
Lin Chen is full of anger, holy sword renders the tyrannical and violent fire robbery Battle Qi, Lin Chen lifts the sword and cuts the dragon!

The orange light sword and the rainbow fell down, burning Heaven and Earth with all anger, turning into a sword of anger and slashing the sky!

Tear and pull~! Bang~!

The two will decide the outcome with one move, blowing up the Thunder Fire, forming a rolling tornado and destroying the sky, leading directly to the top of the Imperial Palace!

"How is the battle going?"

"It seems to be a tie? This is really handsome too!"

"He still has that one The secret technique to block the space is not used. Could it be said that he kept his hands specially for Princess?"

"That's not good, people are here to participate in the election of son-in-law, so they must treat their future daughter-in-law well. Ah."

"This kid has the demeanor of a generation of expert swordsmen..."

When all the geniuses were looking forward to it, there was a tear, bang!

Two throwing knives collided in the sky, strangling and knocking out countless sparks, everyone was shocked!

These two people actually have something to do? Can both of them use the technique of flying knives?

The tornado spread out, two streams of light-like golden brilliance blade glow flashed past, cut to the armor of Yueqingli with a thud, shocking her lips to bleed!

bang! When the moon and blue glaze have two shadow flying knives in her body, Lin Chen's incarnation as the White Dragon light and shadow flashes behind her!

Lin Chen punches like a dragon, and very ruthless fiercely beat her at her slim waist! She hurriedly urged Lei Lie Qianjun to dodge, wondering that Lin Chen followed her like a shadow, and followed her with another punch!

Yue Qingli gritted his teeth and launched the defensive battle skill "Moonlight Glazed Body", the battle armour flowed through Battle Qi and turned into glazed moonlight, and the whole body became tenacious and indestructible!

Boom! Lin Chen's fist wind hit her, but she flew with one punch but never hurt her. Under multiple protections, this fist didn't cause Yue Qingli to suffer much damage!

"True virtue and handsome, I vote..." Yue Qingli some lose one's head out of fear. Before she finishes, Lin Chen stretched out the hand to grab her tall and tall The leg suddenly hit the battle stage floor!

Swipe~! boom!

The'Moonlight Glazed Body' split slightly!

"Azure Dragon Possession!"

Lin Chen possessed the power of the Dragon Emperor, and his pure power skyrocketed to more than 70 million! The pure strength is comparable to the Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign!

The whole process was almost just a flash of light. Lin Chen grabbed her calf and smashed Yue Qingli again!

The attribute ball of light rolled down, the cultivation base of the Battle Sovereign of the Four Tribulations of Yueqingli, and the genius of the genius list, the quality of the dropped attribute ball of light was quite high, and Lin Chen hit even harder!

There was a loud noise in hong long long, and Yue Qingli's whole body was smashed like a whip by Lin Chen!

Countless people's mouths are slightly open, and those with low psychological endurance are even more twitching at the corners of their mouths!

Too fucking cruel! The future "Female Martial Saint" of Fu Sheng Country was smashed like a whip! Horrible to see everyone!

"Who the hell said this kid is demeanor! I blow him up! The grass!"

"Too terrifying, is this still a human being? To Princess You can do it all..."

The geniuses have trembling lips. Before looking at the handsome appearance of this'true virtue and handsome', they thought it was an expensive Young Master. This is so special now. At first glance, it is simply a demon!

Some ministers quickly got up and said to the cup one fist in the other hand, who was sitting in the void—"this small official dare to ask the Lord to stop this battle, Princess will have an accident!"

"Yes, Lord, this man is inhumane!"

The ministers all spoke to each other, but the lord raised his hand and said expressionlessly--"I Everyone has their own feet. All Aiqing sit down."

"Grandma, he is so cruel..."

The girl in the plain skirt leaned against the black clothed old woman, old woman said with a smile —— "This child is indeed cruel. If it is Life and Death Battle, it will naturally do everything, but he has a very good grip and did not completely beat this little girl to death. If not, the Lord of the Kingdom would have taken action long ago."

Yue Qingli seems to be torn apart. Through childhood has never been so terribly tortured and tortured. The armor is cracking, and the Moonlight Liuli body has long since been torn apart. Broken, showing white skin, but full of blood!

"He didn't even give me a chance to surrender. He is so cruel! So painful!"

Yue Qingli wailed in her heart!

"Let this little girl suffer a little bit this time, let her also know that there is always someone stronger, this kid is the one who can overwhelm her and is suitable to be her husband..."

The country master secretly said in one's heart.

After some frantic smashing, until Yue Qingli could no longer drop the attribute light ball, Lin Chen threw her aside.

He patted his hand and shrugged said with a smile-"Princess at first tells me to treat Chen Wuming as I treat normal combat. This is how I treat the enemy when treating the enemy. I wonder if Princess is satisfied? Seriously, I have never seen such a strange request."

[The host gains 3 points of high level Wind Element energy, 2 points of high level Thunder Element energy, 3000 points of high level Battle Qi Essence, 4 points advanced The energy of talisman...]

Lin Chen collects the attribute light balls scattered in the void, and the attribute value dropped by the moon glaze is very high!

At this time, Yue Qingli fell to the ground, her armor shattered, her dresses stained with blood, and her fair and delicate skin looked a little pale and pitiful. How could there be such a heroic Martial God as before. !


Yue Qingli was so angry that she looked towards Lin Chen with a look of fear and complexity.

This young man looks handsome, but in fact he is a wild beast when he fights!

Dominant, wild, and brutal!

No matter how superb his sword technique is, he doesn't seem to be a swordsman at all!

"Cough Cough, I announce that the handsome boyfriend, Qingli, has officially passed the election meeting, Qingli, do you have any objections?"

Yue Qingli bit her teeth, "No Objection!"

The Lord waved his hand, and a holy light enveloped Yue Qingli. Her injuries began to quickly recover completely and she recovered as before.

There was an uproar in the audience!

They were previously shocked by Lin Chen's brutal methods, and now they came back to his senses to realize that the sixth Princess Yueqingli was completely defeated!

"This kid has at least a battle strength equal to 50,000 on the genius list!"

"Too enchanting, what kind of monsters are cultivated by this dark horse club!"

"I can't be envious, because of the movement method, his strength surpasses all the genius lists present!"

The geniuses on the genius list are envious and amazed, this' true virtue Shuai's strength is really strong, no one refuses!

"hahaha, gratifying and congratulating, one of my thoughts has finally settled." The lord smiled lightly and looked straight at Lin Chen said with a smile, "Little friend, this time... …"

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Yue Qingli suddenly spoke again, and everyone looked at her.

"You can marry me, but you must marry my twin Seven Imperial Sister as well as the imperial edict!"

Yue Qingli is amazing!

Speaking of the so-called'Seven Imperial Sister', everyone's complexion was slightly changed!

"Naughty! What do you take my imperial decree for!"

Long Yan, the lord of the country, was furious with fierce eyes!

Lin Chen is a little puzzled by the reaction of everyone present. According to the common sense of choosing a son-in-law, is it not a good thing to marry two?

Why did the geniuses present look like a ghost!

Yue Qingli opened the ring, jade hand held an old scroll of imperial edict, calmly said with a smile——"Imperial Father, monarch does not go back on his words, right?"

Looking at the imperial decree in Yue Qingli's hand, the kingdom lord complexion slightly changed!

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