Chen Family, in a towering pavilion.

"Why, we have searched for so many days, but this group of boys are completely gone."

"Innate’s shadows haven’t recovered, can they still be under our noses? Can’t escape? The people in the dark horse club only need to detect a trace of aura to know their location!"

"There is also a possibility, maybe he is dead..."

"We have already launched all the Battle Sovereigns that can be mobilized. As long as he dies, the body will be found."

"I heard that a junior with a lot of money appeared in Longxiang City recently, do you want to Investigate it?"

"It’s unlikely that they are from the Dark Horse Club. Even if there is Long Qingguo, the Innate Shadow cannot recover so fast. Without the Shadow Clan, they are impossible to do this kind of swaggering action. ......"

When the Dark Pavilion and Chen Family were still discussing the sanctuary, a silhouette suddenly broke in and stammered.

"Two Old Ancestors, no, it's not good! Something happened to Purgatory Volcano Island!"

Shuangsheng's face changed suddenly!


The night is charming, and the giant city near Longxiang City is brightly lit and crowded.


Suddenly, the space vibrates, the violent air explosion sound echoes the sky, and a fire of five-colored cloud bursts into the sky!

"What's going on?"

"It seems to be the direction of Purgatory Volcano? Hiss! Could it be a volcanic eruption?"

"Impossible, there are Chen Family doubles Saint Old Ancestor sits in town, how could the volcano erupt!"

When countless powerhouses were surprised and suspicious, the fire blazed straight at Nine Heavens, throwing a few thousand zhang close to ten thousand zhang into the sky, and the people in countless giant cities were clear visible!

When the eyes of the public were in full view, the five-color fire light exploded suddenly when it rushed to the most peak!

Swipe~~! Bang~!

The fire exploded, and thousands of colorful brilliance scattered and opened, like a goddess scattered flowers, blooming one after another, forming a superb view of Human World!

Countless people were dumbfounded! The flames of this purgatory volcano exploded and it was breathtakingly beautiful!

The people of Anjia, located on the top floor of the Longxiangcheng restaurant, witnessed this scene immediately!

"That is the flames of the purgatory volcano, my God!"

Ann patriarch was dumbfounded!

An Yan'er and An Xiaojiao suddenly trembled their lovable body, thinking!

"Difficult... Can it be said?"

When the second girl's heart throbbed, a hearty laughter voice passed through the Battle Qi sound transmission, at a speed that was dozens of times faster than the speed of sound. Spread throughout several thousands li, thousands of miles away!

"Fireworks of this level are worthy of my dark horse clubhouse, hahaha!"

A few times peng~ peng~ peng~ between the young people’s laughter Light soared through the Heavenly Fire until Nine Heavens exploded, dazzling and shocking countless people!

"Dark Horse Clubhouse? Could it be said that it was the Dark Horse Clubhouse that Chen Wu was wanted by tomorrow and Chen Family was killed?"

"My God! It's crazy, it must be crazy!"

"My God! This kid uses Purgatory Volcano as fireworks?"

"How did he get in! My grass! These people are really amazing!"

"So beautiful... ”

Countless powerhouses were dumbfounded, their chins almost fell to the ground!

A group of Chen Family Battle Sovereign stands in the Chen Family headquarters, trembling at the beautiful scenery thousands of miles away...

The holy realm is all facing the purgatory volcano cautiously, Was it used to set off fireworks?

What the hell is this Divine Immortal?

"Quick! Go and stop him! All the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign will give Lao Tzu the fuck, go and inform the Old Ancestors!"

Chen Family patriarch is crazy !

If this allows him to let go of the volcanic crater, wouldn't it be a big deal? Chen Family's millions of years of accumulation will all have to be emptied, and will suffer unprecedented heavy losses!

Swipe~! Brush~! Brush~!

There are several cracks in the space directly above the purgatory volcanic crater, and the Chen Family Holy Land and Dark Pavilion Holy Land are the first to arrive!

As soon as they arrived, they witnessed Lin Chen's incarnation as a "true virtue show" and grabbed the falling Burning Flame Holy Orb.

Seeing all the saints arrived, Lin even blinked—"Hello, good evening everyone, did you have fun peek-a-boo the past few days? I had a lot of fun. ~"

"no! My Chen Family’s Burning Flame Sacred Pearl!"

The two Old Ancestors of Chen Family rushed to Purgatory Volcano Island immediately, looking all around, there are already eight The volcano was uncovered and erupted, such as prepare for there funeral, bursting with heart-piercing screams!

"True Des Show, you are courting death!"

