My dad's life

Chapter 1022 Big Sister Head Megatron Kindergarten

Because today is the first day of class, it is also the first time that a small class is officially enrolled.

Therefore, the kindergarten is very noisy, especially some children who left their parents for the first time, screaming.

Piggy had heard the sound before he went upstairs.

Kindergarten does not change classrooms for promotion, so after the children from the big class on the third floor have left, now the third floor is the small class.

And Xiao Zhuzhu's sophomore class is downstairs from the small class.

So the cry of "Wow" upstairs is also very clear.

How can this work?Piggy feels that she is very responsible.

So taking advantage of Teacher Wang's attention, he sneaked out.

Yaoyao had been paying attention to her a long time ago, and when Xiao Zhuzhu ran out, she hurriedly followed and grabbed her clothes.

"Xinxin, where are you going?" Yaoyao asked anxiously.

"I'm going upstairs to see why these little kids are croaking, it's so annoying." Piggy said angrily.

"No, Teacher Wang will find out." Yaoyao said anxiously.

"It's okay, we'll be back in a while, and I'm going to do good deeds so that the children don't cry. Teacher Wang will definitely praise us if he knows it." Little Zhuzhu confidently said.


Yaoyao had extremely trust in Little Pig.

"Of course it's true." Little Zhuzhu stuck in his waist and walked upstairs.

Yaoyao hurried to keep up.

First, I came to the small (1) class, which was the big (1) class in the past.

The children inside are noisy, one crying and the other crying, and the other crying and crying, one after another, there are two teachers coaxing inside.

One of Xiao Zhuzhu's acquaintance is Teacher Liu who is very kind to her.

This teacher Liu has been better for a few months after giving birth, but she hasn't lost weight yet, and her whole body is fat. At this time, her face is full of helplessness and anxiety.

She was originally the class teacher of the big (1) class. After the big (1) class was promoted to elementary school, she started to teach the small (1) class from head to head. This is the school's rules.

If the child cried in the past, it would be fine. As kindergarten teachers, they would have been prepared for this and have experience in coaxing children.

However, it hasn’t been a long time since she had just given birth to the child, and the whole person’s energy is not very good. The children are crying and crying, and it is inevitable to be a little upset, but she can’t be angry with the children. She feels aggrieved and uncomfortable...

Seeing the piglet, "Cengcengceng" ran to the podium, took the blackboard eraser in his hand, knocked on the podium, and said loudly, "Don't cry."

Yaoyao was timid and didn't dare to follow in, so she lay on the edge of the door and quietly looked in.

Seeing Xinxin standing on the podium with her waist pierced, she was so majestic, and her eyes were full of little stars.

The two teachers were embarrassed, how did this little thing come to their class?

The children probably don't stop the aggressive little guys, and look at them all together. Even the crying children temporarily forgot to cry.

"It's noisy, crying, crying, can crying solve the problem?"

Piglet is completely imitating his mother's tone.

"Cry again, I won't take you to play in the future." Little Pig said a powerful threat.

Seeing the little piggy, Mr. Liu, who was initially depressed, couldn't smile.

Then he pointed to the little pig on the stage and said, "This is the elder sister of the kindergarten. All the children in the kindergarten are good friends of her. If you don't listen to her, then cry, there will really be no children playing with you in the future. ."

As soon as Teacher Liu said this, the few children who were about to deflate their lips immediately swallowed their cries back.

For a child, no one plays with him, that's a big deal.

And the teacher said that the young lady on the podium is the boss of the kindergarten, then she must be super awesome.

Regardless of how young the child is, those who know how to bully and fear hardship, they stopped obediently.

"Well, if you are obedient, you are not allowed to cry anymore, do you know?" Little Pig knocked on the podium with a serious face and asked.

Then there was silence in the audience, and the children looked at her blankly.

In fact, many children think this young lady is so courageous and so powerful.

Seeing that the children below were silent, Piggy frowned slightly, knocked on the stage again, and asked loudly: "Have you heard?"

This time a few children finally said weakly, "I heard it."

Piggy felt that the answer was not straightforward, so he knocked on the stage again, and asked for the third time: "Have you heard?"

"I heard."

This time, one of the children below answered louder than the other, for fear that their own answer will be lower and slower than others.

This time Xiao Zhuzhu was satisfied, nodded, and said with a serious face: "I will take you to play if you are obedient. When get out of class is over, come and play together on the playground."

Teacher Liu came over at this time and pulled her off the stage.

"You little thing, you are not in your class, why did you come here?" Teacher Liu squeezed her little cheek and asked with joy.

She likes Little Pig, and always hopes that her baby will grow up and be as cute and clever as Little Pig.

"I'm here to help, Teacher Liu doesn't need to thank me."

Piglet stared at Teacher Liu's bulging pocket and said.

"Haha~" Teacher Liu was unhappy.

Touched her little head, took a chocolate from her pocket and handed it to her.

Piggy took it unceremoniously. Mom and Dad said that they couldn't just order snacks from the children, but they didn't say that they don't want snacks from the teacher.


Seeing Xinxin start to eat and drink, Yaoyao let out a low voice.

"You come here too." Teacher Liu waved to Yaoyao outside the door, let her in, and gave her a piece of chocolate.

"Well, you can go back now. If you don't go back, your teacher will find you." Teacher Liu said.

"Don't worry, I'll go to the next classroom to let them stop crying." Little Zhuzhu waved his small hand and said that he was responsible.

Teacher Liu held the piglet who wanted to run with an embarrassed expression.

"Let the children don't cry. That is the teacher's job, not your children's business. Okay, now you two will go back to me."

"Do you really need our help? Don't say thank you." Little Pig raised his neck and asked seriously.

"Don't help, go back quickly."

Teacher Liu thought for a while and let it go. He pulled one by one, and personally sent the two of them downstairs.

Teacher Wang is looking for them two anxiously.

"Teacher Liu, thank you, thank you for sending them back, but I am anxious." Teacher Wang said.

"Don't criticize them either. They went upstairs to help me." Teacher Liu said with a smile.

"Uh..., what can they do for you?" Teacher Wang looked at a loss.

"They helped a lot." At this point, Teacher Liu couldn't help laughing again.

Then I told Teacher Wang the whole story.

Teacher Wang couldn't help laughing, and then took the two little guys and said, "In this case, Teacher Wang will not criticize you this time, but next time you go out, you must remember to tell the teacher, do you know?"


The little guy agreed very simply.

Yaoyao also nodded.

Teacher Wang sighed, Xiao Zhuzhu, a child, said she was naughty and difficult to carry, and she said it was not difficult to carry, nor was she.

I can often help teachers a lot, but they often have a headache.

But generally speaking, he is still a good kid, cheerful and kind, and often helps other children.

I just have too much ideas, and just do what I think, which makes the teacher a headache.

But this is not a shortcoming, it needs the correct guidance of teachers.

Piggy doesn't care what Teacher Wang thinks.

Hmm, chocolate is so sweet.

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