As soon as the'Zhen Dexiu' enters the lobby, aim at all the Evil Sect holy realms in the lobby to launch the'God Steal Omen'!

[Consume 14 intermediate innate talent points, steal attribute value: 50 points advanced talisman energy, 20 points Wind Element energy, 100 points high level cultivation technique essence, 10 points high level spirit strength, 50 points Intermediate Heavenly Dao value, 30 intermediate innate talent points. 】

Sweet! If this is to find a few batches of holy realm, steal it hard! It's all attribute values!

Lin Chen becomes a true virtue show and continues to flee all the way, playing with all the saints!

At the same time, he has to use all the saints to help him steal more attribute values!

Crisis often coexists with gains, Lin Chen will never let go of any chance to become stronger!

"Boy, you are courting death?"

Two Evil Sect sanctuary questioned the'True Despair'.

"gē gē gē, does this little brother have too much water in his head? Come here for shopping? Elder sister, I really like a watery male child."

A beautiful woman in the holy world giggled, a bit fierce murderous intention hidden in her alluring charm!

But I saw the'Zhen Dexiu' sitting peacefully in the lobby, sitting with many holy realms.

"I came here to go shopping specially. By the way, I will sweep away all the evil pens of Evil Sect."

The truth show is indifferently smiled.


In the lobby, arrows were drawn instantly, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn!

"hahaha, it's interesting, just you one Battle Sovereign you think you can kill me seven holy realms?"

A scarlet holy realm is extremely angry counter-laughing, right desire When one hand grabbed him, there was a bang!

"The sect master, it's not good! The big formation on the island is broken!"

Every Evil Sect powerhouse immediately reported that the Seven Sages were surprised!

'Zhen De Xiu' waved his hand and said, "Calm down. The handsome guy in the dark horse club is going out. Usually I bring a dozen holy realm bodyguards out to go shopping. It's medium."

The seven Evil Sect holy realms looked terrified. In their perception, Northern Deep Island had broken into ten holy realms!

one after another Frightened gaze cast on the'Trend Show', full of incredible!

What's the special thing about carrying ten holy realm bodyguards with you?

What the hell is this second generation ancestor from the Divine Immortal force! So perverted to this point?

2nd Grade Sect school, there are only one or two holy places.

Grade 3 sect, there are more than three sects in the holy realm, and basically only one saint sits sect. There are very few powerful Grade 3 forces with five saints!

The Holy Land is not a Chinese cabbage. In the past, one must be in order to sect to go out to practice and compete for sect status is to secluded cultivation.

Ten out of this one? Isn’t it equivalent to carry two Grade 3 Peak sects with you?

"Get out of here!"

Without a word, Ying Mie and Lian Wanjin launched a frenzied attack on the main hall of Northern Deep Island!

When a dozen acres of knife-cut fingerprints fiercely fell down, and the main hall of Northern Deep Island was about to be crushed into ruins.

Bang~! The sword glow of Tearing Space cuts off the fingerprints, and the Evil Sect holy land floats in the air.

"Wait a minute, everyone, we are only here to capture this kid, and it has nothing to do with you!"

The mist saint and the cicada saint stepped out of the sky, and immediately confronted Evil Sect saint Sound transmission!

With the lessons learned from the Great War, these Saints will no longer be easily instigated by Lin Chen!

Seven Saints startled! Feelings are not bodyguards!

Before the Holy Land came back to his senses, the'Trend Show' snapped his fingers!

[Have locked targets within a radius of 10,000 miles that are hostile to the host, and activate the blue-level high level nirvana: Thousand Suns Burning the Sky, Abyssal Winds, Xuanyin Nine Thunders, Tianyin Ice Storm... 】

Shih~! boom!

A dozen groups of terrifying thunderclouds exploded, the vastness of Yang Fire that burned the void descended, and the pitch black's hundred zhang tornado storm turned out of thin air, locking all the holy realms in the audience!

"What the hell is that thing?"

"Not good! These energies track our breath, fast defense!"

Many holy realms His face changed horribly, Lin Chen body moved, unfolded the movement method, and the little shadow flees into the void and moves forward!

Boom! boom! boom!

Yang Fire burns the sky, the thunder cloud explodes, and countless Thunder Dragon-like lightning descends, all the holy realms are flashing and shining, Holy Light Shield!

