Beyond the dark island, the sea is surging, and you should sit cross-legged on the heavenly demon.

Swipe~! The space splits, two figures arrive, a sword qi is fierce, and a golden light is gorgeous.

Ying heavenly demon's pupils trembled, said solemnly——"It turned out to be you two!"

"Should heavenly demon?"

"You old Ghost is still injured?"

Lian Wanjin and Qin Family sword saint were shocked. The strength of this old ghost was stronger than them. At this time, he was seriously injured?

"hmph, the good thing the dark horse club did, the old man has called me several other sacred places in the Dark Pavilion, then Lin Chen is the target of my Dark Pavilion, you'd better not be nosy "

Ying heavenly demon did not retreat even though he was injured. Lian Wanjin's face is particularly wonderful!

Dark Horse Club still has the background to damage the heavenly demon? So what is Lin Chen's background?

Cunning Ruhu’s Lian Wanjin instantly realized that something was wrong!

"You old ghost is more cunning than anyone else. You are badly injured and you still don't leave. It seems that I am right!"

Laughed heartily, rushed into the dark In the island, heavenly demon complexion changed!

Qin Family sword saint Qin Zhentian hesitated a little, and turned into a sword light to escape into the dark island!

"Damn it!"

He should be heavenly demon gnashing teeth, but dare not act rashly because of the injury!


In the dark island; to the south, all around is gloomy.

The bloody smell in the south is overwhelming, and countless beasts have fallen!

Passing five silhouettes in the sky, the mountains are like a rainbow, and they are the five Saints who entered the island to capture Lin Chen at first!

"I searched all around, but I didn't see him, what's the matter?"

"Considering that the kid was seriously injured, Impossible escaped our pursuit..."

"Swallowed by a beast? No, we passed all the beasts we encountered, and all the beasts were broken, none of them swallowed the Human Race..."

"Continue Going forward is the gluttonous territory of the dark island. This big guy is not easy to deal with, but here is its home court!"

"Not good, I have to search for it, I don’t believe the five of us will pay. Why can't it be one!"

Five holy realms, as if moved towards the territory of Sacred Beast, rushed over!


In the palace secret room; Lin Chen Avatar was grabbed by the glutton!

His breath makes the gluttonous gluttonous drunk and fascinated, lustful!

The Dragon King's Sky Spear is the only killer possessed by the advanced Dragon Clan.

Longqing fruit, with pure dragon breath, although it is a healing sacred product, body refinement sacred relic, but it has a more important role!

People who take Longqing Fruit for a long time can get an ultimate weapon such as the Dragon King Sky Spear with a certain probability.

Dragon is very kinky. The powerful Dragon Clan has more than three thousand harems. Lin Chen has taken a lot of Longqing fruit and has already transformed his fleshy body into a powerful Dragon Clan.

In addition, he is pregnant with two Dragon Clan Bloodlines, and he obtains the Dragon King Sky Spear. However, where water flows, a canal is formed, it can be said that the Dark Horse Club’s “Renren” possesses this Goddess weapon!

Also, Lin Chen's physique, aptitude are excellent, and the gluttonous growth Sacred Beast has grown up to this point. His favorite is to eat the human race with great potential.

Therefore, for the young gluttonous woman, the teenager in front of you can choose to eat or eat in bed!

However, when Lin Chen was about to fall into the hands of the young woman, his eyes flashed and he activated the innate talent of the innate talent!

[Consumption of 2 intermediate innate talent points, God stealing omen innate talent stealing: 50000 points of high level vitality and blood. 】

bang! Lin Chen’s pure power skyrocketed by 1.2 million dragon power. When he fell into the clutches of the young woman at the crucial moment, the corner of Avatar’s mouth was drawn with a smile.

"Ultra-dimensional teleportation!"

[Consuming 1 intermediate innate talent point, the host initiates the ultra-dimensional teleportation and teleports to the 6th space coordinate. 】


Avatar disappeared!

The gluttonous young woman startled!

"Space moves? How is it possible, how can anyone use the space shuttle in the space of the dark island?"

When the gluttonous young woman became angry, she found that the youth's breath was still there Inside the palace, he couldn't help grinning and his scarlet tongue swept away.

"Little Darling, no matter what your origin, you can't escape from my palm..."


"Here is the gluttonous food Is the palace? The seventh rank ore forged palaces is really great generosity!"

"hmph, the most likely Lin Chen kid fell into her hands, just beat her out!"

The five holy places arrived outside the palace and looked around.

Suddenly, the blue saint shivered all over, and his expression appeared ecstatic!

"I feel it, I have detected the breath of that kid!"

tone barely fell, the youthful laughter echoed in the palace.

"Come chase me, chase me, I will let you hehehe~pa pa pa~"

Five holy realms with black faces, damn, this kid actually returned Dare to be so leisurely?


The blue saint blasted the gate of the palace with a palm, and rushed into the temple with the four saints without saying a word.

In the palace hall, a stripped naked young woman is knocking the boy to the ground, before he can open the meat...

"Aiya, madam, it looks like someone is going to disturb us Happy."

Lin Chen smiled angrily.

The corners of the Five Sage’s mouth twitched slightly. No wonder this kid broke into the dark island so confidently, he even hooked up with the gluttonous Sacred Beast of the dark island?

The gluttonous young woman was taken aback, shaking out a few snow waves, charming and hot, but with a solemn expression!

"Lin Chen, die!"

"A gluttonous Sacred Beast can't protect you!"


The power of the Five Saints is soaring, the holy light is like a rainbow, and the entire palace is on the verge of collapse!

The five sacred realms instantly aimed at Lin Chen's Avatar and gluttonous young women!


The underground altar is shaking constantly.

Lin Chen’s eyes are squinted--"Fighting, but there is no time to draw the glutton out, in case she immediately succumbs to the five holy realms, hand over my Avatar, and it is possible to return at any time Here... I can’t control that much, save people first!"

Lin Chen gave an order, and the little shadow burst out of the Taoyuan planting sac and turned into a black cloud covering Lin Chen, brushing it through. Space Formation.

The moment the'Innate Shadow Jue' was released, the figure was revealed, and the two girls on the altar were stagnant!

"Lin Chen?"

"Lin...Lin Chen Young Master?"

When the two women exclaimed, Lin Chen unlocked the Avatar Mask, release all your Avatars!

Avatar holds the blue moon and the sky holy sword, the ultimate moment to launch!

"The sword angers the sky!"

"Mirror Moon Evil God!"

Swipe~! The orange light sword rainbow rage slashed across, and Jingyue blade glow whizzed and flashed, splitting a gap from the red altar's billowing flames!

Shih~! The other two Avatars took dark steps and rushed into the altar along the gap. At that moment, the Avatar suddenly ignited and was rapidly burned by the special flame on the altar!

Before they were burned to the limit, the two Avatars slammed into the blue light barrier with one leg, and blasted the two girls out of the center of the altar like kicking a ball!

Shock it~!

Avatar turned to ashes in half a breath, the second girl horrible to see!

The flame of this altar is very special. Even the Holy Force in the holy realm can burn and refining. The Avatar of Lin Chen couldn't even hold on to a breath!

Fortunately, people have been rescued!

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