"What the hell is this dark horse clubhouse? It provokes so many holy realms, and now even Evil Sect holy realms have to deal with him..."

The black clothed old woman lurking in the sky is marveled into a film!

Since the'Zhen Deshuai' broke out, the black clothed old woman has been tracking the situation of the Ten Saints. This boy has refreshed her knowledge time and time again!

The unavoidable attack alone is so outrageous!

If in the life and death battle between the holy realms, holding such a trick card, you can't even avoid it, but it has an important role in determining life and death!

"Grandma, he...will something happen!"

The Sun Yueer next to her said worriedly.

black clothed old woman said with a smile ——"hehe, did Yue'er look at him?"

Sun Yueer just threw the corner of grandma’s clothes like grotesque this time. Neither denied nor answered.

Good men always attract good women. Zhendeshuai's innate talent and his charisma, his performance in Fushengguo can be said to be amazing for eternity!

"The background of these little fellows is not small, grandma can only see if there is a chance to help him, this is beyond the scope of grandma's ability..."

black The clothed old woman took her granddaughter and flashed away in the direction of Lin Chen's disappearance.


In his sleep, Lin Chen vaguely dreamed of a handsome heaven-shaking, earth-shattering figure and shook his head and left.

"Director, don't go! What did I do wrong!"

Lin Chen yelled out in his sleep.

The man threw out a book without looking back, covering Lin Chen's face.

Lin Chen took a look.

""Second Book of the Secrets of the Stand-Alone King"?"


In a palace, two holy places are sitting in a secret room , His face is extremely gloomy!

Several Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign beside them dare not come out!

"What's the matter, how could Wu Ming be killed? Didn't he go to participate in the election of son-in-law?"

"We have sent the fastest spy, and it should be soon I see."

"His ranking was replaced by a dark horse club called Zhendeshuai, this child, with a weird background!"

The two Saints looked gloomy and irregular, inside the palace Suddenly a few tyrannical and terrifying auras descended!

"Is there a Saint coming to my Chen Family?"

"There is more than one, more than four people!"

Double Saints expression congeals, stature shuttling through the void.

In the hall of the palace; the first one is the Dark Pavilion Pavilion Lord · Should be destroyed!

The Chen Family double sage appeared in the palace, and said—"A few friends kissed me Chen Family, what's the ignorant."

"Hehe, here we are. Fanlai is here to provide the information you want."

Ying Mie Danran said with a smile ——"As far as I know, Chen Family genius, Chen Wuming, has just recently been received by a member from the Dark Horse Club. Killed the kid. It is very possible that those kiddos are now in exile and run to the territory near your Chen Family!"


Shuangsheng's eyes are sharp!

Should destroy the self-confidence as in control of everything, say with a smile indifferently.

"How about, everyone, let's talk about cooperation. It should not be difficult to find a few people in your Chen Family's own territory."



"Don't be the director!"

Lin Chen was startled from his dream and found himself in a room in a cold sweat.

He subconsciously covered the Chendi and Jube areas. Fortunately, it was all right. Then I touched the ring, all of which were still there.

Lin Chen took a look, he had put on a brand-new Tsing Yi, and his expression was a little bit painful.

He vaguely remembered that after he was badly injured by the Dark Pavilion Pavilion Lord, he let the Dragon Emperor and Xiaoying leave at full speed with him, and he changed the breath and face of the Thousand Illusion Mask again...

"The attack in the holy realm is really abnormal. Even if it weakens 90% of the formidable power, it can easily break my strongest defense. If it weren't for the last minute use of Rune of Slowness and the Dragon King's possession, I am afraid I'm dead now!"

Lin Chen was scared, that claw almost killed him.

Lin Chen's body surface, there is a faint scarlet gold superficial membrane, which is because he took a lot of'Red Golden Vine'.

His third inferior spirit plant, the red gold tree, the special product Tiancai Dibao is the red gold vine, has the miraculous effect of filling the blood and solidifying the foundation, and the red gold Body Refinement.

Refining the red golden vine can greatly increase the defensive power of the body itself!

Even if Lin Chen didn't run the Xuangang Golden Tribulation Battle Qi, he was bruised by a punch by the Second Tribulation Battle Sovereign! This is also an important reason why he was not killed by the Holy Realm.

"By the way, how about little fellow!"

Lin Chen's consciousness returned to the Taoyuan planting sac. At this time, the dragon-shaped little shadow shrank into a black cloud. Purple electricity winds around.

And Lin Chen’s silver sacred dollar coins are about 800,000 less, Lin Chen’s dowry and Hongyan Saint Phoenix’s inventory, the seventh rank medicine pill is even less 350, Long Qing There are 30 fewer fruits.

"It must be the medicine pill and Long Qingguo that this little fellow was injured only to eat. It seems that we have to wait for it to heal for a while. System, limit Return to Origin!"

Lin Chen's radiant brilliance, Lin Chen launched an extreme Return to Origin, chewed two Longqing fruit, his injury only recovered 70%.

His Dragon Emperor is also seriously injured and is recuperating. Lin Chen allowed the Dragon King to swallow a large number of healing medicine pills and a few Dragon Ching Fruits, Qi and Blood Energy quickly nourished the Dragon King's injuries.

"Although I can’t stand the Lord of the Holy Kingdom, I can’t help it. To involve them is just to hurt them."

Lin Chen is not worried about the sisters of Qin Miaoer. , He has already instructed the two daughters to immediately return to the strange land from the space channel of Fu Sheng Kingdom once there is a change.

"Uncle Yi, if you don't come to see him, he might die."

"His injury is too serious, and I can't help it with the elder sister's Alchemy Technique. That's it."

The girl's Yingying Yanyu sounded from the door, and three silhouettes pushed in.

Two beautiful women, one on the left and one on the right, the elder sister with long hair reaching waist, glamorous and charming, lively and fragrant.

Younger sister is youthful and lively, pure sunshine, jewel-like eyes flickering.

The old man in Mai looked helpless--"old man may not necessarily be cured...huh?"

The three of them were shocked when they entered the room just now!

The seriously injured boy who was picked up has already got up?

Lin Chen got out of bed and smiled at the three of them—"What, many thanks, everyone for your help, may I ask if this is..."

Tsing Yi Yujie pretty face. It’s unbelievable--"You have suffered such a serious injury, how could you get up so quickly and lie down soon..."

Lin Chen shrugged said with a smile ——"It’s okay, my body and mine Brother is as hard as you can. If you don't believe me, touch it."

Lin Chen extend the hand, Qingyi Yujie stepped forward to get her pulse.

"Hey...Young Master, what method did you use? Yesterday you were still seriously injured..."

Tsing Yi Yu Jie looked shocked!

The younger sister flicked her double ponytails and lifted Lin Chen's wrist. She was curious and her pretty face was full of surprise and curiosity!

"Really! When we picked you up yesterday, you were still dying. Why are you so much better now?"

Their sisters are seventh rank high level alchemists Yesterday they did not have much confidence in recovering Lin Chen's injury, but today she has recovered at least 70%!

"Zai Xiazhen...Long Chenbo, two more life-saving grace."

Lin Chen flicked his fingertips, and the two rings fell into the hands of the second woman. , He said with a smile: "Small meaning, no respect."

The second girl probed a little bit, and the pretty face was shocked!

In the ring, there are 100,000 silver sacred coins, ten volumes of Pill Recipe and one volume of pill concocting handprints!

"This Young Master has a lot of backing, and one shot is one hundred thousand silver sacred dollar coins!"

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