"How can this child have such a deep relationship with An Jia! No one on the auction said how close he and An Jia two daughters are..."

"Damn it, Chen Family won't offend such a genius for us..."

"With the help of this child, annexing Anjia is almost unrealistic, and I also lost Yun Zhen and Yun. The dust goes in, it's fucking a fucking dog!"

The seven Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign retreated in embarrassment, and everyone in the An family shouted with excitement; Get out!

"Young Master Long, thank you for avoiding this disaster for us to settle down."

An patriarch solemnly cup one fist in the other hand thanks.

"Young Master Long’s kindness is not unforgettable. I don’t know what Young Master Long said just now is serious. Want me and younger sister to be a maid?"

An Yan'er Asked with a smile.

"Miss Yan'er is so smart, she can naturally guess that it is my joke."

Lin Chen smiled, and then said seriously-"I have something important, I will leave in two days, and there is only so much that can help."

"Long big brother is going to leave! Didn't you say that you will spend my birthday with me the day after tomorrow!"

An Xiaojiao is reluctant to give up. When the day after tomorrow is her birthday, Lin Chen had previously promised to accompany her to the birthday banquet.

"Xiaojiao, big brother Long must have something important to do, how can you be willful!"

An Yaner taught An Xiaojiao.

"Although the big brother dragon cannot spend your birthday with you when the time comes, he will definitely give you a great gift! A unique and unmatched gift that belongs to you only, how about it?"

Lin Chen smiled and rubbed An Xiaojiao's hair, coaxing the little girl's eyes to shine!


"Really, I promise."

An patriarch seemed to think of something, and asked seriously—"Young Master Long, is it going to participate in the Heaven Ranking Conference in Southern Territory?"

Lin Chen startled, "What is the Heaven Ranking Conference?"

The An family members are shocked, this Young Master Long is it possible that

He doesn't even know the Heaven Ranking conference?

Ann patriarch briefly explained to Lin Chen the origin of the Heaven Ranking. Lin Chen's eyes are full of attention!


Southland, on an island.

This island ushered in an extraordinary day today!

The day the registration for the Heaven Ranking starts!

The geniuses on the genius list are also divided into three, six or nine grades, just like the top 50,000 geniuses and the bottom 50,000 geniuses, they are two completely different grades!

The Heaven Ranking is the conference that is eligible to participate only at the top of the genius list. Only the top 40,000 geniuses can sign up!

The opening of the Heaven Ranking symbolizes the opening of Rainbow Island.

In the annual Heaven Ranking Conference, the winners will get a place to enter the Rainbow Island. There are only 4,000 places, but there are more than 10,000 geniuses!

Danger lurks on every side in Rainbow Island, but it has the rare opportunity of Heaven and Earth, alien crystal fragments, eighth rank Holy Artifact, half-orange cultivation technique, if the chance is enough, even the orange battle skill , It is also possible to obtain a complete alien crystal!

The annual Heaven Ranking conference attracts a large number of talents within the top 40,000 of the talent list.

In the high-altitude cloud sea, there are hundreds of silhouettes suspended.

If the cultivation base reaches a certain level, carefully observe that the holy light circulates differently on these silhouettes, all of them are Saints!

Hundred Saints gather!

These scenes are hard to see in 10,000 years!

Moreover, from time to time, there will be a holy light shuttle, and the number of Saints is still increasing!

Heaven Ranking venue battles.

Two white eyebrows old men are sitting in the fighting platform, stroking their beards and smiling. They are also the cultivation base of the Holy Land!

"39850 on the genius list·Fang Mingkong, sign up for the Heaven Ranking."

"38977 on the genius list·Jiantaiyi, sign up for the Heaven Ranking."

"39,115 of the genius list·Lian Fengchuan, sign up for the Heaven Ranking!"

one after another young silhouette came in front of two white eyebrows old men to sign up, all of them are famous peak genius!

