A holy light seemed to descend from above Nine Heavens, overlapping layers of ladders, clouds steaming and colorful, descending into the venue!

The cloud ladder is hazy, misty and illusory, slowly walking down a group of young girls with the most respectable weather! Twelve people!

Leading two people, one man and one woman, Pian Pian Jia Young Master, all the country and the world.

Jia Young Master's gaze swept away, and his sword qi was all over his body. The imposing manner was like a giant sword that opened the sky and came from the sky, calmly said with a smile.

"Sure enough, there are still a lot of crooked melons and cracked dates..."

Jia Young Master hasn't finished yet, when he stares at the lady in Qingyi suddenly, his eyes flicker Kind of fiery.

"Hey, Senior Brother, don't talk about people like that. Anyway, everyone here is also a genius on the list."

The devastatingly beautiful person covered his mouth and chuckled, and his eyes saw When the Senior Brother stared at the beautiful Heavenly Immortal lady in Tsing Yi, a touch of jealousy appeared in his wonderful eyes...

"Grade 5 Aristocratic Family, 100 Holy Sect!"

Some The genius has serious eyes.

This Sect genius is extremely powerful!

It is said that during this period of Sect Peak, the same generation of Hundred Saints emerged, and the glory is unparalleled!

This kind of Sect's inheritance and foundation, almost all selected geniuses are as strong as monsters!

"You are the Ning Qingxuan of Wanqingdian, right? It is Heaven-blessed Genius, this kind of indifferent state of mind, even the old man is ashamed of being inferior, it is worthy of the sect of the lineage single pass. "

The white eyebrows old man writes down the name of Ning Qingxuan after signing up, click one's tongue in wonder.

"Senior is serious. Junior has not fully entered the world. It’s the best cultivation to talk about life. It’s always the best cultivation to go through."

Ning Qingxuan elegantly nodded , A simple sentence has caused Saint to scrutinize it over and over again!

After Ning Qingxuan left, the two old men exclaimed.

"Experience is the best cultivation...I really envy the Wanqing Palace! These strange women can be found by them!"

"The surface of this sect is only Grade 3 Forces, in fact, no one knows what kind of background they hide. Their Palace Lord is indifferent to the world and does not seek fame and fortune. The core method in its temple is based on the innate talent of the state of mind. This woman is simply for them. A custom-made talent is just like!"

When Pian Pianjia Young Master stepped down, staring reluctantly at Ning Qingxuan's back, shook his head and exclaimed: "Ning Qingxuan, is this her name..."

"Senior Brother, are you fancy other people?"

The devastatingly beautiful beauty is sourly said, Jia Young Master is serious and nodded——"Only she can be worthy of this Young Master!"


At this time, the tyrannical blood is burning like a sacred flame, and an iron-blooded dragon team is born!

The ten-headed dragon body is like a black and deep giant dragon that is cast in molten iron flying into the sky, and nearly a hundred geniuses stand proudly on the dragon's back!

One by one, they are full of vitality and blood, like a scorching sun, breathing like a fierce beast, and their fleshy breath is as strong as an abyss like a sea, leaning on the sky and the earth!

Most of the Battle Qi Cultivation Base only have the Four Tribulations cultivation base, but the pure power is not less than 99 million dragon power!

Some are covered with scales, their pupils are red-orange, exuding a fierce dragon-like aura!

The skin is more radiant as stars, and the domineering azure light is flowing.

Some are covered with hideous scales, horns on the top of the head, grinning teeth, if there is red light burning between the eyes and eyebrows, the flames of anger are burning, three or four meters high, fierce and evil!

The geniuses from the barbaric domain!

The peak genius of the entire barbaric domain has been integrated into a large part, and they appear together in an imposing manner so strong that they dominate the party!

The winner of the Heaven Ranking will receive one of the 4,000 places on Rainbow Island!

Rainbow Island’s quota is different from other Secret Realm. This Secret Realm is not controlled by any force, not to mention the Holy Land, even the legendary Supreme Saint King can’t enter!

