"This is our dark horse club’s cosmetic surgery skills."

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, without leaving a mark on the knife, Long Qingguo’s gentle and powerful life force Repairing Seventh Princess's cheeks again and again!

Under Lin Chen's "shaping", a devastatingly beautiful face is gradually taking shape! !

Yes, Lin Chen at first intends to restore Seventh Princess with'plastic surgery' technology!

Removing the poisonous curse is not a problem for him. He is assisted by Avatar, and he is not a Saint Level apothecary, and he can do the same mental control as a Saint Level apothecary!

And what he wants is a perfect recovery!

Lin Chen has learned a lot of Blade Techniques, and also learned the "Zhuying Flying Knife". The knife control technique can far surpasses the ordinary "plastic surgery" level!

Secondly, Long Qingguo is a healing sacred product, which can be raw meat, with mild energy and majestic energy. It is a perfect treatment for cheeks that have been "destroyed" after removing the poison.

When the new granulation shoots out, Lin Chen can repair Yue Youlan's facial features to the most perfect point!

And there will be no repercussions afterwards, and the cheeks will be as pure and natural as before, because even the new skin and cheek granulation are all Yueyoulan's own!

"Perfect, it will be like this in the end!"

When Lin Chen put away the knife, he took a piece of "Glass Qingyu" prepared in advance by Princess and posted it to Yueyoulan. Face!

Now, it seems that Yueyoulan’s embryonic face is only growing with flat granules, and nothing can be seen.

But Long Qingguo’s energy will heal her step by step. This clear jade face template with moon glaze engraved on it will be completely restored, and most of the newly grown granulation will follow the “template” 'To grow and recover, and finally take shape!

Lin Chen covered Yue Youlan’s face with a veil and a veil, calmly said with a smile-“Get the job done, let Seventh Princess rest for a few days, take a good rest, don’t uncover it for now Gauze, so as not to accidentally recover the cheeks."

The two old doctors were speechless with excitement! It is an eye-opener!

Yue Qingli was emotional, and after holding back the two old doctors and leaving the secret room, he turned to face Lin Chen.

"Thank you, Young Master, Zhendeshuai! I apologize to you seriously for the previous offense!"

Yue Qingli thanked her with tears in her eyes.

With Yue Qingli's eyes, how can I fail to see the power of Lin Chen's'extraordinary skill'? At least her younger sister saved her life by getting rid of the poisonous spell!

And her appearance, even if she just restores the appearance of an ordinary person, she is content! Don't dare to expect too much!

"He is always so full of surprises..."

The Qin Family sisters were amazed. Qin Jueyan stared at Lin Chen's profile, his eyes slightly complicated.

Since the moment their sisters met, this young man has no ordinary time. Every action he does is maverick, but every time he is shocked!

"Less nonsense, thank you not by saying it."

Lin Chen put away the Avatar, smiled evilly, and provoked Princess Six's chin--"How do you want to thank me? "

Yue Qingli’s rare cheeks are flushed, and looking at the young boy’s faint eyes, there is a touch of mysterious hidden from start to finish, which is unpredictable, but more and more wanting Explore his details...

Feeling the weird gazes of the sisters behind him, Lin Chen coughed: "Just kidding, I ask you, where is your dowry, take me to get your dowry."

"The dowry? The dowry is still placed in the Imperial Palace square. It is the Space Formation set up by the Imperial Father, and I can’t open it. Recently, the Imperial Father has to wait a few days for a tour abroad. ..."

I don't even know why Yue Qingli, the moment he asked about his dowry, there was a trace of loss in his heart?

Is he really not here for himself, and has no interest in himself at all?

"Wipe, when is this emperor old man still going out on a parade, the snakeskin of Youteya, it has been three days, in case those holy realms have already come out of the dark island... "

Lin Chen twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, and then seriously said: "Then you take me to the Imperial Palace, there is always no problem!"

Yue Qingli looked at Lin suspiciously. Chen glanced at—"Well, no problem, the Imperial Palace can take you freely with my permission."

In the past, how could Yue Qingli easily take people into and out of the palace.

Regardless of Lin Chen's details, at least he saved Yue Youlan. This kindness is enough for her to do everything to make up for Lin Chen!

Because only Yue Qingli knew that the reason why younger sister Yue Youlan was cursed was to protect herself...

If it weren’t for the kindness of the younger sister, she was cursed. Yes, it should be her Yue Qingli...

After the Qin Family sisters and Yue Youlan had a rest, Yue Qingli took Lin Chen away.


Fusheng ancient country, deep in the holy palace, inside a holy stele.

This place is a taboo place, but today Yue Qingli took a huge risk to bring Lin Chen to the holy monument!

Here once buried the fallen sages in the history of the ancient country, it is extremely cold and rugged...

Lin Chen is happy to blossom!

There are attribute light balls all over the ground, and there are also a lot of rare spiritual attribute light balls! One is a little high level spirit strength!

He slams and fumbles the floor, or summons the dragon king to transform into a human form to collect the attribute light ball with him!

In this scene, Yue Qingli was shocked and confused!

[The host gains 1850 enhancement points, 4 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, 11 high level cultivation technique essence, 4 high level Fire Element Energy, 3 high level light energy, 3 high level Thunder Element energy, 7 points of high level spirit strength, 5 points of advanced talisman literary energy......]

Lin Chen got 120 points of advanced talisman literary energy and 30 points of high level spirit strength in one touch. The high level elemental energy is soaring, the strength soars, and the harvest is excellent!

Lin Chen’s spirit strength, as the tide rises, the boat floats, has begun moving towards'half-step into Saint Level'.

"Now there are 342 points of rune energy, and with the other nine special moves, facing Saint, I can’t just rely on the War God wristband to work hard!"

Lin Chen laughed, this time the Fu Sheng Ancient Country has gained a lot!

"en? Which direction is the rays of light of the orange crystal?"

Lin Chen is a fast and unruly meal, six Princess Yueqingli sees full He was puzzled, what did he want to do...

When he arrived in front of a sacred monument, the deep orange attribute treasure chest was spinning, and Lin Chen grabbed it excitedly!

[The host opens the orange crystal treasure chest and obtains a half-orange battle skill: "Imperial Sky" scroll up and down. 】

hiss~! Another half-orange battle skill! Lin Chen read it a bit, this is still a Spear Art battle skill of Metal Element Attribute!

Gold Element, the main attack, secondary defense, no stronghold one cannot overcome, the edge is extremely strong!

The first volume of "Yu Tian" is divided into defense, which can be cultivated to protect the body of "Yu Tian Geng Jin Qi", and the second volume is divided into attack "Yu Heavenly God Gun"!

"It's really right to stay! This equivalent to get two and a half orange battle skills at the same time!"

Lin Chen was ecstatic, fortunately he didn't blindly choose to finish The dowry is gone.

Next, something surprised Lin Chen even more!

The god dragon blood jade, which has always been dusted in the ring, displays a faint rays of light flashing at the same time?

"Is the god dragon blood jade reacting?"

Lin Chen took out a piece of god dragon blood jade from Najie.

The baleful aura domineering dragon shadow rises in the blood jade, and the light of the dragon flows shiningly, actually reacting to this sacred monument!

"Who was buried in this tombstone? Was there any special physique and bloodline during his lifetime!"

Lin Chen hurriedly asked Yue Qingli next to her. She stared at the tombstone for a moment, Said: "It is the 1205th generation of the country lord. It is said that he is the bloodliner of Taixi Ancient Dragon..."

Lin Chen was shocked!

Taxi Ancient Dragon?

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