Fireworks? The Purgatory Volcanic Island even has to enter the Holy Land cautiously, who dares to use this thing to set off fireworks!

The sisters are in a cold sweat, this dragon Eldest Young Master is really interesting...

Lin Chen returned to the medicine workshop and spent 5.2 million silver coins to buy more than a dozen The eighth rank treasure of heaven and earth, with more than 3 million silver sacred yuan coins left on hand, left with satisfaction.

For a giant city like Dragon Elephant City, there are more than a dozen of the Chen family's domains. Lin Chen is not afraid that those holy realms will be found here for the time being.

When returning to settle down, Lin Chen temporarily retreats and starts Avatar to continue refining the remaining silver sacred dollar coins.

After several twists and turns, Lin Chen has already touched the shackles of the Three Tribulation Battle Sovereign cultivation base.

One night passed, Lin Chen and all Avatars absorbed a large amount of silver sacred dollar coins, but the three spirit plants produced more than three million more! Cultivation resources simply keep rolling!

"In the past, you could get 1 high level Battle Qi Essence by refining 10 silver sacred coins, but now you need more than 20 pieces. It seems that after my elemental attribute value and cultivation base increase, my foundation will be better. At the same time as it became more solid, the difficulty of cultivation base breakthrough was also rising..."

At this time, a noisy and festive sound came from Lin Chen's room!

"Yunchen and Yunzhen Young Master are here to marry Anjia's two daughters!"

At the entrance of Anjia Mansion, two seventh rank Yunlongs rise in the sky, imposing manner majestic, Breathing in the mist, the curtain was covered with red color, just like a red sedan chair.

Ann patriarch's face is slightly ugly.

Two young people walked slowly into the lobby, dressed in red robe, and saw patriarch said with a smile: "patriarch, we are here as scheduled, please invite the two brides out. "

Hundreds of people outside and Yun Family’s seven Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign looked joking. One team carried the betrothal gift to Anjia, regardless of whether Anjia refused or accepted it.

"I don't remember I promised to marry my daughter to you, how many times it's the same! Don't you want to rob someone?" Ann patriarch scolded in a deep voice.

The two geniuses looked gloomy, and the cloud dust said with a smile-"Ann patriarch, the betrothal gifts are all down, do you want us to go back empty-handed?"

" My elder sister and I have never planned to marry you Yun Family! Do you still want to fight Anjia?"

A beautiful lady, An Xiaojiao and An Yan'er appeared in the lobby.

The arrogant and cold eyebrow Yun Zhen looked at An Xiaojiao with lustful and greedy eyes for a moment, with undisguised greed in his eyes.

The pill concocting talents of these two daughters Peak, their father brothers married the sisters not only because of their beauty, but also to gradually annex Anjia and bring a high level alchemist with them forever.

"Our family is not in a muddle, if you dare to grab someone by marrying your relatives today, our family will not mind a full-scale war with you!"

Zhan Elder Huang stood up, his eyes were sharp, and he was going to have an imposing manner that it would rather break but cannot be bend.

A yellow robe old man stood up, holding an ancient token, and jokingly said with a smile-"Really, are you sure you want to either the fish dies or the net splits with us?"

The ancient Ling was engraved with the simple characters'Chen'! 令安patriarch complexion slightly changed!

"Chen Family Order? You actually got the token of the Chen Family..."

Getting this order proves that the affiliated family has become the key family cultivated by the Chen Family! The portion is not what you can make in your home!

If there is a full-scale war, it is likely to cause the intervention of the middle-level Chen Family Elder. If he is expelled from the country and left the shelter of the Dragon Elephant City and the Chen Family territory, the family will be completely displaced!

"Do you want to offend Chen Family, don’t want to be kicked out by Chen Family, don’t make it difficult for each other, An patriarch, how can you say that after Xiaojiao and Yan'er pass, you are also ours? Father-in-law."

Yun really sneered, Ann Patriarch and Elder trembled with anger!

"You can’t take any of the people here today. I'll give you 5 minutes of time. Get out of here, or I will throw all of you out."

Young The dull laughter echoed throughout the lobby!

Sister An Xiaojiao's face is happy!

"Dragon big brother?"

The young man dressed in Tsing Yi and walked in front of the sisters, patted patriarch's shoulder said with a smile — "Patriarch can pull over for tea, take it I'll take care of the things that come down."

The two Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign elders looked serious and looked at Lin Chen and said: "Your Excellency is the one who abolished my Yun Family yesterday and showed his skills in the auction. Your lord Long Chenbo?"

Some Yun Family members twitched their lips slightly, Long Chenbo? This what the hell name.

"Is it because you don’t have any points in your heart, I will protect the people here today, do you go out by yourself or I will throw you out."

Lin Chen's eyes squinted. , Murderous aura overflows!

"Oh? Brother, do you like the Anjia sisters too?"

Yun Zhen asked without a smile like a smiling tiger.

Lin Chen waved his hand-"Don't mention me and you on equal terms. I have a little interest in them, so I don’t need to be a concubine. It’s okay to be a maid,"

Everyone startedled, and the daughter of Heaven's Chosen, the two major alchemists in the family, was a maid...This is a big breath!

An Xiaojiao's pretty face slightly red, casts a curious look at Lin Chen...


The imposing manner was urged steadily, Yun Chen slapped Lin Chen face-to-face and shocked everyone present at the complexion slightly changed!

"Nonsense, even low-powered goods, are not qualified to grab a woman with this Young Master!"

Yun Zhen is even more sinister, his fingertips are like brilliance, flicks with the finger, three The word sword qi burst out!

Boom! boom!

The light robbery Battle Qi flashed, the air current tore and exploded, the sword qi shattered, and the afterimage shattered!

When even the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign failed to react, the two great geniuses were blown out of the gate of Anjia like an arrow from the string!

"pu chi ~!"

The two vomited blood, even visceral fragments were vomited out, horrible to see, Battle Qi shrank, becoming weaker and weaker.

"ahhhh! My Battle Qi fate wheel, you dare to destroy are dead!"

"Chen Family won't let you go, bastard... …"

The two screamed, no matter Anjia or Yun Family's powerhouse, the corners of their mouths twitched!

One trick!

If you didn't even see the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign, the two were abandoned?

"How dare you...?" Yun Family Elder surprised and angry!

Boom~! The hurricane rolled up, and a throwing knives reached between the necks of Yun Family Elder, fast as ghost-like.

"Why, do you want to join them too? Don't say you want to grab people, even if Chen Wuming from Chen Family is here, as long as I'm still there, he won't be able to take the root hair away in this lobby. "

Lin Chen was expressionless and sneered jokingly.

Seven Yun Family Elders are cold and sweaty...

It's over, I've kicked the iron!

When the people of the Yun Family were abandoned, they were still dubious. They didn't think that there was a reclusive person hidden in the An family. The coming was terrible!

Yun Zhen and Yun Chen are ranked more than 93,000 on the genius list. The Battle Sovereign cultivation base can abolish both of them in one move, and they are also the geniuses ranked above 60,000. !

How can such a person have a normal background?

Under the prestigious name, there are no vain people, no geniuses on the list.

The higher the ranking of geniuses, the more terrifying their origins. Ordinary sects cannot cultivate Peak geniuses at all!

This is almost universally recognized by the Holy Realm!

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