"The inheritance of the dragon divine blood jade is very likely to be related to the ancient dragon of Taixi, so my next bloodline attribute must obtain the ancient dragon bloodline of Taixi in order to obtain the god dragon. The inheritance of blood jade!"

Lin Chen and Yue Qingli asked for all the records with the 1205 generation of the lord, and studied them carefully.

When returning to the Red Moon Palace, Seventh Princess Yueyoulan has awakened.

"Zhen Deshuai Young Master, am I really okay...I feel itchy on my face now..."

Yueyoulan wrapped in gauze is excited Holding Lin Chen's hands.

"Well, let me assure you that Princess's poison has been eliminated. After a few days to recover completely, Princess will have a new look."

Lin Chen said indifferently. with a smile.

Yue Youlan's whole person is like a dream. Is it a blessing to be able to get rid of the poisonous curse and get a new look? I didn't even think about this kind of thing!

After comforting Seventh Princess, Lin Chen found six Princesses and commissioned the two sisters Qin Miaoer to escape.

With Yue Qingli's strength and cultivation base, it is most suitable to take them to the space channel held by the ancient kingdom of Fu Sheng.

And Lin Chen is not the time to return to Odd Land, Odd Land may have set off a lot of storms, and the sages will leave.

He has to travel to the southern region and find a space channel to other regions, while the ancient kingdom of Fusheng only has a space channel to return to the strange region.

At night, Lin Chen retreats.

He opened the Taoyuan planting sac, and poured all the'Tianyi Holy Water' collected in the name of'treatment' into the red gold tree species, which quickly nourished and thrived.

"Take the Tianyi holy water in the six Princess dowry, plus the energy of the gold sacred dollar coins, should be able to quickly cultivate the red gold tree species to the growth stage..."

"system , I want to strengthen the movement method battle skill "Dragon Flash"!"

Lin Chen now holds 5.66 million points, consumes 950,000 enhancement points, and has experienced dozens of failures. movement method · "Dragon Flash" is strengthened to +13, strengthen the overall increase: 240%!

Lin Chen needs to be upgraded +15 to enhance the function, non-absolutely advantageous means will not be easily strengthened.

The power of the movement method of "Dragon Flash" has been perfectly demonstrated in the battle of Six Princess, and it is Lin Chen's indispensable means of escape.

"system, I want to cultivation "Royal Sky"!"

【Consume 29 points of high level cultivation technique essence and begin to merge cultivation memories. 】

For the next three days, Lin Chen was in a state of retreat, occasionally watching Seventh Princess's recovery, until the seventh day, a natural phenomenon appeared in the Taoyuan planting sac!

Little Shadow has a breakthrough!

Its appearance has transformed from a black cloud to a magical black dragon shape, which is five feet long and shows its sharp edge.

It is the first time that the advantages of the bloodline of Demon Race, Dragon Clan, and Shadow Clan are revealed in appearance!

"Yes, little fellow, can you break through the space blockade of the holy realm now?"

Lin Chen asked, the little shadow left Taoyuan to plant the capsule and clung to Lin Chen’s clothes. A consciousness came out-"Below the 3rd-layer holy realm, it should be no problem."

Lin Chen said with a smile-"It seems that after a while, you can speak! "

At this time, the voice of an old man was heard outside the door.

"The true virtue handsome Young Master, the Lord has heard of Young Master’s methods, and hereby expeditiously issue the imperial decree to reward the true virtue handsome Young Master, and hereby urge the true virtue handsome Young Master to go to the temple for selection Reward and the dowry of six Princess."

This imperial decree, equivalent to directly recognized Lin Chen as the son-in-law!

The little shadow is hidden in Lin Chen's robe, he said with a smile—"Finally, I can go and see what treasures are in the attribute treasure box in the dowry!"

Lin Chen opened the door and followed the old man all the way to the basement of Zhisheng Palace to cast a hundred zhang temple.

In the temple, the collections are all the cultivation techniques, Secret Art, and battle skills accumulated in the countless eras of the Saint Kingdom of Fu, which are divided into three layers!

