Sister Tsing Yi’s heart trembled, and their sisters only had one thousand silver coins for one month of worship!

This worship is still the highest level of the entire family!

One shot is two hundred thousand silver sacred dollar coins?

This young man, who are you?

Peak genius, which is better than Grade 4 sect, can't come up with such a handwriting!

"Right, here is it?" Lin Chen curiously asked.

"This is Anjia Longxiang City, which is in the Chen family territory of Grade 4 Aristocratic Family. My name is An Yan'er. She is my younger sister, An Xiaojiao. This is our Anjia. The chief alchemist, Uncle An Yi."

An Yan'er smiled, and Uncle An Yi seriously cup one fist in the other hand to Lin Chen.

He can feel the extraordinary Spiritual Fluctuation of this young man, several grades better than him! It is very likely that he is also a powerful alchemist!

"The Chen family?"

Lin Chen's heart moved, wouldn't it be so coincidental...

"I wonder if there is a place to buy things in this city, I still need some medicine ingredient to treat my injury..."

Lin Chen found an excuse, but actually wanted to buy the alien crystal fragments. When will the attribute value of the special move be missing?

When Lin Chen wanted to buy medicine ingredient, An Yi Uncle's eyes were bright!

He is almost certain that this child is most likely Peak's alchemist!

"Okay, I'll introduce to Young Master. We are about to hold an auction here soon..."

An Xiaojiao giggled, she is very familiar with Lin Chen.

The entire group left the room and strolled in the courtyard of the house, followed by guards throughout the process.

Under the introduction of the sisters, Lin Chen learned that he had been in a coma one day one night, and coincidentally, this'Chen family' turned out to be the Chen who traded with the Qin Miaoer family. Family!

Chen Wuming, who betrayed the sisters of Qin Miaoer and was abducted and then died in the hands of Lin Chen, came from this Grade 4 Aristocratic Family · Chen Family!

However, the news that even exhilarated Lin Chen is that there is a "Purgatory Volcano Island" in the territory controlled by Chen's Aristocratic Family!

In this purgatory volcano, there is a flame that is enough to burn the holy realm, and it is also pregnant with the flame-burning holy pearl!

The flame-burning holy pearl, the flame holy pearl condensed from the extremely terrifying deep lava!

If the number of Burning Flame Holy Orbs is large enough, there is a certain probability that a complete alien crystal will be born!

The reason why Chen Family is able to become Grade 4 Aristocratic Family depends to a large extent on this Purgatory Volcanic Island, but due to the extremely high-end resources produced, there will be two Chen Family in the Holy Land every year. .

"Really, this burning flame holy orb is the raw material energy for me to make alien crystals!"

Lin Chen was shocked, and now his third inferior spirit The spirit plant, Chijin Tree, has entered the growth stage, reaching a height of 295 meters.

Once entering the Peak period, as long as there is the energy of the raw materials, Lin Chen can try to cultivate alien crystals!

Furthermore, according to the secret technique of the ancient gods, the success rate of the cultivation of lower-grade alien crystals is 100%. As long as the energy is sufficient, it can be bred, and middle-grade alien crystals have the probability of failure.

"I want to find a way to get some Tianyi holy water. After the red gold tree is cultivated into the Peak period, I can bring the Burning Flame holy pearl over, and then I can cultivate alien crystals!"

Lin Chen is excited and calm on the surface.

During the conversation, the two sisters also got to know Lin Chen a lot. The only thing that is not clear is his origin. He insisted not to disclose...


In the courtyard, a vibration was suddenly heard!

"The surname An, don’t shameless, the two Young Masters in our family can look at the two sisters of your family, that is your blessing!"

The man’s grinning smile The sound, the second daughter complexion slightly changed.

Settle in the lobby.

The two highly-dressed men were holding Erlang's legs, but the cultivation base of the Second Tribulation Battle Sovereign was disdainful of the group of Fourth Tribulation Battle Sovereign in the lobby.

"The Yunlong sedan chair of the two Young Masters of our Chen Family will be carried to your door the day after tomorrow. We specially warn you that when the time comes, you must marry if you don’t marry!"

A word from the two of them made the faces of many elders in the lobby extremely ugly!

"Why do you have to get married, this..."

The lady in the lobby was anxious, and the man in purple robe faced two black clothed men with a cup one fist in the other hand-"You two, can you go back and tell Young Master Chen to give a few more days of grace, our two daughters are not ready yet..."

"Why don't you talk nonsense!" The black clothed man slapped the table angrily and shattered into dust with a bang!

Another person said with a sneer: "I have given you half a year, but are not ready yet? The original words of the two Young Masters are: once the dragon sedan arrives, your people must marry if they don’t marry. Otherwise, it will not give Chen Family the face!"

The inner Qi atmosphere in the lobby is depressed, and the'two' Young Master, but the affiliated family of the Chen family, how dare to offend easily...

Two black clothed men with strong costumes were together, The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present turned and left when he suddenly bumped into one person.

"Who, who! courting death..."

pa! pa!

The two were drawn to the lobby on the spot like an arrow from the string Inside, injured badly with many teeth knocked out, constantly vomiting blood!

Anjia patriarch complexion greatly changed! Who shot this and beat the Chen Family affiliated family?

"Apologize to everyone here. If you don't apologize, I won't mind your legs breaking later."

The Tsing Yi young official walked slowly into the lobby, looking very bright. , Smiling at the corners of his mouth.

The two were surprised and angry, vomiting blood and angry Hah!

"You, you know who we are..."

Bang~! The young man flapped his fingers with five fingers, and was as strong as a dragon. He rolled up a violent wind and swept the hall, and the palm of the wind knocked both of them fiercely!

The grasp of the strength is very subtle, it did not destroy a thing, but broke the bones of the two of them by 50%!

"I’ll say it again and apologize to An’s family. Don’t say it’s you two rubbish, even if Chen Family’s Chen Wuming comes, I have a hundred ways to make him kneel and apologize."

The Tsing Yi boy sneered, and all the powerhouses in the Anjia lobby looked shocked!

When did they settle down next to such a god? Even Chen Wuming of the Chen family doesn't pay attention to it!

"Yes...I'm sorry!"

"We know it was wrong! I damn it, please be magnanimous, this lord!"

Two black clothed men shiver coldly, knelt down tremblingly to apologize.

This young man is too cruel! His overwhelming pure power proves that he can kill both of them instantly in an instant!

They are the cultivation base of the Second Tribulation, this kind of strength, ordinary genius geniuses can't do it! This person's background is certainly not small!

"Go back and tell you what the hell Young Master is behind. I am the one who covers the home. If he dares to mess around, I will abolish him."

Lin Chen played it. He flicked his nails and looked indifferent.

"Yes, yes! Let's go now..."

The two of them left, Ann patriarch quickly cup one fist in the other hand, respectfully asked —— "This is Young Master..."

"Hehe, daddy, he is the boy I picked up with elder sister in Medicine Mountain, how about it, isn't it a surprise!"


An Xiaojiao jumped out and said with a smile, almost shocking the An family present!

Second Young Lady actually picked up such a great god back?

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