+14 "Nine Tribulations of Creation" core method, overall formidable power increase: 320%!

The enhancement of the core method will not only transform the original Battle Qi of the Nine Tribulations, but also improve the shortening of the use time of the Nine Tribulations and the formidable power soaring!

This is also why Lin Chen could only use the "Nine Tribulations Stars" once in three days before shortening it to once a day. Now it only takes about half a day to use the second Nine Tribulations Stars!

Following this trend, once it is strengthened to +15, Lin Chen's is very likely to be able to use the "Nine Tribulations Stars" this big killer twice in one day!

This is something that I didn't even dare to think of before!

[Consumption of 26,580 enhancement points, enhancement failure...]

Lin Chen ordered the core method enhancement ten times in one breath, all failed! Nearly 270,000 strengthening points were directly lost!

"No, the enhancement cost is too high. And the probability of +15 is too low. I can't fight for luck alone. I still have 3.57 million enhancement points left. I want to choose the most stable way to improve my strength!"

After the tragic result that he almost lost his money before, Lin Chen does not intend to die [core method enhancement].

Strengthening the core method is certainly the biggest improvement step, but the low probability is very likely to make him suffer!

"system, I want to learn the half-orange-level archery technique "Jiguang Pianyu"."

[Consume 34 points of high level cultivation technique essence, and begin to merge cultivation memory. 】

Lin Chen’s Avatars share the fusion of cultivation and memory for him. Lin Chen continues to strengthen it!

Lin Chen has successively consumed 1.24 million enhancement points to enhance "Royal Sky" to +13, an increase of 240%!

Although he failed many times, Lin Chen was lucky.

"Royal Sky" contains a half-orange-level Spear Art and a half-orange-level defense battle skill, which is equivalent to Lin Chen having two +13 half-orange-level cultivation techniques at once!

Consuming another 1.33 million enhancement points, Lin Chen enhanced "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" to +14!

The spirit strength control skyrocketed, and Lin Chen spirit strength recovers fast enough, Lin Chen truly has the spirit control of the Saint Level Alchemist! And use "annihilation" again, the formidable power must skyrocket!

Finally, when all the strengthening points are used up, Lin Chen will increase "Nine Tribulations of Creation" +14, "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" +14, "Royal Sky" +13, and "Dragon Flash" +14!

Lin Chen's strength has explosive growth! Especially the life-saving ability, with +13 "Royal Sky" and +14 "Dragon Flash", Lin Chen's defense and speed have been greatly improved!

"There are 1.23 million blank attributes, in case you need it, you can be ready to convert into strengthening points at any time."

"The people who settle down are weak, that's all, then help Let them go..."

After Lin Chen merged his cultivation memory, Avatar began to take out hundreds of pill furnaces from the Taoyuan planting sac.

With the enhancement of Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra, Lin Chen's spiritual control becomes more and more Transcendent Saint!

The natural phenomenon of the finished sacred pill will swell through the Taoyuan planting capsule.

This time, he wants to refine a special eighth rank young pill, which is derived from a method of brewing pill in the records of Pill Saint in the cloud dome.

There are only two eighth rank Pill Recipe controlled by Lin Chen. One is the previous "Fu Ling Sacred Heart Pill", which can restore a large number of sacred elements and effectively heal Saint Physique's injuries. It is Lin Chen's gift The one taken by the little fairy.

The other one is the'Tianmen Lisheng Dan'. This pill is related to sanctification...

One is to repay the favor of Anjia, and the other is to try the present Refining medicine!

The endless medicine ingredient natural phenomenon converges in the pill furnace. This time, Lin Chen's refining medicine is extremely smooth.

It originally took more than half a month to refine the medicine. With the seamless cooperation of Avatar, it was completed in less than a day!

During this period, the red gold tree that has poured all the holy water of Tianyi is entering a state of rapid growth, like a hot knife through butter peak period!

Two days later, at night.

An Jiaxiao opened a banquet. Today is the birthday of the little girl An Xiaojiao. Many people in Anjia gathered on the roof of the highest restaurant in Longxiang City.

"Young Master Long is gone after all."

Ann patriarch sighed.

"His origins are very extraordinary, of course it is not that we can touch the level."