But the aftermath of the nirvana shattered a lot of Evil Sect Battle Sovereign, and there was no chance to dodge the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

[Get 1320 Battle Qi Essence points, 1000 high level qi and blood points, 10 high level cultivation technique essence points, 5 intermediate innate talent points, 10 advanced talisman literary energy points, 4 high level Fire Element points Energy, 850 enhancement points,]

Part of the Evil Sect Battle Sovereign fell out of attribute light balls, Lin Chen took them all away, and the attribute value increased by one point!

"little fellow, go forward at full speed!"

Lin Chen slapped the wings of the Hongyan Phoenix, stepped on the dragon flashes, and the Light Tribulation Battle Qi stepped into the air with the little shadow shuttling through the void , Hundreds of miles and thousands of miles in a flash!

"I have nine blue-level high level nirvana skills left, so I can't use it indiscriminately..."

Suddenly, Lin Chen's mind suddenly tightened!

Behind him, a heavenly thunder cloud storm appeared in the sky. It was the Dark Pavilion Pavilion Lord.

He does not hesitate to run after Lin Chen at the risk of being injured by the nirvana attack!

Bang~! Ying Mie put out a palm, the faint purple black claw marks surged from his five fingers, and the Tearing Space smashed towards Lin Chen!

"Boy! Go to death!"

Holy light Claw Mark is surrounded by many kill skills, and although it is weakened by most of the formidable power, it bombards the Battle. Sovereign is more than enough!

Lin Chen is unable to defend himself, almost just instinct, and he runs through the layers of golden curtain formed by the battle Qi of Xuangang Golden Tribulation!

Purple black's claw marks are pressed down and hit Lin Chen's chest!

Shih~! Tear~!

The half-orange defensive battle skill'Yu Tian' in the'Ultimate Moment', combined with Lin Chen's Profound Gang Golden Tribulation, can almost resist the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign's full attack. Down, cracking!

"Azure Dragon possessed! Rune of Slowness!"

The moment Lin Chen vomited blood, he almost instantly shot Rune of Slowness and Azure Dragon possessed, the dragon king’s defensive power Bless Lin Chen's body.

In addition to the delay of Rune of Slowness, at the crucial moment, it instantly distanced itself from the claw mark!

The last edge of the claw mark was avoided by Lin Chen!

"wu wu wu!"

Little Shadow burst out wailing, worrying about Lin Chen and herself!

The claw just now severely injured him and Lin Chen!

Lin Chen was vomiting blood and suddenly shouted-"little fellow, hurry up!"

Lin Chen released the seriously injured'Dragon King', and cooperated with the little shadow, fleeing quickly!

Ying Mie was once again trapped in a circle of nirvana. Although he was slightly injured, there was a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth!

A quarter of an hour later.

"Why, let this kid run away!"

Lian Wanjin was flustered and exasperated, yelling.

Qin Zhentian's expression is so gloomy that he wants to kill, and the sword qi surges.

"Our man! Who is that kid!"

"The old man has never seen such a weird attack before, and he can't even avoid it!"

The seven Evil Sect holy realms are thunder furious, and murderous aura revealed!

The overall strength of Evil Sect Holy Realm is slightly inferior to Lian Wanjin and the others.

In the face of the wave of nirvana strikes just now, he was almost injured in his full defense, and he couldn't take care of his own men. Now he came back to his senses and almost the entire army was wiped out!

Today is their Evil Sect's important event gathering. They are killed by countless ruthless characters and elites! All are their core backbone!

"Don’t worry, He is unable to escape. He just resisted my attack. The shadow was also badly injured. He couldn’t run far away! In the short term, his shadow won’t recover, he lost the shadow of Innate. Dark Horse Clubhouse, nothing to worry about! We have sealed all the nearby territories, and we will definitely be able to catch him!"

When Ying Mie sneered, he turned and looked towards everyone Evil Sect.

"Hehe, everyone, we are also hunting down this child. If you join our lineup, maybe you will get a share."


Mountain springs and streams, clear springs ring.

Two graceful beauties are picking Qihuayao grass between the valleys.

At this time, a blood-stained body of a young man floated on the river. Most of his clothes were torn, showing the young man’s slender figure...

"Ah! There are dead! "

The girl screamed!

"Hey, no, he doesn't seem to be dead. Hmm!"

"Elder sister, he is so big..."

"Don't look at me I will have nightmares!"

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