"Accepting orders from the Emperor, the emperor of the Holy Emperor said: this is the sacred decree of the present, the six Princess Yueqingli, and the Seventh Princess Yueyoulan. Only one person will be married, and this will be honored."

Yue Qingli spread out the old imperial decree, and said the previous content concisely and concisely.

The complexion of the lord of the country was slightly changed. I didn't expect this little girl to hide the imperial decree many years ago.

The former lord of the country was drunk and happily all night. At that time, the two daughters were still young, and the sisters were born together. They promised that they would marry the same person, and let him personally issue the imperial decree.

The lord at the time thought it was just a child's slurs. In addition to being drunk, he loved the two sisters and gave the imperial decree for a while.

Unexpectedly, Yue Qingli still retains this imperial decree after so many years!

If it’s normal, the monarch does not go back on his words. Monarch does not go back on his words. It can be carried out according to the imperial edict, but it’s different now. Encountered a life-changing accident!

Even though she has not fallen, she has changed her whole person!

"Unexpectedly, you even plot against me, is it so difficult for you to find a man!"

The landlord’s eyes were filled with anger, and Yue Qingli gritted her teeth. ——"I don't want to marry a stranger!"

The two father and daughter are about to quarrel, and Lin's voice echoes.

"Holy Lord, there is nothing to say. The people in the dark horse club have always been famous for being handsome, famous for a long time, and their specialty is the signature. To me, one Princess and two Princesses are not too big Difference."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience opened wide!

Everyone’s first reaction: Is this kid crazy?

is it possible that he doesn't know the situation of Seventh Princess Yueyoulan?

Yue Qingli and Dai's eyebrows frowned lightly--"True virtue and handsome, do you know what the situation is now!"

Lin Chen thought: No matter what your situation is, I just want the attribute treasure box in your dowry! Behind me, there are a large group of holy realm chasing and killing Lao Tzu, no matter if you are one or two Princess, even if it is a hundred, you must first agree to it!

"Elder sister, let me talk to him."

At this time, a crisp voice, like a jade collision, was pleasant to the ear.

Wearing a white skirt and flying into the air, the person wears a cloak, the figure is slender, lithe and graceful, and the breath conceals the hidden.

Seeing this woman, many people's faces are a bit ugly, and some geniuses do not need to look straight.

"Young Master, if you have seen me look like this, would you still want to marry me and the emperor sister?"

The woman took off her cloak, and a face of horrified world slowly Revealed.

Her facial bones are deformed, her eyes are one big and one small, her lips are squeezed by parasitic flesh, and her nose is covered with green flesh, and her cheeks are blue and purple. The meat sticks to it, it's very strange...

It's a face that can't be described as ugly, it's extremely disgusting!


Many of the talented geniuses present took a look, almost vomiting!

Ninety percent of the people don’t want to look at this white clothed woman with straight eyes. Her delicate hands trembled slightly. It is conceivable that she is not at all peaceful at this moment. Everyone’s sight is like a sharp knife. In her heart!

Qin Jueyan and Qin Miao'er cover their cherry lips with delicate hands, their beautiful eyes are full of sympathy and distress, Qin Miao'er's eyes are already with tears...

"Seventh Sister , You don't have to come out!"

Yue Qingli hugged her younger sister tightly, crying.

The tenacious six Princess is crying as weeping beauty at this moment.

Yue Qingli is not like a married man. A large part of it is because of her younger sister. Her life is too miserable. In her heart, she prefers to find someone who is willing to take care of her younger sister. .

That’s why she took a strong cultivation and became extremely strong. She also threatened to her Imperial Father that she would never marry a weaker man, but her real purpose was to seek secretly. A man who can accept his younger sister...

"oh!" The country master quivered his palm a few times and slowly closed his eyes: "that's all, that's all..."

"Grandma, why is that elder sister like this..." The girl in the plain skirt had tears in her eyes and looked towards her grandma.

"It is a poisonous curse in a holy realm with extremely powerful means. Even Grade 1 Saint Level alchemist is also very difficult to get rid of. Moreover, some of the facial features have been destroyed, and some extremely severe ones will be discharged regularly. Terrible toxin..."

The black clothed old woman shook her head. The fate of this little girl was indeed bumpy. It is a state of mind that she did not commit suicide after experiencing this kind of thing!

The second daughter used to be twin, with a beautiful face and a beautiful appearance. Didn't expect that one day, the enemy's holy realm from the ancient kingdom of Fusheng would lurk into the country.

In the end, the holy realm was wiped out by several holy realms in the Fu Holy Kingdom, but it left a vicious curse for the members of the Imperial Family.

The cultivation base of the holy realm did not suffer too many changes, but there was a poisonous curse that hit the Seventh Princess at the time. This kind of beautiful girl turned into this appearance.

As long as the appearance of Seventh Princess is a normal man, he will have physical and psychological disgust and disgust when he sees it!

Not to mention marrying the door, at a glance, I feel that my stomach is churning!

The most important thing is that there is a poisonous curse in her face and body, and there will be deadly toxins regularly. Who dares to take his life to marry such a person?

"If you can accept my younger sister, I would like to marry you together. If you are a mundane person, then I will also give you generous rewards and will not let you participate in vain This time the election of son-in-law."

When Princess Six wiped her tears and said seriously to Lin Chen, she found that the boy's eyes were staring at his younger sister.

"It turned out to be you!"

Lin Chen sighed that this woman was the kind-hearted woman he met when he entered the ancient kingdom of Fusheng who helped refugees.

Seventh Princess lovable body trembled lightly, and said in a self-deprecating tone—"I let Young Master disappointed, I'm sorry..."

"Ah? Disappointed, I'm not disappointed. "

Lin Chen smiled heartily. He didn't have any expectations, and naturally he was not disappointed. Just a little surprised.

"Didn’t I say that before, people judge people by their appearance." He stared at Seventh Princess earnestly, and then said with a smile——"But it doesn’t prevent me from admiring your beauty. Mind, isn't it."

Yue Qingli and Yue Youlan's lovable body trembled!

"Oh, hypocrisy."

"Why, this kid is still addicted to acting?"

"Pretty snake skin, dark horse clubhouse These people are full of bragging and bragging, and even want to violate their own heart. Would a man dare to want such a woman?"

The geniuses on the genius list laughed.

Yue Qingli's expression is solemn-"The true virtue and handsome Young Master mean, is willing to accept my younger sister?"

Yue Youlan also wondered a little bit of anticipation. Staring at the former life-saving Young Master, I was very worried...

But Lin Chen continued: "I am only choosing my son-in-law to marry Sixth Princess. How can I force Seventh Princess to marry me too? ?"

As soon as this statement came out, the sisters were like falling ice cellar!

"Look at this hanging man, what does it look like!"

"Why, who just said that one or two more Princesses is not too much? Is it?"

"Seeing the wind on the wall, I yeah, I despise this kind of stuff!"

The sneers and sarcasm of all the geniuses, a ridicule, and a look in their eyes Is full of contempt and disdain!

The admiration they had for Lin Chen disappeared!

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