"These two little girls took a lot of effort. They are pure-blooded virgin girls, madam, you should like them."

azure clothes Saint With a wave of hand, two blue waves of holy light spheres condensed, and the two beautiful ladies are staying in the holy light spheres!

"This Holy Force can only maintain them for a while, it is the life-saving method left by Saint in their family. However, with the help of the lady, it should not be able to melt away within three days. The people who are slaughtered by the lady casually."

azure clothes Saint said with a smile, the gluttonous young woman's eyes lit up, "en! Sure enough, the best aptitude and physique, one water and one fire, very Great, you didn't disappoint me!"

The two girls stared with anger, but more fear and tremor. When the blue wave's holy light dissipated, it was when they died.

Even the two girls had never imagined that they would encounter the curiously terrifying'Blue Shadow Stealing Sky' Qi Fei and cries on their way to the Quartet Conference.

This person has stolen the treasures of many sects and is wanted by many forces. What he didn't expect is that he even abducts people!

Although the family’s “Bihai holy light cover” was activated in desperation, they could not resist Qi Feiming in the holy realm, and the two sisters were taken away.

"It turns out that the message sent out at the end of the Four-Party Conference is true. The two sisters were kidnapped and sold here..."

Lin Chen brows tightly frowns.

To save or not to save?

In the current situation, powerless to defend himself, Lin Chen is not allowed to save people at all, and his countermeasures against Saint and his hole cards are almost exhausted!

Even now, Lin Chen still has no ability to resist facing the Holy Land. These are two completely different levels of beings!

But if it is not saved, Lin Chen may have to leave a demon, Heart Demon in his heart!

The obstacle to cultivation is far more than the bottleneck of the cultivation base. Lin Chen has always followed his heart, so even if he failed, he has never encountered Heart Demon.

Frankly speaking, he and his sisters strangers coming together by chance are really not a deep friendship, and Lin Chen is not a person who can't walk when he sees a few beautiful women.

When these two women were in the Ancient Saint Temple, when all the geniuses and Heaven's Chosen pointed at him, when the situation was the most dangerous, they took the mortal danger and stood in line and chose themselves...

"What's wrong? Now is a good opportunity to rush through the palace."

Little demoness wondered.

Lin Chen sighed, his eyes became particularly sharp, and he said seriously-"No, I will save people before leaving!"

The little demoness stagnated and looked towards the hall. Inside, the beautiful eyes are rippling with blue waves, and she smiles charmingly: "I don't think you like this type, which one of the other sisters do you like?"

"They have a little friendship with me, so they left, I Thoughts are not clear."

Lin Chen shook his head, but the reaction of the little demoness was beyond his expectations.

"If you want to save it, save it, but let’s say it first. This is something you caused by yourself. I won’t do anything about it~ You only have two days at most, so we still have to hurry. "

The answer of little demoness surprised Lin Chen——"Are you not afraid that I will affect your whereabouts?"

"What are you afraid of, huge risks are often accompanied by huge benefits , If you save someone, I’ll go find some other fun."

"it's a deal, within two days, after saving someone, I’ll run away!"


Completing the transaction, Qi Feiming left 190 young sisters, Heaven's Chosen and Qin Family, who are frightened.

"gā gā gā, swallow you, my gluttonous heart can go further!"

The gluttonous young woman opened her mouth and swept out a scarlet tongue, and brushed it. Take away ten Heaven's Chosen and swallow them in the mouth, and the meaning is still unfinished-"Well, this batch of goods is great, but the main course is important! Put it on the melting altar first and refining it! Come back and eat you later!"

The gluttonous young woman swept away the two sisters and daughters, and the remaining young Heaven's Chosen horrible to see. They wanted to run but Battle Qi was so sealed that they couldn't even fly in the air.

Lin Chen body turns into a shadow, stealth all the way.

The gluttonous young woman brought the Qin Family sisters to the 9-Layer underground, and Lin Chen followed all the way. The underground beneath the palace was actually a place of charm and beauty.

A red altar named hundreds zhang was placed here, and the two sisters were taken into the altar.

Lin Chen is secretly frightened.

"There is a natural Space Formation here, a cunning Sacred Beast. If I rushed closer, I'm afraid it will cause Space Formation to react and expose the trail instantly."


The altar was lit, the red fire began to burn violently from the surface of the altar, and the holy light barrier of the second girl gradually softened and collapsed!

"It doesn’t take three days, less than six hours, the holy light that protects you will have to be turned into nothing by me, Little Darlings, none of you can escape!"

The gluttonous young woman cracked her big mouth and quacked and laughed wildly. Second, Goddess' love changed greatly, not knowing what to do.

"Well, go back and eat those little fellows first. I have endured it for a long time. I can't bear it anymore. My body is about to break down..."

Leaving drooling, exited the 9-Layer underground, and let the red flame on the altar burn violently.

This flame is very mysterious, not so much a flame, but more like a special energy burning at a high speed, absorbing the holy yuan who shelters the two women.

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and the flames of the red altar were filled with a lot of red attribute bubbles, all with special attribute values!

"Elder sister, are we really going to die here..."

Qin Jueyan's heart palpitates, and his face pales.

Qin Miaoer's teeth clenched, holding the younger sister's jade hand.

"The little shadow should be able to pass through this Space Formation, but rescuing the two sisters on the altar will startle the glutton, and she must be drawn away."

"But, after pulling it away, how can I make sure that she won't return in a short time..."

When Lin Chen was lost in thought, he suddenly slapped his thigh!

"Isn’t this the achievement of Saint’s realm entering the dark island, fuck him! Damn, as long as it’s a female, I don’t believe that my rich and handsome dark horse can’t handle it all. Arrangements for beautiful men!"


A large secret room in the palace. All around fell to the ground. A group of handsome young boys and strong youths foamed at their mouths and convulsed all over.

The corners of the gluttonous young woman’s mouth were full of blood, and she slapped the unconscious teenager on the bed with a slap, cursing--"Improper things!"

The young woman looked around the secret room, For those who are already incapable of fighting, the violent evil engraved in the bones reappeared on his expression, and his breathing began to become rapid and heavy!

"Madam is so hungry and thirsty, she looks anxious below."

The young man pushed the door and entered, smiling, delicate and pretty, like a crown, like a hand A jade-faced scholar who has no power to bind chickens.

The delicate and pretty appearance of this young man is tall and straight, has a dignified appearance, gentle and elegant but still a bit wild, making hungry and thirst, and the heavy-breathing gluttonous young woman shines in front of her eyes!

"Who are you...huh? You have the breath of the Dragon King's Sky Spear! You are Dragon Clan? Come here!"

The reason is dazzled by desire. The young woman didn't even care about the origin of the young man, she grabbed him and attracted him!

This young man was naturally changed by Lin Chen's Avatar! But he showed his true colors!

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