Half orange order movement method Absolute Art?

Lin Chen was shocked. His current strongest movement method is the +13 "Infinite Dark Step". This movement method can be used with his core method and the ultimate moment of innate talent. The speed of the top grade movement method!

However, the half-orange movement method is completely different!

Purple-order movement method and half-orange-order movement method are two concepts!

Moreover, in the hands of Lin Chen, if the half-orange-level movement method is enhanced with enhanced functions and core method additions, and the ultimate moment of increase in innate talent, it will be infinitely close to the orange-level movement method!

The only regret is that the charged rune can only be used to attack battle skills, otherwise Lin Chen will definitely play the divine might of the orange-order movement method!

"My life-saving method is one more! Find some time, hurry up and learn this movement method!"

Lin Chen was repressed with ecstasy in his heart, and quickly left here Building a pavilion, the movement method flashed, and rushed out of the attic!

Next moment, the sight Lin Chen saw from the outside world made Lin Chen unbelievable, and his pupils trembled with fear!

The huge mountain-like Hongyan Saint Phoenix falls to the ground, and the blood of the Saint Phoenix flows into a river!

Its body and blood essence are scattered with purple red attribute light balls, which are the brilliance of bloodline attribute light balls alone!

Its phoenix flame gradually extinguished, and the holy phoenix family, known as the extremely strong life force, fell to this spot on the spot!

Before dying, its eyes were filled with incredible, muttering words--"A domineering...sword..."

"It's a goblin killing Did it? No, no! Who is it?"

Lin Chen saw the faint sword qi remaining at the split of Hongyan Saint Phoenix's head, his heart was shocked!

On the body of Hongyan Saint Phoenix, a white clothed youth stands proudly.

white clothed youth with one hand draws the blood of Hongyan Saint Phoenix fiercely, and crash-bang pulls a ten-foot-long purple blood to form an energy essence. !

The little fairy fell on a cliff, her appearance and temperament are beautiful, her flowers are pale at the moment, her robes are messy, she has been cut by multiple sword marks, revealing jade-like white skin, full of blood.

The little fairy trembled sound transmission and said-"Lin Chen...Hurry up and take the Immortal Phoenix Feather, and go..."

Lin Xingchen seemed to have a reaction, and looked at Lin Chen The spatial orientation of, said indifferently-"Unexpectedly, there is still an ant."

Lin Chen is shocked! This person can actually see through his "Innate Shadow Secret Art"?

He eliminates the Dark Tribulation Battle Qi from his body, revealing the True Form.

At this moment, two fateful gazes of reincarnation look at each other in awe!

Lin Xingchen stared at the silver robe boy in the distance, and a very strange feeling emerged in his heart.

Sword qi appeared in his golden pupils, and he was puzzled.

This young man is very weak for him now.

But for some reason, he can't afford the slightest contempt!

His body does not have the smell of weak ants, but there is a kind that faintly threatens his spirit!

The face of the white clothed youth is a little weird.

"I'm afraid of this kid? I'm afraid of an ant who can't even reach the Holy Realm? A joke!"

Lin Xingchen felt absurd in his heart, and sneered!

He has a generation of peerless Heaven's Chosen, despising countless geniuses in the holy world, and he doesn't even look at the whole holy world! It is a true born Supreme, shouldering the glory of God World Aristocratic Family!

Will he be afraid of a Battle Sovereign like this? What a joke!

Lin Chen's inner shock is also not small!

He opened the lining, and under his robe, nine birthmarks like stars flashed out faint rays of light?

This is Lin Chen's birthmark. When Divine Martial Sect's Su Guanshi picked him up, it was on a bright moonlit night.

In the night, he was only wrapped in a tattered robe draped in the word "Lin". As a baby, Lin Chen had nine birthmarks on his chest shining with a faint starlight.

From then on, Guanshi Su named it Lin Chen.

The word "Chen" originates from the reaction of the birthmark to the stars.

The word Lin comes from the shabby robe that was put on Lin Chen's body.

This birthmark is in Lin Chen's memory. These nine birthmarks will only emit some rays of light when facing the full moon or the night when the stars are shining, which is useless at all.

Lin Chen’s bloodline is even more mortal, and today has some reaction to the white clothed youth in front of you?

"Ant, if you walked out of the pavilion, you must have come for the undead Phoenix Yu. Hand over the undead Phoenix Yu, I will spare you not to die, you can get out of it right away."

Lin Xingchen is so pretentious that he actually asked Lin Chen to hand over the Immortal Huang Yu and spare him immortality!

This is his arrogance! The most arrogant arrogance!

He has never put any genius in the holy world in his eyes!

If you kill a Battle Sovereign here to prove that he does not have absolute confidence in his potential and future, it will create a great obstacle to his mood!

Will Lin Xingchen fear a Battle Sovereign? joke!

Lin Chen took a dark step, rushed to the cliff, stood beside the little fairy, hugged her in his arms, and the pretty face turned red.

Lin Chen embraced the slender waist of the little fairy with one hand, calmly said with a smile.

"If I hand over the Immortal Huang Yu, I don't know if I can take her away."

Lin Xingchen sneered--"She, if you offend me, you will definitely die. You Think you are qualified to negotiate with me?"

"Oh? You are very hungry."

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, searching back and forth from the lovable body of the little fairy.

"Hey! What are you doing, where are you touching!"

The little fairy ranted coldly—"Do you still dare to take advantage of others?"

" Che, my sisters Yueqi and Ruoyan are much more beautiful than you, so they are less affectionate. I'm getting my big baby back."

Lin Chen touched it and found the War God wristband. , I admired: "It feels so good, what a fairy, I am afraid that only Yue Qi’s figure can be compared." Even though he was seriously injured, Lin Xingchen still clasped his arms, arrogant, The cold arrogance between the eyebrows is extremely conceited, overlooking Lin Chen-"Ant, do you want to resist me?"

"Don't fight him, you are not his opponent!"

The little fairy said anxiously, Lin Chen pulled her aside, "Men's business, women don't interrupt."

Lin Chen's domineering attitude surprised the little fairy.

He can leave without surrendering the undead Huang Yu! Why do you want to stay here desperately?

Lin Chen holds the War God wristband, and the evil spirit said with a smile.

"You look very hungry, knowing that I did not intend to hand over the undead Phoenix Yu, but I did not stop my actions."

Although the little fairy used himself to steal, "I don’t die." Huang Yu', it is also true that she saved herself.

Lin Chen after using the War God wristband, like the little shadow, is an arrow at the end of its flight.

If it were not for the little goblin, Lin Chen would have become a beast's food in a coma. In his bottom line, he did not abandon this life saving benefactor!

"Because you and I are different, you are just an ant on the ground, no one cares what the ant wants to do. In my eyes, it is all pinched to death with a finger."

Lin Xingchen's eyes are chillingly cold!

Lin Chen laughed awe-inspiringly!

"That's really many thanks! In my eyes, you are the same! I face everyone the same, life and death are indifferent, just do it if you don't accept it!"

Lin Chen A large number of Long Qingguo, the domineering smile looks frenzied!

Next moment, Lin Chen suddenly put on the War God wristband!


The divine splendor is brilliant, the golden light is floating! Lin Chen's eyes show divine light and shine!

The invincible imposing manner that dominates All Heavens and Myriad Realms, bursts out of the War God bracer!

Lin Chen wears a divine splendor golden light, like a War God descends to the world!

At this moment, Lin Xingchen's face suddenly became particularly exciting!

Unexpected duel; Lin Chen VS Lin Xingchen?

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