The genius list is the ceiling of the geniuses of the holy world, and the Heaven Ranking conference is the peak of this ceiling!

"hahaha, the geniuses cultivated by many forces in the Heaven Ranking this time are very promising."

"Interesting, the genius of this generation is so much stronger than our previous generation. Too many."

Two white eyebrows old man nodded said with a smile.

The geniuses who have signed up, all stepped into the void of one side, and each took one side, and no one was convinced. They looked arrogant, full of natural phenomenon, superb graceful posture, and unique temperament!

Some have a sword, the birth and death of a peerless sword intent, a sword rises together, Sun and Moon lost radiance!

Some have crossed swords at the waist, such as the leader personally bringing troops into battle, dominating the sky, and will Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

Some hold the jade umbrella in their hands, they are devastatingly beautiful!

Some slender waist hanging loops, snowy face, outstanding beauty, glamorous and indispensable, but exudes a dangerous atmosphere!

Some are armed with guns, they are invincible, and they are so angry!

Some people stand with empty hands, hold their chests in their arms, have a good-looking chest, look like a sword, and domineering!

Too many geniuses!

The genius at the bottom of the genius list and the mention on equal terms are just like the difference between a baby rabbit and a lion elephant!

The former can trample the fragile bunny to death with just one foot, and it can’t be compared at all!

None of them are vulgar generations, all of them come from the Grade 4 sect of the 36-domain cream of the crop, or the legendary Grade 5 giant!


Holy light shines, the sea of ​​clouds is surging!

"In this Heaven Ranking conference, it's my turn to take the top spot in Hongtian Temple!"

Rough laughter echoed in the sky, and an Immemorial red dragon went around forever. holy light, several hundred zhang are huge, rolling from the horizon, imposing manner dominating the world!

On the back of the dragon, stands proudly a middle-aged man with red eyebrows back of a tiger and waist of a bear. He is powerful and overbearing, watching the world!

Behind him is a group of youngsters with cold expressions, there are as many as fifteen!

This means that 15 of the top 40,000 geniuses cultivated by the name sect?

"Grade 5 sect, Hongtian Temple......"

A group of geniuses floating in the air reveal fighting intent or fear, have nothing common with each other, staring at those ten Five people.

Fifteen geniuses unanimously showed fighting intent and violent smiles, and looked towards their geniuses in front of all the eyes of the audience and made a gesture of'wipe their necks'! Go crazy!

The atmosphere is extremely hot. Although no one speaks, the imposing manner of brewing and cohesion is like a gunpowder keg!

"You Hongtian Temple are the gang that played the most happily every time."

Two white eyebrows old man didn't know whether to cry or laugh, for Fifteen people registered.

After the genius of Hongtian Temple signed up, there was another young man in sackcloth, standing with a sword.

"Registration, No. 39999 on the genius list·Ling Jian."

After completing the registration, the two white eyebrows old men looked at each other.

"Hey, this youngster......"

"It seems to be much more than the superficial ranking......"

The youth walked away slowly with a negative sword, every step Calm, like an ascetic swordsman who has returned from the experience of the world.

The floating world is past, ten thousand zhang in the red dust, but a sword.

The two elders haven't been surprised yet, the faint clouds are like a misty Immortal Realm, and when they reverberate, they have amazed countless geniuses!

The beautiful lady took the wind to fall, and her face amazed time.

Her eyebrows seem to be a deep painting of time. Anyone who stares at her can seem to be calmed down by the thousands of negative emotions in his heart and return to the original heart.

It is difficult to express the impression she has given to people simply by admiration of beauty. She is more like a Heavenly Immortal who descends from the world and saves all living beings.

The beautiful lady’s lips are lightly opened, like the sound of heaven, pure and light like water, but it reaches the ears of everyone present.

"20001 on the Genius Ranking·Ning Qingxuan, sign up for the Heaven Ranking."

The faces of the geniuses are exceptionally wonderful!

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