
Linlei and Orochimaru performed a shave together, quickly solved the group of Colonel Mouse, and tied them up.

Zhan Taomaru looked at Lin Lei and said, “I’ll go and solve the Evil Dragon Pirate Group!” ”

Lin Lei stared at Zhan Taomaru and said seriously: “It is not allowed to let any pirates go, arrest them all for me, I will judge them in front of the villagers.” ”

“Yes!” Orochimaru said with a firm look in his eyes.

If it had been before, he might have caught the Evil Dragon Pirate Group and sent it to Advance City, but now, after knowing the evil deeds of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, he was also affected by Linlei’s personality.

Lin Lei watched Orochimaru leave, and then turned to Nami and said, “Nami, you go and inform the villagers, and you will avenge them later.” ”

“Yes!” Nami also gave a military salute, her face was full of excitement, she finally waited for this day.

Not far away, Nuo Qigao also had a smile on his face.

Soon, the villagers all came out.

At first, they didn’t believe Lei, but with the help of Nami and Nokigao, the villagers came suspicious.

And at this time, Zhan Momomaru had already pressed the evil dragon back, and behind him, there were Karna and the navy, who were also pressing the crew of the evil dragon pirate group.

The villagers saw that the evil dragon pirate group that had bullied them in the past was all tied up by the navy at this moment, and they had to believe that all this was true, and they immediately cheered loudly one by one.

Lin Lei looked at the cheering villagers and said loudly: “Villagers, I am Commodore Lin Lei of the Navy headquarters, I apologize to you on behalf of the Navy, but from today onwards, I will assure you that justice may be late, but it will never be absent!” ”



The villagers felt Lei’s sincerity, and the fact was in front of them, and they immediately resumed their new duties in the navy.

The common people are very simple and simple, as long as the navy adheres to justice, they will still believe in the navy.

Nearby, Nami and Nokigao looked at Lei, who was revered by everyone, with a twinkle in their eyes.

“Justice may be late, but it will never be absent… This guy can really say, and my blood boils when I listen to it. On the side, Orochimaru said to Karna.

Karna looked at Linlei in the crowd and said with admiration: “Commodore Linlei is a real navy!” ”

Orochimaru nodded, these days of getting along, coupled with the matter of Kokoa West Village, he had already determined that he was not following the wrong person.


Soon after, with Lin Lei’s order, all the people of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group were killed in public by the naval soldiers.

Even Colonel Rat was executed by Linlei himself, which made the villagers happy.

Afterwards, Linlei also ordered Karna to distribute all the treasures stolen from Colonel Rat and the Dragon Pirates to the villagers, so that the villagers simply regarded Linlei as a ‘god’.

At this moment, Nami and her family also transplanted orange trees, and the group boarded the warship and waved goodbye to the villagers.

At the same time, a warship sailed in, and a naval colonel stood on the warship and saluted Linlei: “Commodore Linlei, I am the newly appointed colonel of the 16th branch, and I have come to receive prisoners.” ”

Lin Lei said coldly: “The pirates and Colonel Rat have been executed by me in front of the villagers, and some ordinary naval soldiers who have made mistakes will be handed over to you.” ”

“Brigadier General Linlei…” The colonel looked at Linlei with a wry smile, but after feeling Linlei’s stern gaze, he nodded.

Sure enough, it was rumored that Brigadier General Linley inherited the attitude of General Sakaski to the pirates.

After the soldiers under Colonel Rat were escorted onto the warship opposite, Lin Lei looked at the admiral on the opposite side and said with a stern face: “You remember for me, I don’t want to see any pirates appear in Coco Yasi Village in the future, otherwise I will ask you!” ”

“Yes!” The captain nodded quickly, not daring to offend Linlei at all, after all, Linlei’s rank and strength were much stronger than him, and there was also a admiral father.

“Let’s go!” Linley turned around and waved Karna to drive the boat.

Nami and Nokigao looked at Lei, both very grateful in their hearts, they knew that after Lei’s words, the navy would often patrol near Coco Yasi Village in the future, and no pirates would be able to invade Coco Yasi Village.

“Where are we going next?” Orochimaru asked as he stood beside Linlei.

Lin Lei squinted, thought for a moment, and said, “Go to Rogue Town, and then go to the Great Voyage.” ”

“Okay, it’s finally time to go to the Great Voyage, the strength of this pirate in the East China Sea is too weak, it simply makes me not the slightest interest.” Zhan Taomaru immediately laughed excitedly, he was not happy at all in the previous battle with the evil dragon, because the strength of the evil dragon was too weak.

Lin Lei felt that Luffy should be about to arrive in Rogue Town, and if he didn’t go, he would lose it.

Moreover, there are two more people in the town of Rogue, and he is going to collect the ship.


Marin Fandor, Marshal’s office.

After listening to Karna’s report in the phone worm, Sengoku immediately showed a satisfied smile: “Justice may be late, but it will definitely not be absent, it’s so good to say!” ”

“He and Sakaski are still different.” On the sofa opposite, there was a person sitting down, it was the Admiral Pheasant.

Sengoku nodded and smiled: “He has the same attitude towards pirates as Sakaski, but compared to Sakaski, he is very gentle with civilians, and this is a real navy.” ”

“A real navy?” The green pheasant fell silent, he was a little unsure, is this true justice?

Warring States ignored the green pheasant and continued: “Linlei’s practice has made our navy famous, so this matter should be greatly publicized. ”

“You want to make him the new naval hero?” The green pheasant’s eyes flashed, and he looked at the Warring States and said.

Sengoku smiled slightly: “Karp is old, but the navy can’t live without heroes, if Linlei can do it, then let him be Karp’s successor.” ”

“Hehe, this is even harder than becoming a marshal!” The green pheasant sighed.

To become a marshal, as long as you get the approval of the world government, but to become a naval hero, you need to be recognized by everyone in the navy, which is as difficult as becoming One Piece, after all, this is not achieved by force.

“Haha, it’s hard, but he’s still very young, and he always has to set a goal for him to use the desire to continue sprinting forward.” Sengoku said with a slight smile.

The green pheasant nodded, then stood up and walked outside: “Sakaski wants to recuperate now, but the new world can’t be guarded without a general, so I’ll go for a trip.” ”

Sengoku nodded and said, “You go, that lazy guy of the yellow ape, don’t expect him, and when the red dog recovers from his injury, you will come back.” ”


At the same time, a storm covered the entire town of Rogue.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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