"Is this fucking poor?"

"I'm a Buddha! Where is Divine Immortal? I don't have eyes to say that this father is poor?"

" p>

"Is it still human words?"

The mouths of some geniuses on the list of geniuses were frantically drawn. They gathered here to buy different crystal fragments to increase their strength. Didn't expect Lin Chen was left alone!

In the past, when encountering people who are stupid and have a lot of money, the opponents who bid with each other will give each other a malicious bid to raise the price, but no one dares to engage in this "Young Master Long"!

This opening is hundreds of thousands of silver sacred dollar coins. What if he stops following the bidding?

Isn't it necessary to buy a few different crystal fragments at a price higher than several times? More than one hundred and two hundred thousand silver sacred dollar coins are floating around!

No one dares to take this risk!

Although the VIPs participating in the auction have little capital, most of them are from Grade 2 forces, and few are from Grade 3 sect.

Furthermore, even if they are from Grade 3 sect, they would not dare to bid like this. In just a few auctions of different crystal fragments, this Young Master Long shouted out more than three million silver coins! horrible to see!

Almost all the different crystal fragments are bidding under the strong contract of'Young Master Long', no one dares to bid!

Lin Chen spent more than 4 million silver sacred dollar coins this time and obtained 14 different crystal fragments, all of which were decomposed and made into nirvana!

In addition to the previous accumulation, Lin Chen already has 17 blue-level high level nirvana skills on hand!

This is one of the few he can contend against the power of the Holy Realm, and there are never too many nirvana!

Auctioneer is very excited, and this time I made a lot of money! Encountered such a big benefactor!

An Xiaojiao looks at Lin Chen's eyes and admires them more and more!

An Yaner's expression gradually became serious...

Auctioneer launched a new counter, opened the jade box, and inside it were ten shining sapphire raisins!

"Bodhi Seed, the sacred product for treating internal injuries, has similar effects to the legendary Longqingguo, but it has a better healing effect than Longqingguo. Longqingguo can increase blood and energy. It is used for healing, and Bodhi Seed exclusive healing sacred product has no effect on Qi Refinement blood. It has the same value as Longqing Fruit, and each has its own merits!"

"These ten Bodhi Seed, each one The starting price is set according to the Long Qingguo on the market, one 100,000 silver sacred dollar coin. It is a life-and-death essential healing product, and it is non-drug resistant. As for the exact price, it depends on your bidding!"

As soon as this thing came out, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became extremely hot!

Many veteran powerhouses are here for this reason. Long Qingguo is priceless in the market, and it is a holy product for body refinement and healing.

Although this colored glaze Bodhi Seed does not have the magical effect of enhancing Qi and blood, its healing effect is even better than Long Qingguo!

Powerhouse fights must go through a lot of life and death. Seventh rank Peak’s life-saving medicine pill is more resistant to drugs after taking it once. The second time is definitely not as effective as the first time, and it can have 50% It's pretty good.

Liu Li Bodhi Seed, no drug resistance! This is higher than part of the seventh rank Peak life-saving medicine pill itself!



"200,000 silver coins plus a seventh rank top grade medicine pill! "

"200,000 plus a roll of the Purple Tier top core method!"

All from the big Aristocratic Family, Big Sect’s Four Tribulations and Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign are bidding one after another. For a colored glaze Bodhi Seed, he took out his family property!

Auctioneer swallowed, focusing on Lin Chen's reaction.

Yes, in the final analysis, it depends on whether the big benefactor makes an offer!

Many powerhouses are also secretly observing this'Young Master Long'. If he bids, things will not be so simple.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Lin Chen finally had a reaction.

He slowly raised his hand and stretched out five fingers.

"All the colored glaze Bodhi Seed, I want it, 5 million."

The audience is silent...

5 million silver coins?

This figure is equivalent to some Grade 4 sect's expenses for a full month!

It is not ruled out that Peak's Grade 4 power is richer, but this number is really too terrifying, shocking everyone in the audience!

If this Young Master Long is a holy land, no one will doubt his financial resources, but he is just an extremely young teenager! Looks like he is in his early twenties?

Even the imperial successor of Grade 4 sect is also impossible to come up with such a huge sum of money in one breath!

Everyone was caught in a frantic speculation about Lin Chen’s identity...

A moment later, Auctioneer came back to his senses, the final word, ten colored glaze Bodhi Seed, all by Lin Chen bid!

Almost immediately after getting Liuli Bodhi Seed, Lin Chen immediately divided two of them and gave them to the small shadow of the Taoyuan planting capsule.

"So fast recovery speed! It is worthy of the treasure that is as famous as Long Qingguo. If this continues, the little shadow will be able to completely recover completely the day after tomorrow!"

Lin Chen was overjoyed, The recovery of the little shadow means that he can move freely in front of one's eyes in the Holy Land!

"And tonight's final weight Supreme Treasure!"

Auctioneer was excited, and with a big wave of his hand, the maid slowly pushed a mouthful of the freezer, which was filled with crystal clear and The near-transparent pure liquid, but from time to time a faint dim-blue mist rises.

"Tianyi Holy Water?"

"My God! So many Tianyi Holy Water, how much does it cost to sell!"

Some VIPs suck in a cold breath, Lin Chen's eyes are shining!

These days, a holy water, about one cubic meter, for Lin Chen's cultivation of a red golden tree, it is a pillow for sleep!

The Tianyi holy water that Lin Chen received in the Taoyuan planting sac was about five cubic meters. These days, the holy water is equivalent to one-fifth of the original amount!

"Tianyi holy water, contains the essence of the holy element, can improve the perception and spirituality of living beings, can accelerate the understanding of battle skill and cultivation core method, and even can suddenly enlightenment breakthrough the original products of the battle skill that has been cultivation Order."

"The starting price is 800,000 silver sacred dollar coins. Of course, according to the original seller, separate bidding can also be done..."

Auctioneer hasn’t finished yet, Countless people almost went crazy! Lin Chen raised his hand again!

"5 million silver coins plus 50,000 seventh rank high level medicine ingredient, I want them all."


The audience I fell into a weird silence, and the needle fell...

This auction ended in an unprecedented end. Although there was no fierce bidding in a frenzy, the second half of the auction was simply outrageous... …

"Hey, the feeling of spending money is really cool!"

Lin Chen walked out of the auction and felt refreshed!

The harvest this time is huge! Although more than 14 million silver coins were spent, a large amount of Tianyi holy water and alien crystal fragments were obtained!

Lin Chen doesn't feel sorry for this money at all. His spirit plant can produce this amount in a few days, making Lin Chen deeply feel the joy of abundant resources!

Walking on the street, Lin Chen witnessed the distant starry sky, a brilliant and colorful glow illuminates the night, multi-colored, brighter than moonlight countless times!

"Where is that place?"

Lin Chen asked curiously.

"That is Chen Family’s Purgatory Volcanic Island. Isn’t it beautiful? Every year, countless tourists come to the islands near Chen Family to visit this wonder."

An Xiaojiao was introduced to Lin Chen lively.

"Yes, it's really beautiful."

Lin Chen sighed, but the next sentence scared the sisters around him!

"The volcanic crater's firelight is so beautiful. If it is used to set off fireworks, it will definitely be more beautiful."

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