My dad's life

Chapter 1087

Fangyuan they went to the Children's Hospital.

Last time, because of Doudou, I was also familiar with the leaders of the Children's Hospital.

The inspection of Lan Caiyi was also done at the Children's Hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, there was already an old director of pediatrics waiting for them.

"It looks like they really look like twins. I didn't find out during the last inspection. They may be identical twins." The gray-haired old director said with great experience.

The old director was very professional, and Fang Yuan and others didn't understand it.

Everything depends on the final result.

The old director first listened to the fetal heart, and indeed there were two fetal heart sounds.

Mother Fang and He Liuqing got affirmative answers, and both looked surprised.

I thought it was one.

Now it is a surprise to buy one get one free.

Especially Fang's mother was extremely happy.

Although I agreed with a child and his wife’s surname before, wouldn’t it be better for the old family to have a descendant?Now it's all at once.

Then went to do a B ultrasound.

Sure enough, as the old director had guessed, it was a gestational sac, that is, identical twins.

In identical twins, the fertilized egg is divided into two to form two embryos.

Because they come from the same fertilized egg and receive exactly the same chromosomes and genetic material, they have the same sex and are like a mold, and sometimes it is difficult for even their parents to distinguish.

However, there are certain risks for identical twins, such as deformities, conjoined babies, etc., all come from identical twins.

Identical twins account for 30% of twins, and 70% are fraternal twins, which means there are two gestational sacs.

Children born to fraternal twins will look different, and their sex may also be different.

The words of the old director couldn't help but cast a shadow over everyone's joy.

Seeing the worry of their family, the old director comforted: "Don't worry too much. It's just that there is a risk, it's not inevitable. After you go back, you will get more nutrition and check it out.

What else could Fang Yuan and others say? These things depend on God's temperament, so I can only go home.

"Well, don't think about it, you will definitely give birth to two healthy babies." On the way back, Fang Yuan looked at Lan Caiyi in a bad mood, so he comforted.

"Yeah, Caiyi, don't worry too much. You and Fangyuan are both in good physical condition, and the child must be fine." Fang's mother comforted.

"Why don't I ask your father to find an old Chinese medicine doctor in Xia Jing for you. Some old Chinese medicine doctors in Xia Jing are very good." He Liuqing was also worried beside him.

"Well, I'm fine, I will definitely be healthy."

In order not to make everyone more worried, Lan Caiyi took the time and let it go.

"During this time, you should stop going to work, take a good rest at home, eat and sleep more," Fang Yuan said.

"You treat me as a pig." Lan Caiyi gave him a small punch on the shoulder.

Fang Yuan can only make a smile, she is now holding the emperor to make the princes, no one dare to provoke her.

When they got home, Fang's father and the others were happy to know the exact news.

But after hearing that they were identical, they were a little worried.

On the contrary, Fang's father is very big-hearted and thinks it must be fine.

Fang Yuan suddenly understood the reason why the person above him who didn't know whether it was his elder brother or elder sister had happened before he was born.

"Tomorrow morning we will go to worship Guanyin together, and let Guanyin Bodhisattva bless the children to be healthy and healthy." Mother Fang said.

"Yes, yes, go to worship Guanyin." He Liuqing's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and quickly nodded in agreement.

The Nanshan Guanyin in Deer City is very famous. The project lasted six years and was 108 meters high. It was very majestic.

It is also a famous scenic spot in Deer City.

Those who believe in Buddhism come to Deer City and do not worship Guanyin.

And there are many believers here in Lushi.

Besides, Guanyin is also one of the incarnations of Guanyin.

Professional counterparts, just worship Him.

Having eaten at home at noon, Fang Yuan did not go to the company anymore and spoke with Lan Caiyi at home.

And Lan Caiyi gradually wanted to open it, which is not a certain thing, why do you think so much?

And it's useless to think about it, so eat what you should eat and drink what you should drink.

She doesn't like eating meat, so she just eats more.

Two children need to supplement their nutrition.

After dinner, Fang Yuan asked her to go back to the room to sleep.

Lan Caiyi was a little unwilling. If this goes on every day, it will become like a piggy in a few days.

But Mother Fang and He Liuqing were staring at them, and they couldn't sleep without sleeping.


"Dad, why didn't you call me." Piggy said angrily when he got off the school bus.

"Uh-" Fang Yuan completely forgot about this.

Fortunately, he was witty and immediately said: "I want to meet and tell you."

"Really?" Little Pig looked suspicious.

"Of course it's true, Dad never lie."

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you are a big liar, you lied to me with ice cream." Piggy immediately accused.

"How long has it been, do you still remember?" Fang Yuan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Huh~huh~, I keep it in my notebook." Xiao Zhuzhu said proudly.

"Huh? You can still write notebooks, can you write?" Fang Yuan was surprised when he heard this.

"I can draw ducks~" Little Pig was proud.

"Go back and show me." Fang Yuan was a little curious.

"This is my secret, I can't show it to you."

"Well, if you don't watch it, don't watch it. Let's go home first."

"You haven't told me whether they are twins." Piggy said with his waist stuck in his waist, his stomach straightened fiercely.

"Yes, yes, you kid, why are you so in charge?"

"What does it mean to be so in charge?"

"That's... you are very capable and powerful."

"Of course!" Xiao Zhuzhu heard this and walked forward proudly.

"Is that the little brother or the little sister?" Xiao Zhuzhu asked again when he was walking on the road.

"I don't know that, but what do you care about, your mother is what you give birth to."

"Hey, what an irresponsible man." Little Pig raised his hands to the sky and said, shaking his head.

"How am I responsible for this? Hey, that's not right, you little thing, who did you learn these things from?"

Fangyuan reacted.

"Brother Xiaoxin." Little Pig said with a grin.


"What's the baby's name? I can't ask him to feed it. It's very rude, hey, hey, hey..."

Little Pig was talking and he was happy.

"Grandpa is thinking, I haven't thought about it yet. If you can think of something nice, you can."

"Really? Let me name the baby? I know how to name it." Little Pig Pig was very excited when he heard this.

"Yeah, as long as it sounds good."

"Call it Chocolate." Little Pig didn't want to say.

"How can it be called Chocolate? And the baby has the same surname as you, Fang, think again." Fang Yuan was dumbfounded.

"That's called sugar cubes?" Little Pig scratched his head and said.

"Also white sugar, no, think again."

Piggy quit after hearing this.

"That's not okay, that's not okay, you adults, why are you so troublesome, think about it for yourself, I won't help you." Little Pig said, jumping forward happily.

Sugar cubes?

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