“Join the Navy?”

When Nuo Qigao heard this, he looked at the orange trees in the courtyard behind him, and then shook his head and said, “Forget it, I still like to stay in Coco Yaxi Village.” ”

Zhan Taomaru persuaded: “What is good about Kokoa West Village, you should follow us to the Great Voyage and see the wider world.” Moreover, we are going to invite Nami to be our navigator, and you probably don’t want to be separated from Nami. ”

On the way to Kokoa West Village, Nami’s seafaring talent was also unanimously recognized by Orochimaru and Karna, so Linley simply invited Nami to become his navigator.

After thinking about it for a few days, Nami agreed, but only after Linlei and they eliminated the Evil Dragon Pirates, did they officially agree to join Lei.

At this moment, Lin Lei looked at Nuo Qigao and also persuaded: “Not bad, Nuo Qigao, sail with us.” Moreover, I heard Nami say, you must not be willing to bear the orange tree in the yard, our warship is very large, you might as well transplant it to the warship. ”

“Really?” When Nuo Qigao heard this, he suddenly loosened a little.

Lin Lei nodded and said: “Of course you can, in fact, I have promised Nami before, anyway, our warship is very large, and sailing in the sea, the most lacking thing is the vitamins in the fruit, and after transplanting the orange tree, we will not lack fruits in the future.” ”

When Nuo Qigao heard this, he thought for a moment, then nodded and said, “Okay, in that case, then I will join the navy with Nami.” ”

Apparently, their adoptive mother Belmer had a great influence on them, and they also had this idea when they were children to join the Navy, but they were later killed by Colonel Mouse.

“Great, we’ve been having such hearty meals since then.” Orochimaru laughed happily on the side.

This guy is big and looks like a foodie.

Lin Lei smiled at Nuo Qigao: “Welcome to the Navy, I believe that after many years, you will not regret today’s decision.” ”

“Hmm!” Noki nodded, her eyes full of longing.

In fact, she was willing to join the Navy because she saw the justice of the Navy from Lei, which is the same justice as her adoptive mother Belmel.

In particular, Linlei’s sentence ‘Our navy can’t take a needle and thread from the common people’ completely moved Nuo Qigao, so she believed that following Linlei was a correct choice.

“I’m back!” Soon after, Nami’s voice came from outside the door.

When Lin Lei saw Nami returning, he couldn’t help but ask, “What did the evil dragon say?” ”

Nami said angrily when she heard this: “Sure enough, as you guessed, the evil dragon said that he is very busy now, and he will come and take this hundred million Bailey later.” ”

She is not a fool, the evil dragon has nothing to be busy with, and the evil dragon can just send a subordinate down.

Obviously, the evil dragon was deliberately delaying time, and then notified the navy gangster to come and take 100 million Bailey.

At that time, the evil dragon will come again, how can Nami still take out 100 million Bailey?

This is the sinister thinking of the dragon.

On the side, Zhan Taomaru heard this, and said with a sneer: “Okay, the fish has finally taken the bait, and then we will wait for that naval traitor to come to the door and then kill them all.” ”

Lin Lei looked at Nami and smiled: “Nami, Nokigao has promised to join our navy and serve as a cook on our warship in the future.” ”

“Really?” Nami was overjoyed when she heard this, and couldn’t help but look at Nokigao, who smiled and nodded, and she was immediately very happy.

The sisters are dependent on each other, naturally reluctant to separate, and they are certainly very happy to be able to stay on a boat and see the wider sea.


In the evening, a warship docked in the village of Cocoasi.

Immediately, a colonel with a mouse face, with a group of naval soldiers, rushed into the village of Cocoasi.

Along the way, the villagers looked at Colonel Mouse and his group in awe.

“I heard that there are pirates in this village, you guys quickly hand her over.” Colonel Rat took Nami’s picture and threatened the villagers.

Behind him, a group of naval soldiers had raised their guns.

In Nami’s home, Lin Lei and the others watched this scene and were very angry.

“They dare to turn their guns on the common people, these people are no longer worthy of the word ‘navy’.” Orochimaru said with a look of anger.

Lin Lei said gloomyly: “Nami, go out, remember to let him say something about colluding with the evil dragon pirate group.” ”

“Yes!” Nami nodded through gritted teeth and rushed out of the room.

“I’m here, let go of those villagers, it’s okay with them.” Nami yelled at Colonel Mouse’s group.

Colonel Rat didn’t bother to deal with a few villagers, and immediately grinned and waved his hand so that the soldiers below surrounded Nami.

“Hand over the 100 million Bailey you robbed!” Colonel Rat came to Nami and smiled grimly.

Nami glared angrily at Colonel Rat and asked, “How did you know I was here?” And also know that I have 100 million Baileys? It must have been the evil dragon who told you, because I only told him. ”

Colonel Rat didn’t see Nami as a threat at all, so he didn’t hide it in the slightest, and smiled proudly: “Yes, that’s what the dragon told me, but so what?” You go to the branch to report me, and see if the branch believes in me, a righteous naval colonel, or in you, an evil pirate. ”

“You… You are vile and shameless! Nami roared angrily.

Colonel Rat laughed and said, “Is this your cowardly and unwilling struggle?” Well, hand over 100 million Baileys, as for you, I won’t arrest you, because I still need you to continue to collect treasures for me and the evil dragon, hahahaha! ”

When Nami heard this, she suddenly put away the anger on her face, and smiled at Colonel Mouse: “Haha, you were fooled, it seems that I have a talent for acting.” ”

“Huh? What do you mean? Colonel Mouse’s face changed slightly, and then he glared at Nami and shouted, “What is in your hand behind your back?” ”

“Phone bug!” Nami took out the hand behind her back, and there was a phone bug in her palm, and it was still connected.

“Who did you call?” Colonel Mouse’s pupils shrank, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Nami pushed the phone worm forward and sneered, “It’s the Navy headquarters!” ”

Colonel Rat was shocked in his heart, then remembered something and mocked: “Impossible! You are a pirate, how can you have a phone bug that contacts the headquarters of the Navy! ”

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded in the phone worm: “I am Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters Fire Mountain, Colonel Mouse, from now on, you have been dismissed from the Navy.” ”

“Lieutenant General Burning Mountain? Impossible, you lied to me! When Colonel Rat heard this, he immediately took a few steps back and roared with disbelief on his face.


At this time, Linlei and Orochimaru pushed open the door, walked out of Nami’s house, and appeared behind Nami.

“I am Commodore Lei, Navy Headquarters!”

“I am Captain Battle Momomaru of the Navy Headquarters!”

Lin Lei and Zhan Taomaru glared at Colonel Rat fiercely, and said with an angry expression: “Colonel Mouse, your end has come. ”

“Kill them for me!” Colonel Rat recognized the general’s uniform that Linlei was wearing, and knew in his heart that he was finished, and immediately decided to fight hard.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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