My dad's life

Chapter 1021

Although Ai Cai went to elementary school, they are still a school bus.

In the morning, Little Pig was carrying a small schoolbag and went to school happily.

Today is the first day of her sophomore class to officially go to school. Although everything has not changed, her mood is different.

The sophomore class is now, and it’s an older child, and a big sister in kindergarten.

The big sister is so prestigious, she laughs happily when she thinks about it.

"You little child, what are you silly and happy alone?" Fang Yuan, who was walking beside her, asked with a puzzled expression.

"I'm a big sister, hehe~" The little guy could speak with joy.

"Really? Since you are the big sister, then you have to be obedient, not naughty, and set a good example for the younger brother and younger sister."

"it is good."

The little guy agreed quite simply. As for whether he can do it, let's talk about it elsewhere.

Looking at Little Pig, who was in a happy mood and was jumping around, Fangyuan did not continue preaching. Let her take care of the children's affairs. Too much reminder and intervention may not be good.

"Sister Aicai, Yaoyao." Little Zhuzhu saw the two in front of him, and immediately chased after him.

"Slow down, be careful of falling." Fang Yuan reminded from behind.

"I know, I'm all a big sister, how could I fall down? It's not a baby." Xiao Zhuzhu turned his head and said with dissatisfaction.




"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

Little Pig was dumbfounded.

Fang Yuan laughed and stepped forward to help her up.

It is common for children to wrestle and there is no need to make a fuss. They are low in altitude, and generally do nothing if they fall. Unlike adults, they may not get up after falling.

Little Pig stood up with a gray head and face, his mouth was puffed up, both angry and feeling shameless.

How can big sister wrestle?Besides, I just said I can't fall.

What's more hateful is that the bad father is still laughing.

The little guy was angry, got into his father's arms and pressed his small head against his chest.

Don't mess with me, I'm great?

Little Pig Roared in his heart.

The dust on his body was rubbed all over his body.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, Ai Cai and Yaoyao are still waiting for you." Fang Yuan held back a smile and helped her to play the dust off her body.

"Humph, I'll settle accounts with you after school, you bad father." Little Pig said angrily.

"Okay, dad wait." Fang Yuan patted her little butt, then stood up.

Little Pig Pig ran towards Ai Cai and Yao Yao again, but as soon as he picked up his feet, he remembered something, and then slowed down.

Sure enough, suffering is the best education.

"Hello, Teacher Yu."

I didn't see the life teacher who followed the car during a summer vacation, so Little Pig missed it a bit.

"How are you, are you happy this summer?" Teacher Yu asked, touching her little head.

"Well, I'm very happy."

Little Pig is happy every day.

"Well, goodbye to Dad, then get in the car." Teacher Yu said.

"Goodbye, father."

Piggy turned his head and waved to Fangyuan.

Then I got ready to get in the car, just stepped up, and remembered something. Looking back, the other party beckoned and said, "Dad, I forgive you, I won't ask you to settle the bill after school, but you have to come back early and play with me. ."

"it is good."

Fang Yuan agreed with a smile.

"Hehe~" Little Pig got on the school bus happily.

Looking at the school bus going away, Fang Yuan couldn't tell the sweetness in his heart.

"What a cute little guy." Sister Lei said next to her.

"Children are probably the most beautiful thing in this world." Fang Yuan said.

"Yes, sometimes I really hope that they don't grow up, and they will always be at such a happy age." Sister Lei said with some emotion.

"Usually people who have such emotions show that she is old." Fang Yuan said suddenly.

"You guy." Sister Lei patted Fang Yuan's arm angrily.

Then he laughed happily, smiling like a child.

"Sister Ai Cai, you are in the first grade today. Are you very happy?" The piglet in the car asked Ai Cai, holding the front seat.

"Of course." Ai Cai turned around, with a little excitement.

"I am also very happy. I can meet many good friends today." Du Tianhao said beside him.

"You're all right, you are still in the same class with Xiaoshan." Ai Cai said with envy.

"Hey, are Brother Du Tianhao and sister Xiaoshan in the same class?" Xiao Zhuzhu was surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, Shan Zecheng is in the first class, Xiaoshan and I are in the second class, and Ai Cai is in the third class." Du Tianhao said with some joy.

Having a familiar person makes him very happy.

"You are so happy now, after a while, you will be unhappy." Zhang Long said beside him.

"Why?" Shan Zecheng asked strangely.

"Because I am in elementary school, I have to do my homework. It's troublesome."

Although Tianhai International does not pay much attention to cultural classes like ordinary schools, they also have homework.

It is usually creative manual work, or animal and plant observation reports, etc., which are more troublesome than pure homework, and also test the patience and professionalism of children.

For example, in their summer homework, there are several travel notes and animal and plant observation analysis reports. Don't think they are in the first or second grade, but the things they make are done in accordance with professional procedures.

"I like to do homework." Ai Cai said.

"Hmph, when you do it, you will know it. It's super troublesome. I have been writing homework for a long time this summer." Zhang Long said bitterly.

"Oh, so do I. I have to hand it in today. I don't know if the teacher is satisfied. If you can give me a B, I will be satisfied." said Guan Yongrui, the little curly hair.

"I will definitely get A. I have never got B. My father said I wrote very well." Su Yuanyuan said proudly.

Su Yuanyuan also belongs to the type of schoolmaster at school, and her grades have always been very good. This is something she is proud of.

"Wow, sister Yuanyuan is amazing."

Piggy's eyes were full of worship, which greatly satisfied Su Yuanyuan's vanity.

This is one of Piggy's advantages. He never praises others, and never jealous of others' advantages.

Probably this is one of the reasons for her popularity.

Speaking of this, Zhang Long quietly closed his mouth. There is a saying that the dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the mouse's son will make holes.

Rough words are not rough, sometimes it is really related to talent.

Zhang Long’s father, Zhang Hu, went to sports because of his poor grades, so...

Zhang Long is also a scumbag. His best grade is probably B-. It's useless to learn. Zhang Hu also has a headache.

But Zhang Long is very talented in sports, and the school also focuses on training him in this area.

A group of little guys, twittering all the way to the school, everyone ushered in a new beginning.

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