Heaven Ranking Conference, the wind and clouds gather together!

Every time this feast is held, many peak genius in 36 domains will be alarmed. Except for the top 10,000 of the genius list and other well-known figures that have not yet arrived, the top 40,000 geniuses will at least have more than half a meeting. turn up!

Every year, the Heaven Ranking conference is the year with the most changes in the genius list, because the first condition for participating in the Heaven Ranking is to bet on your own ranking!

Heaven Ranking registration is still ongoing!


In the secret room; Lin Chen was amazed.

"What a Heaven Ranking conference, I, Lin Chen, can't miss it either! Rainbow Island has a great opportunity. I, someone Lin, can pick up a great opportunity by just going in and picking up the attribute light ball, let alone There are still many secret treasures in it!"

The most important thing is that Lin Chen also learned a message that at the Heaven Ranking conference, no holy land dare to be impudent!

Lin Chen opens the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 6.0 version

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Second Tribulation Battle Sovereign ——high level Essence: 886600 points—— (coming to breakthrough three Rob Battle Sovereign, please prepare the host for Heavenly Tribulation)

Ultimate strength: 49 million dragon power-high level blood: 757566 points.

High level Divine Attribute value: 495 points (Through Heaven Realm Perfection)

High level cultivation technique essence: 6970 points-advanced talisman energy: 1280 points.

Intermediate Heavenly Dao value: 7551 points-intermediate innate talent points: 2410 points.

Blank attribute: 1.23 million points-enhanced points: 6.84 million points.

High level elemental energy: Fire Element 215 points, Earth Element 181 points, Wood Element 140 points, Gold Element 195 points, Water Element 188 points, Thunder Element 181 points, Wind Element 174 points, Light Element 199 points Point, the dark system is 121 points!

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not)——bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent column: (green rank) Dual Cultivation acacia, (purple rank) assault , (Purple Stage) Torn, (Orange Stage) Extreme God Possession Fragment (2/4)-Special Moves Bar (Open or Not)

Active innate talent: (Purple Stage) God Steal Omen , (Purple Stage) Deadly Bloodthirsty, (Purple Stage) Ultra-Dimensional Teleportation, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Stage) Limit Return to Origin, (Purple Stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, (Quasi Orange Stage) Desperate Life and death, (Orange-level) instant light splitting, (Orange-level one-time) Godslayer, (Orange-level one-time) Sky Reverse (1/2) Fragment,

Characteristic rune column (whether open or not) — —Innate talent combo skills (open or not)]

This time the attribute value has doubled again from the last time! After slaying many Battle Sovereigns and after several twists and turns to pick up attributes, Lin Chen's attribute value has finally accumulated enough conditions for the'upgrade function'!

"system, I want to upgrade enhanced functions!"

[Consumption of 3 million enhancement points, 5000 high level cultivation technique essence, 6000 intermediate Heavenly Dao value, upgrade enhancement functions If successful, the host will lift all the enhancement cultivation techniques, and the maximum can be enhanced to +15, and the enhancement cost will be reduced by 15%. 】

Lin Chen’s hard-earned enhancement points suddenly lost 3 million points!

But he doesn't feel distressed at all, because the next thing is the highlight!

If the upper limit of strengthening is lifted, his background will surely soar again!

[Note: The battle skill level breakthrough after the host sudden enlightenment is strengthened will be based on the level after the breakthrough, so as to consume enhancement points. 】

"Come here, don’t care about anything, follow the core method to be fucking strong!"

Lin Chen excitedly clicked on the core of "Nine Tribulations of Creation" Method, strengthen it with one click!

【Consume 18450 strengthening points, strengthen +14 "Nine Tribulations of Creation" core method success, formidable power increase: 80%. ]

Boom~! In Lin Chen's body, Battle Qi, the origin of the infinite Nine Tribulations, was awakened, climbing to a new level steadily!

Lin Chen is confused!

This damn happiness comes too suddenly!

After the upgrade, the first enhancement succeeded?

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