All the cultivation techniques in the treasure house are required by little fairies. Eighth rank Holy mine, one piece per person.

In terms of warfare weapons, Lin Chen only took a knife "Cutting the Moon" and a sword "Qing Ming", and two seventh rank Peak war weapons.

Due to the high value of the different crystal fragments, Lin Chen compensated the little fairy for forty bottles of Qingyao Jade Dew and she let Lin Chen go. Fortunately, the Qingyao tree produced enough Qingyao Jade Dew, otherwise It's "not a drop" again.

When the two were about to leave, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly condensed!

Just below the end of the cave, there are strong scarlet attribute rays of light!

"There are high attribute values ​​over there!"

Lin Chen's heart was shaken and he rushed over!

The little fairy looked expectant and followed Lin Chen.


In the underground world under the palace; the gluttonous Sacred Beast and the three holy realms with swords drawn and bows bent!

The gluttonous young woman grinned fiercely and said violently hoarse——"My old lady doesn’t know this kid, you won’t be courting death! Deliberately troubled my old lady?"

Avatar panicked--"elder Sister, how can you not recognize people even when you lift up your pants! That night you clearly said that you liked my specialty, and even if you came to ten Saints, you would help me settle it!"

Sansheng’s complexion is getting worse. Gloomy.

You can see the anger in the eyes of the gluttonous young woman, it is not a disguise, and the Three Saints are full of doubts!

What is the real situation? This glutton does not seem to know Lin Chen?

Could Lin Chen use them to kill each other?

But Lin Chen didn't know the gluttonous Sacred Beast, how could he dare to step into the territory of this eighth rank Sacred Beast?

If you let go of gluttonous food right now, what if she and Lin Chen are in the same group? Taohua is more familiar with the dark island than they do. If she takes Lin Chen to escape, it will be extremely difficult to find her even if the five holy forces work together!

Mystery! All mysteries!

As if plunged into an endless swamp, the Three Saints hesitated in their hearts, forward and backward are full of doubts!

This is the effect Lin Chen wants!

His Phantom Clone has always been the trump card in the trump card. This time without the blood imprint lock of Heavenly Demon, he can play the Four Saints!

"My mother doesn't know you, die!"

Taohua took a palm and smashed the Avatar.

"Look at it, my old lady has nothing to do with this kid, hurry up!"

Seeing that the other party has five holy realms, gluttonously resisted the violent temperament in his heart.

However, the Three Saints did not act!

"It seems that you still don't intend to admit it..."

"That's all, fierce beasts are always beasts, even if they are cultivated to the realm close to us, the same is true. Until it explains!"

The choice of the Three Saints is to kill mistakes, don't let it go!

There are also Saint Cicada and Saint Fog outside. They never believe that Lin Chen can run away with a badly injured person! On the contrary, it is necessary to solve the uneasy factor of gluttonous food!


The violent explosion sounded from outside the palace, gluttonous eyes narrowed, that direction is its cave!

"So you guys are going to move my treasure, Human Race, courting death! Roar~~!"

The gluttonous young woman roared and released the gray light that swallowed the wind and clouds all over her body. Immemorial relics turned out!

It's body is like a mysterious iron, its claws are like a tiger, its tail is like a cow, its posture is like a horse, its limbs are scaled, the whole body is gray and light, and its appearance is extremely cruel and evil. It has thousands of blades all over it. Like squalid teeth and sharp teeth.

The figure of more than two hundred feet is like a mountain, standing in front of the three sages, and the baleful aura is like a dragon.

If placed in a mortal space such as Nine Provinces, this Immemorial Sacred Beast has a body size of more than twenty ten thousand zhangs. It can break a large floor with a single claw, the original Immemorial relic!

Clang~! As soon as the gluttonous body appeared, the blue-clothed saint lifted his palms, and the Holy Force agitated and collided like a hard metal, frowning-"So hard body..."

"My old lady swallowed you! "

The gluttonous gluttony is full of fierce light, and dozens of swallowing rays are shot openly. Many battle skills of the Three Sages have been revealed, and the two sides have started a battle!


While the holy realm was fighting like a raging fire, Lin Chen discovered a shocking secret in the cave!

hundred zhang's skeleton is engraved with mysterious bone patterns, and the surrounding area is covered with high level Qi Blood Attribute light balls!

"This is a glutton skeleton that is about to break through the eighth rank, but it was eaten thoroughly before death, and even the fierce beast core was not left..."

小The goblin clearly understood its secret, clicking one's tongue in wonder-"It’s no wonder that the gluttonous woman can become so powerful, the most poisonous woman’s heart, this one may be its husband or its relatives, but the mother The female swallowed the male, and the female stepped into the eighth rank Sacred Beast realm."

This skeletal remains cannot be put into the ring, so the gluttonous young woman piled it up with many treasures. .

[Get 3580 points of high level qi and blood, 2999 points of high level qi and blood, 5000 points of high level qi and blood...]

Lin Chen lightens all high level Qi Blood Attributes Put all the balls away and get a total of 90,000 points of high level blood!

The massive influx of Qi and Blood Energy made Lin Chen have to urge the Dragon King to share the refining!

The dragon king who swallowed Crown Prince Long, absorbed a batch of high level blood, and its pure power climbed to 69 million!

The true strength of the Dragon King is stronger than the golden armor Dragon Guard carried by Crown Prince Long before!

[Decompose eleven alien crystal fragments, consume 44 points of intermediate Heavenly Dao value, and obtain elemental attribute values: 7 points of high level Fire Element Energy, 8 points of high level Earth Element energy, and 6 points of high level wind System energy...]

[Get special attribute value: Qianyang Lihuo 25 million points...]

[Consumption of all special attribute values, 105 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, start Making blue-level high level nirvana skills...]

Lin Chen has a very fast idea. The moment he gets the attribute value, he decomposes and makes nirvana skills. in one go!


Space Formation outside the venue was severely attacked, and the little fairy said with a smile to Lin Chen: "There is a holy land found here and is attacking Space Formation oh~"

Lin Chen catches Live in the little fairy, smile sternly--"Go!"

[The host turns on the super-dimensional teleportation, carries the target +1, doubles the cost, and consumes 4 intermediate innate talent points. 】

The two of them flashed and disappeared in place!


Space Formation shattered, Saint Cicada rushed into the air, complexion slightly changed!

"Where is the person? The old man clearly feels that there are two silhouettes here!"


Brush~! The two returned to the palace courtyard again, and the little fairies once again sighed the mysteriousness of Lin Chen's methods, and they were able to use the space to move in this dark island!

"Hey, if I return this thing to you now, can you kill them all?"

The little fairy took out the War God wristband and shook it.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "It should be possible."

The little fairy smiled charmingly--"I don't believe it. I will give it back to you after I have done it for me."

"Lin Chen?"

An angry sound came. The middle-aged man stepped on the fog dragon and crossed it. When he saw Lin Chen, he immediately a finger pointed, fog Mans shuttle pointed directly at Lin Chen!


Sage of Fog filled the entire courtyard with one finger and crushed out the horrible pit of several hundred zhang, but the silhouette of Lin Chen and the little fairy disappeared out of thin air!

"Where did you go? Oops, could it be the body just now!"

Mist Saint complexion changed, the palm crushed the Saint Seal, and immediately notified the other Four Saints!

Lin Chen controls the'Innate Shadow Art', and has already escaped with the goblin. This is the purpose of Lin Chen breaking into the dark island. In the dark island, the holy realm cannot block the space, and it is difficult to restrict his actions. !

'Innate Shadow Jue' will be here like a fish back in water!

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