The old man led Lin Chen all the way to the Third Layer. The collection of cultivation techniques here does not exceed ten!

All are half-orange cultivation techniques! According to the rules of the election conference, to become the son-in-law of Six Princess, in addition to the dowry, he can also choose a half-orange cultivation technique!

"Half Orange Blade Technique "Scorching Sun", half orange defense battle skill "Black Demon Body Refinement Art", half orange battle skill "Magic Sage's Wrath Finger", half orange hammer "Seventeen Wonders"......"

Lin Chen read all the half-orange cultivation techniques and couldn't help clicking one's tongue in wonder!

This country lord is really great generosity!

In order to select the son-in-law, even the half-orange-level cultivation technique was taken out, and the sect protecting cultivation technique of Grade 3 sect is only one or two half-orange-level battle skills!

In the end, Lin Chen chose the half-orange archery skill "Yiguang Kataba"!

His sword technique, Blade Technique, body refinement, spirit strength, Spear Art, assassination technique, all possess the half-orange cultivation technique, only the arrow technique is lacking!

In the hands of Lin Chen, the half-orange cultivation technique can play the minimum orange-order battle skill formidable power!

Then, the old man led Lin Chen to the treasury, activated the jade slip of the country lord, and cancelled the Space Formation.

"If my son-in-law does not have enough room for taking the ring..."

When the old man took out the ring said with a smile, Lin Chen waved his hand and all the dowry was included. Inside the'Taoyuan Planting Sac'!

"Qiyun planting a bag? It is worthy of being a son-in-law, and the background is really strong..."

The old man was secretly surprised.

[The host opens the Five Light Supreme treasure chest, three orange crystal treasure chests, and obtains the orange-level passive innate talent fragments: Extreme God Possession (2/4), 400,000 strengthening points, high level cultivation technique essence essence 1000 points, intermediate Heavenly Dao worth 2000 points. 】

"Extreme God Possession Fragment! Great, the attribute requirements for upgrading and strengthening functions are almost the same. If the "Nine Tribulations of Creation" is enhanced to +15, it may be truly comparable to the orange core method!"

Lin Chen is not over happy yet, a dozen beautiful maidservants walk in slowly, leaning forward.

"My son-in-law, please bathe and change clothes."

Lin Chen was taken aback!

Mom, I forgot that I am the Prince Consort today. He never thought about being a son-in-law from the beginning to the end...

"I heard that the Lord of the Ancient Kingdom There are many holy realms to visit for his one hundred thousand birthday, hehe, Brother Chen, I will steal a wave of attribute values ​​and it’s not too late to run, elated!"

If Lin Chen runs secretly, he will definitely let him fall. The Holy Ancient Kingdom was ashamed, but he cured the Seventh Princess's poison, so that no one owed it to anyone. After all, he never intended to be a good person.

At night, in the Imperial Palace square, Ten Thousand Sect is coming and giving gifts to thousands of nations.

The entire square is vast crowd!

There are congratulatory messengers from various countries, the marshals of the prime ministers, and even the masters of the nations, the old monsters who have not been born for a long time, and the holy realms are here!

Even the geniuses on the genius list have gathered a lot. It can be said to be very lively and rarely seen for thousands of years!

"The strength of Fu Sheng Nation has become a lot stronger. This guy deliberately demonstrated his national power with the 100,000 birthday..."

"haha, I heard that Fu Sheng Nation The Six Princess found the person they like?"

"Unexpectedly, they would find a character who can defeat the historical number one genius of the Vulture Saint Kingdom!"

Five old monsters Sitting on the same platform, talking and laughing, each has his own thoughts, but his eyes are full of curiosity and expectation.

The entire Imperial Palace has tens of thousands of tables for banquets. Those who can enter are either rich or expensive, or powerhouse.

"hahaha, Yuemou, thank you all for showing your face!"

When a heroism reaching to the clouds came out, two figures appeared on Dragon Throne!

The Lord of the Holy Kingdom of Fu! And, the Imperial Teacher of the holy land cultivation base!

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