An Yan'er smiled, her eyes could hardly conceal a little sadness.

An Xiaojiao was even more listless, and muttered on the table—"How about leaving with me after my birthday? What about giving me unique and unmatched gifts? This is almost past time. Now, there is nothing, hmph! Men are big trotter!" An Xiaojiao looked at the jade box in his palm.

This is the jade box that the big brother Long gave her before he left. It is said that he will give himself the most unique and unmatched gift.

"Moreover, there is no Long Chenbo on the genius list..."

An Yan'er stared into the distance, looking thoughtful.


In Purgatory Volcano Island, a silent shadow sneaked into the island, treating the Space Formation as nothing, smoothly entering the interior.

The little shadow wrapped Lin Chen, he grinned, "elated, the Space Formation here is not an obstacle to the little fellow at all."

On the volcanic island, there are hundreds of thousands. An active volcano is running and flowing with multi-colored flames and lava. All around, there are towering volcanoes standing all around, magnificent and domineering, and the earth and mountains are red.

Only in the volcanic crater, a multi-colored flame aerosol was burned, and the faint aftertaste of the fire rushed straight to Nine Heavens, reflecting the splendid scene of steaming clouds, and dyeing the sky into a multicolored light. Kasumi flows!

On the top of the volcanic crater, there are piles of five-colored brilliance flame beads, fist sized.

"Ultimate Moment·Seven Changes!"

Lin Chen's whole body is flowing with a faint blue and faint brilliance, and the water robbery Battle Qi covers the whole body, resisting the violent and hot residual temperature.

"Just the remaining temperature of a still volcano is so terrifying. If it is in the middle of the volcanic crater, even the Holy Force of the Holy Land may not be able to completely resist it!"

Lin Chen's dark center is shocked , He quickly rushed to a volcanic crater.

Volcanic crater are all colorful flame beads piled up like hills.

Lin Chen picked up a colorful flame bead, and magically discovered that the colorful brilliance overflowing from the flame bead enveloped himself and the little shadow, turning the terrifying residual temperature in the volcanoes into warm temperature , Not to be harmed.

"This is the Burning Flame Orb, one of the important energy condensates that condense the alien crystals! Take it away, take it all away!"

Lin Chen is happy, put the volcanic crater inside Take away all the Fen Yanzhu!

Taking away the burning flame beads, scarlet lava is flowing under the volcano, Lin Chen is even more bright!

Because there are several colorful flame beads under these underground lava, rays of light are dozens of times brighter than ordinary flame beads!

Apart from this, there are hundreds of'attribute bubbles', each of which is engraved with thousands of values, which is a special attribute value for making nirvana!

"It’s the Burning Flame Sacred Orb. It depends on whether you can make a complete alien crystal! There are also a lot of special attribute values, right? I’ve posted it this time!"

Lin Chen was ecstatic, the movement method flashed, and when he dived inside, the temperature began to skyrocket!

Shih~! Lin Chen's clothes started to catch fire!

"Not good! Fen Yanzhu can't completely ignore this temperature!"

Lin Chen immediately withdrew and almost turned into a roast pig.

"It’s no wonder that the Holy Realm is required to pick the Burning Flame Sacred Orb in person. This temperature is too abnormal. Isn't it that you can't even get the special attribute value? Not to mention the Burning Flame Sacred Orb that cultivates alien crystals. It's..."

Lin Chen frowned, the temperature of Purgatory Volcano is too terrifying, worthy of the word'Purgatory'! I'm afraid there will be death or no life if you break in!

Did you leave after stealing all the Burning Flame Orbs?

Or take a risk?

"Purgatory Volcano will regularly visit the powerhouse. If you find that the Flame Orb has been stolen, it will definitely not be long before the Holy Realm arrives. The energy of a Flame Orb can reach thousands An ordinary Burning Flame Orb is the most important resource for cultivating different crystals. The Burning Flame Orb alone is not enough. I don't have enough time to try it... If you want to do it, I will do a big one!"

In Lin Chen's eyes, crazy rays of light flashed!

A shocking plan took shape in his mind!

If you can’t get down to the volcanic crater and take away the Burning Flame Holy Orb, why not let it squirt out by itself?

"hehe, let the other person squirt out, I'm good at this, hahaha!"

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