the'Dark Horse Club', Lin Chen angered Hah!

"Fuck! What did you do for Zhendejiu, you take me I lost all my face!"

Audience: "?"

What's the matter?

Is he ashamed of you when he wins simply and neatly?

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