Dark clouds overwhelmed the town of Rogue, lightning and thunder, and a storm was coming.

In the streets, gunfire rang out and fights rose and fell against each other.

The navy is in pursuit of the pirates, and a riot has swept through the town of Rogue.

“Luffy, let’s go!” Solon yelled.

“Straw Hat Luffy, stop for me!” Smog rushed from a distance, white smoke wrapping his weapon and striking Luffy first.

“Three knife flow!” Solon stopped Smogg, and the sword flashed, and the shrill sound continued one after another.

But he is not Smogg’s opponent at all, and the Devil Fruit of the natural system, even if it is weak, is not something that the pirates in the East China Sea can resist.

“Solon, let’s go!” Luffy rushed over and blocked Smogg.

“Let’s go!” Solon grabbed Luffy and the two fled together towards the dock in front.

Smog was just about to continue the pursuit, but a broad palm suddenly pressed his shoulder, making his whole body unable to move, and he felt a terrible pressure.

“You… You are a dragon, you dare to appear, do you not know that the whole world is looking for you? Smogg turned around, looked at the hideous face, and was suddenly startled.

The dragon said inexplicably: “The world is waiting for my answer!” ”

“Why are you helping him?” Smogg looked at Luffy and the group of Straw Hat who had already boarded the ship in the distance.

The dragon was also looking at Luffy and said with a smile: “Is there any reason to stop a man from setting sail?” ”

Watching Luffy and them go away, the dragon also turned away.

Smog gritted his teeth and watched the dragon step by step, but he couldn’t do anything.

This is a man who gives the world government a headache, and even if the admiral can’t keep this person here, he is even more unlikely to do it.


Smogg looked at Luffy the Straw Hat who had left Rogue Town, and his eyes became firm: “In Rogue Town, where I am on duty, I will never allow any pirate to escape, come on, prepare a ship for me, I will go to the ‘Great Voyage’!” ”

The navy exclaimed.

“Colonel Smogg, you are the commander here, and you cannot leave Rogue Town without the permission of the headquarters.” Dusty persuaded from the side.

Smogg snorted coldly, “To hell with that damn rule, didn’t that man already say it just now?” There is no reason to stop a man from setting sail. ”

Dusty was speechless: “That’s a dragon, the world’s number one criminal, how can you listen to him.” ”

“I don’t care, if I don’t catch Straw Hat Luffy and the gang, I won’t be willing.” Smog shook his head.

At this moment, a naval soldier hurriedly ran over.

“Report – Colonel Smogg, there is a warship of the headquarters of the navy coming, it seems that there is also a commodore of the headquarters.” The soldier said quickly.

“Brigadier General Motobu?” Smogg showed a puzzled look, how could he suddenly have a headquarters coming, he hadn’t received any news before.

Dusty on the side hurriedly persuaded: “Colonel Smogg, let’s meet this brigadier general first.” ”

“See you and see him, and he can’t stop me from going on the Great Voyage.” Smogg snorted coldly, he was not a person who was used to hearing wrong orders, so his road to promotion was so bumpy.


Roguetown Pier.

Lin Lei watched Luffy and the group go away and did not pursue.

“In addition to Solon and Usopp, there seems to be a strange man with eyes on it.” Lin Lei wondered in his heart, just now he saw a stranger on Luffy’s ship, which he didn’t find when he watched the One Piece anime.

However, soon Leilei understood.

Since he intercepted Nami, under the influence of the protagonist’s aura, Luffy found another navigator.

After all, in that dangerous place of the Great Voyage, if there is not a powerful navigator, it is almost to die.

“Hey, why did you let that pirate group go?” Orochimaru walked up to Linlei and asked, he knew that if Linley wanted to pursue, Luffy would not be able to escape.

After all, both of them will be able to step by month, and with the two of them making a move, they will definitely be able to stop Luffy from them.

“Let them go first!” Lin Lei looked at Zhan Taomaru, pointed to the nearby Rogue Town and said: “Go up first and take a look, help the navy above maintain order.” ”

“Well, it’s the first time I’ve seen you let go of a pirate group, what kind of pirate group is that? Can make you, the guy who is tough on pirates, choose to stop for a while. Orochimaru turned and left.

Lin Lei smiled slightly, he wouldn’t let go of the straw hats, he was just raising fish now, and when the fish grew up, he would go to harvest.

Of course, more importantly, Linley knew that there were dragons in Rogue Town, and if he made a move now, he would have to face the dragons.

Now he is far from the dragon’s opponent.

“Karna, you are in charge of guarding the warship, Nami, Nokigao, you take people to replenish living materials, this time we have to sail for a long time, so we need enough living materials.” Lin Lei immediately said to Karna and Nami who were not far away.

“Yes!” All three women nodded.

And by this time, Smog had already come with some navy.

Linley also jumped down with Orochimaru and his group to meet with Smogg.

“Dusty has seen the Brigadier General!” A beautiful woman saluted Lei.

“I’ve seen the Brigadier General!” The navy also saluted Lei.

Only Smog continued to smoke a big cigarette, looking at Lei, without the slightest respect in his eyes, only disdain: “It’s just a little ghost, Orochimaru, you really disappointed me so much, you actually followed a little ghost.” ”

Having also spent time in the genius training camp, Smogg certainly knew Orochimaru.

Orochimaru glared angrily at Smog and snorted coldly, “What do you understand? This is Brigadier General Linlei, he is the one who killed Sasaki in the New World, and his strength is much stronger than yours. ”

“Lei?” Smog looked at Lin Lei in front of him, and his eyes suddenly became much more solemn, without the disdain before.

The news of Linlei had already spread among the navy, and Smogg also knew, but he didn’t remember Linlei’s appearance before, and now when he heard Orochimaru’s words, he suddenly felt that Linlei was a little familiar.

“So it’s you!” Smog nodded, looked at Linlei and asked, “What are you doing in Rogue Town?” ”

For Smogg’s rudeness, Linlei was not angry at all, but said with a smile: “I heard that you are going to violate the rules of the navy and take people to the Great Route, as a commodore, I need to escort you back to Marin Fandor to accept punishment.” ”

“Huh?” When Orochimaru next to him heard this, he immediately looked at Lin Lei suspiciously, he hadn’t heard that Smog was going to the Great Voyage.

Smogg’s face was gloomy, and his eyes were staring at Lin Lei coldly.

Dusty on the side hurriedly said: “Brigadier General Linlei, you must have misunderstood, our Colonel Smog is not ready to go to the Great Route. ”

Smog waved his hand, his eyes looked at Lin Lei coldly, and he gritted his teeth: “That’s right, I just want to go to the Great Voyage, and no one can stop me, including you.” ”

After speaking, white smoke rose from his body.

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