A Dark Pavilion sanctuary murderous intention was exposed, and murderous aura shattered a large space above the head, breaking the baleful of Exterminating All Living Things Aura gathered her five fingers together and was about to grab Lin Chen with a palm, when she was suddenly stopped by Ying Mie!

"Don't make a move, this kid plots against us!"

Ying Miao blocked the holy realm, suddenly coldly shouted!

"The two of Chen Family, get out of there! Heavenly Tribulation is coming!"

Chen Family Old Ancestor who should be killed coldly shouted for two killing intents Sober instantly!

They suddenly discovered that there was a cloud of nine-color flames on the head of the'Zhen De Xiu'!

"Quickly...retreat! We will become the target of Jieyun!"

Ying Mie once again coldly shouted, the old man clenched the teeth fiercely, and immediately drew away. !

"Damn! What are the evildoers of the bastards in the dark horse clubhouse. Some time ago, Lin Chen just broke through the Second Tribulation Battle Sovereign, and this true virtue show broke through to the Third Tribulation Battle Sovereign again, and took advantage of the tragedy. The cloud is against us!"

Dark Pavilion gnashing teeth, the Pavilion Lord should face as sinking as water, and his expression becomes more solemn!

"The situation is a bit bad. He not only wants to use Jieyun to deal with us, but also to let us refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, occupying all the resources of Purgatory Volcano! "

Swipe~! Brush~! Brush~!

Another group of holy places tore the void arrived, Lian Wanjin, Qin Zhentian, Ying heavenly demon, and those Evil Sect holy places!

Before the sacred realm came to understand the situation, Lin stood on the volcanic crater and smiled, holding a ball of water robbery Battle Qi and Thunder Element Battle Qi into a thunderball.

"I am the person who likes jetting the most, hahaha! Shoot him!"

Lin Chen threw water and Thunder Tribulation Battle Qi into the volcanic crater, and brushed it. At once, the lava in the volcano suddenly rioted!


A beam of five-color fire light rushed up, throwing out the burning flame holy beads, and from Lin Chen's perspective, it shot out special attribute bubbles in the sky!

"Not good, retreat first!"

Ying Mie coldly shouted and flew back.

One of the Chen Family Old Ancestor clenched the teeth, with the sole of his feet stomping into the void, he rushed past, and a thousand holy light emerged all over his body. The Holy Force was like an abyss like a sea, forcibly resisting the burning of the fire!

Bang~! The fire light exploded from the sky of Nine Heavens, magnificent, and those few burning flame holy beads fell down!

The Chen Family Old Ancestor, who was slightly burned, wants to use the movement method to retrieve the Burning Flame Holy Orb.

Lin Chen stepped on the dragon flash, flapping the phoenix wings, and the little shadow helped him shuttling through the void, speed to the pinnacle!

A touch of white light is extremely electric, and it shoots several turns in a flash, and grabs the flame-burning holy pearl in the sky!

"Damn it, you are courting death!"

Chen Family Old Ancestor was so angry that he wanted to slap Lin Chen to death with a palm, and a dangerous opportunity to be locked appeared in his heart!

Boom~! Heavenly Tribulation is here, aim at Lin Chen! This is a touch of golden flame, containing the power of burning the eight wilderness!

"Oops, Heavenly Tribulation is going to lock the old man, is this the kid's plan!"

Chen Family Old Ancestor is cold and sweaty, and he quickly retreats. Hundred zhang gold The Fire Dragon rolls lasing Lin Chen, he casually stepped on the movement method, and the little shadow shuttling through the void, easily avoided!

next moment ……

Lin Chen flicked his fingers, thunder Tribulation and Battle Qi shot into the volcanic crater, igniting more accumulated lava from the volcanic crater. !

The expressions of the two Old Ancestors of Chen Family changed in horror!

This kid is real!

Lin has a lowly laughed face, stepping on the'dragon flash' like a White Dragon and skimming the sky, casually avoiding Heavenly Tribulation strikes.

peng peng peng!

The purgatory volcano has begun to erupt again, and the five-colored flames are soaring into the sky!

'Zhen Dexiu' stood not far away from all the saints, and the colorful fire light illuminates him with extraordinary beauty. He took a small space step in the sky, and the laughter of Dese spreads. All directions, thousands of miles away!

"In the woolala clubhouse, running handsome. The little shadow is bragging, and the silhouette is beautiful under the fireworks."

"I use fireworks to write a diary and introduce After it’s so handsome, let’s introduce myself~~"

Watching the "True Virtue Show" bathed in five-colored brilliance while singing and dancing, a crowd of sacred mouths are frantic. Pump...

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