My dad's life

Chapter 1086 Twins

"Mom, do you have a big belly?" Just getting up this morning, Little Pig suddenly stared at Lan Caiyi's belly.

"Of course, mother has a baby in her belly."

"Did the baby get up?" Little Pig asked curiously.

"I don't know about that, but if he heard nothing, he should be still asleep."

In fact, it is estimated that the embryonic fetus has not been fully formed at this time, and the fetal movement must be at least 16 to 18 weeks later.

Little Pig Pig curiously put his head on Lan Caiyi's belly and listened.

"There is no sound, I must still be sleeping." Piggy lowered his voice.

"It feels like you have a big stomach, do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?" Fang Yuan said next to him.

"What to check? It takes three months to check, and there is about one month left." Lan Caiyi said.

After he lowered his head and touched his stomach, he also said with some doubts: "It feels a lot bigger than when Huai Xinxin was back."

"That won't be a problem, right? Let's go to the hospital for a look. It's been almost a month since the last examination." Fang Yuan became a little worried when he heard this.

"It's okay, I have experience." Lan Caiyi said indifferently.

"No, don't go to the company today, you should go to the hospital with me for a check." Fang Yuan insisted.

"I want to go together too." Little Pig immediately raised his arm and said.

"No, you are going to kindergarten."

Little Pig pursed his mouth when he heard the words.

Like a platypus.

Fang Yuan squeezed her hand.

The piglet opened his mouth to bite.

Fangyuan poked her belly instead.

The two began to quarrel again.


Lan Caiyi sighed. There are already two eldest children in the family, one of them, and only three children. She has a headache.

"Mom, I will take Caiyi to the hospital for an examination in the morning, and come back for dinner at noon." Fang Yuan said during breakfast.

"Huh, do you want me to go with you?" Fang's mother asked.

"No, just check it, what are you doing?"

"In fact, there is no need to go. When I went there last time, didn't the doctor say to wait around 14 weeks? It's still early." Lan Caiyi said next to her.

"That won't work, check insurance."

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?" He Liuqing asked worriedly from the side.

"Cai Yi said her belly is bigger than Huai Xinxin's time."

"It must be a boy, so he grows stronger." Father Fang said.

"Dad, you really are, you don't like girls?" Fang Yuan said silently.

"Of course I like it, but isn't it better to be a man and a woman?" Father Fang glared at him.

"Yes, yes, good boys, boys can protect Xinxin in the future." He Liuqing said hurriedly beside him.


"No matter what, let's go to the hospital to check it." Fang's mother said.

"Oh, well, there are still a lot of things for the company today." Lan Caiyi sighed.

"I really don't know the severity, children are important? Or is work important?" He Liuqing said.

"I see." Lan Caiyi said impatiently.

"Caiyi, show me grandma." The grandmother who had been sitting next to me waved to Lan Caiyi.

"What's the matter, grandma?" Lan Caiyi walked over in confusion.

Grandma stretched out her hand and touched Lan Caiyi's belly, then opened her fingers and gestured back and forth.

Somewhat confused and authentic: "It seems to be twins."

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised.

Including the grandfather next to him, his eyes opened wide.

As for Fang's mother, Fang's father and He Liuqing, they were even more surprised.

Only Little Pig had a calm face and snorted for breakfast without raising his head.

"Grandma, is what you said is true? How did you know?" Fang Yuan asked happily.

"I'm just guessing, I have to go to the hospital to see it, but when Wen Ting was pregnant, she was almost like this, and Huang Datou's daughter in Huangya Village..." Grandma babbled.

"The twins seem to have family inheritance, right?" Lan Caiyi asked.

"Yes, didn't Wen Ting say last time that they have a lot of twins in Huangya Village?

Your grandma and your uncle and grandfather, your eldest and younger uncles, and Wen Ting and Wen Chu, they are all twins."Fang's father slapped his thigh, suddenly realizing it.

At this moment everyone believed that Lan Caiyi was carrying twins, and they were all excited.

"Okay, let's talk about it after going to the hospital for an examination. Don't be happy." Lan Caiyi should calm down by herself.

"I'll go with you later." He Liuqing said.

"Me too." Fang's mother also said immediately.

Father Fang looked around and sighed. He also wanted to go, but when he saw the two elderly people at home, he had to think about it.

"You think of a name for your child at home." Fang's mother said.

Yes, they only named one child, now there are two, and they can afford one.


"Mom, you must be twins like this." Fang Yuan said silently.

"I look like it." Fang's mother said.

"I think so." He Liuqing said in help.

Hey, who said that it was a strong boy?

Because of this incident, everyone eats breakfast faster, as if this way they can go to the hospital earlier and know the exact result earlier.

After breakfast, Fangyuan sent Piggy to the school bus.

Little Pig asked curiously: "Dad, is Mom a twin?"

"I don't know this. I will find out after I go to the hospital for an examination." Fang Yuan shrugged.

He also looked forward to the twins.

In fact, everyone thought about why they are not twins when they were young.

I feel that there is no loneliness if you have twins, you can play together, it’s cool.

"Are they two brothers or two sisters?"

"Uh, your mother doesn't have that ability, and can only be two younger brothers or two younger sisters, of course, it may be a younger brother or a younger sister."

But Piggy's focus is not here.

Instead, he said in a puzzled manner: "No ability? Then let my mother study hard."

"Huh~? (Long tail sound)"

"Hey~" Little Piglet suddenly sighed deeply.

"Why, don't you like younger siblings?"

Piggy shook his head and nodded: "The child is very troublesome. Now there are two more troublesome."

"Huh~? (Long tail sound)"

"Dad, when you know if you are twins, you have to call me and tell me."

"I know, you are really worried."

Hearing this, Little Pig nodded naturally.

Suddenly he said: "The first time I met, should I prepare gifts for them?"


This little pig thinks a lot.

"Yes, please prepare if you want to send it."

"Then what to give them as a gift?" Little Pig muttered to himself.

"I don't know about that, think about it yourself."

"Then give them chocolate." Little Pig said.

"They are still babies and can't eat chocolate."

"It's okay, I can help them eat."


It was because of this that the gift was given!

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