In the Huang Palace; a handsome man in a Phoenix sun-moon robe toasted and laughed.

"hahaha, come, beauties, don’t get drunk with me, no one can leave today!"

"Holy people!"

"Holy is mighty!"

A crowd of lithe and graceful people are dancing, their clothes are like tulle, and the snowy waves are clearly visible, making the handsome man hug several people. Beauty, kneading wanton.

"This life is really happy, there is a palace, there are a group of beautiful women, and there is another one hundred million, unpretentious, simple and boring, I like it."

Lin someone is clicking one's tongue in wonder.

He was in the state of dispelling the breath of Innate Shadow Art, the man in the phoenix robe in the hall did not notice him and the little fairy.

That handsome man, most likely to be the owner of this Phoenix Palace, Hongyan Saint Phoenix!

"You can also run in and join them now, I don't care."

The little fairy put on his War God bracers and giggled, like Sanyuechunshan Yunyan, wearing a somewhat dangerous charm in the hazy.

"Of course, I'm just nothing serious. These women, how can they be compared to my little elder sister."

"Smelly shameless, who is yours, you are thinking about farts It’s pretty beautiful to eat."

"What? I was thinking about you just now, and you said I was thinking about farts. How can you scold yourself like that, elder sister, the girl must cherish yourself. !"

"It seems that you are not only wishful thinking, but also itchy!"


The two bickered all the way and went deep into an unremarkable building in the Phoenix Palace. In front of the attic, Lin Chen saw the aurora of the attribute light ball inside!

"So dazzling rays of light, it seems to be the attribute rays of light of the cultivation technique!"

Lin Chen licked his tongue, looking forward to entering, when the little fairy stopped Up him!

"There is a hidden space restriction, if the big guy is triggered, we will be found!"

The little fairy points to a space outside the attic, talisman, faintly discernable exudes Power of Space, forming densely packed thin lines of space, covering the entire pavilion.

As long as you touch a thin line of space, it will attract the attention of the Holy Phoenix!

Lin Chen released a small shadow and asked, pointing to the attic.

"Little fellow, can you get it done."

The little fairy also looked at the little shadow. It was nodded and shook the head.

The purple electricity condensed on the top of Little Shadow’s head—"You can enter alone, you can’t take people."

The two looked at each other, Lin Chen said to Little Shadow: "Then give it to You're here, go in and move the contents out one by one. Remember, pick the expensive ones first! I will give you lots of rewards if you get it done!"

Little Shadowy’s eyes lit up and squirmed. Into the void, wandering inside the crystal walls of the space, passing through the thin lines of space.

The two are outside the pavilion, waiting in full battle.

In a short while, Little Shadow moved out of an eighth rank holy mine!

The little fairy said anxiously: "Little fellow, it's not this, you first find the Huang Yu packed in a box, this is it!"

She took out the picture scroll and gave it to Little Shadow After taking a look, the little shadow looked towards Lin Chen, after Lin Chen was serious and nodded, the little shadow rushed in again!

Swipe~Swipe~The little shadow searched for a while in the secret room. Among the many silver sacred coins and piles of treasures, two green boxes were finally revealed, containing a purple red box. Ling Yu is very gorgeous.

The black cloud-like figure of Little Shadow condenses two claws, grabbing it excitedly, just about to move.

Clang~! A thin line of space is broken!

The little shadow was surprised, and then came back to his senses. There were two spatial filaments under the blue box. As long as the blue box was moved too much, the spatial filaments would break!

But it didn't notice it! Wrong!

In the palace of the phoenix; the human-shaped Hongyan Saint Phoenix has sharp eyes instantly, a purple red flame is ignited all over, there is no drunkenness, and the murderous aura is awe-inspiring!

"A thief got in my palace? Dare to touch the sage’s Phoenix feather, courting death!"

Outside the pavilion, Lin Chen and the little fairies are still on time. The face of the fairy changed slightly first!

"Not good, that big guy was alarmed!"


The billowing purple red flame turned into a fire sea, burning the sky, rushing to the sky, and a man with purple wings flew up at great speed, and coldly whispered-"Where is the night young, get out!"


Hongyan holy phoenix raised his hand and tore, the claw marks were like hooks, the purple flames rolled, sharp and hot, swept out the hundred zhang claw blades, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and attacked outside the pavilion!

"Let the little fellow hide first, I will delay this guy, and you will help me get things in my hands!"

The little fairy pushed Lin Chen away with a palm, Revealing his figure, the slender jade hand circulated the red lotus flames, his fingertips bounced, tearing away the pavilion space restrictions, and at the same time bounced a red lotus flying into the sky, frontally colliding with the claw marks of Hongyan Saint Phoenix!

Bang~~! Boom~~!

The flame tornado swept across the sky, and the holy flame burned all over the sky.

Hongyan Saint Phoenix was startled, and then laughed wildly—"hahaha, what a delicious and peerless beauty, since it's here, don't leave today, stay with me here! "

Lin Chen was stunned!

Holy Land?

This little fairy is also the strength of the holy realm?

"Damn, why does this make me feel so embarrassed! The feelings that can be played on the island now are all holy realms..."

Lin Chen's mouth twitched wildly, and the little fairy secretly sounded transmission. ——"Go, I may not be able to stop it completely!"

The space restriction has been torn apart by the goblin, and Lin Chen rushed straight into the treasure house.

hong long long ~~! The sky outside is a murky heavens dark earth, and the little fairy and the holy phoenix are fighting together.

Hongyan Saint Phoenix reveals its body decisively, in the form of a giant purple phoenix with three feathers and tails, the whole body is overbearing, and the world is overpowered, and it takes out true strength as soon as it meets, and seems to be determined to capture Go to the goblin!

Her Lotus Blooming at Every Step, slender and graceful, can avoid the attack of the Saint Phoenix every time when dancing the movement method.

Lin Chen broke into the pavilion. At this time, the little shadow was not knowing what to do. With a panic on his face, he saw Lin Chen enter and quickly returned to Lin Chen's side.

Lin Chen grabbed the two green boxes and arbitrarily broke the thin line of space. The holy phoenix outside turned pale with fright!

"There is a little thief?"

hong long! Fingerprint suppresses the sky, suppresses the sky with one finger, and with a bang, explodes behind the holy phoenix and knocks it down !

"Your opponent is me. If you don't want to die, just concentrate on dealing with me."

The little fairy giggled and stood in front of the Saint Phoenix.

At this time, the little fairies and the holy phoenix did not notice that a sword qi was swiftly flashing across thousands of miles, and it was blasting here at an unimaginable speed!


Lin Chen in the pavilion took two'immortal phoenix feathers' and looked around inside the pavilion. There were piles of silver sacred dollar coins and ten eighth rank ore. A lot of treasure!

Lin Chen opened the Taoyuan planting capsule and received all the orders! If it is an ordinary powerhouse, there is no room for so many treasures, but Lin Chen’s Taoyuan planting space is so huge that it is not empty at all!

As for his system space, only things produced by the system can be placed in the system space, such as War God wristbands, otherwise other things cannot enter the system space.

When Lin Chen collects many treasures all the way to the top floor, there is a bright orange ball of attribute light shining!

This is the attribute light ball of the cultivation technique class!

Lin Chen was so excited, he caught the orange attribute ball of light!

[The host obtains the cultivation technique attribute light ball, and after absorbing it, it obtains: Half-orange-order movement method Absolute Art · "Dragon Flash"! 】

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