My dad's life

Chapter 230 Tour of Beihai (two in one chapter)

Because it was the first time I visited, Jia Shangyuan and Lan Caiyi had not officially married yet. They were fine when they were at his house, but at Lan Caiyi’s house, it was naturally impossible to let them sleep together at night. Aunt Sun helped clean up one. Room, there are many rooms in the house anyway.

In order to fear that Fangyuan would be alone at night, Lan Caiyi thoughtfully sent out the little padded jacket that was originally glued to her-the universe is super invincible and cute. With her, you won't be alone.

The little guy is very curious about everything in his mother's house. The house here is bigger than that of the old grandfather's, and she has never seen a house like this. There are beautiful patterns on the doors, windows and eaves.

Everyone got up early the next day, because yesterday was tired all day and went to bed very early, especially the little guy was full of energy, just got up and ran into the yard, twisted his butt and bent over, and then surrounded the flower garden. Run wildly, the nickname is exercise, good health, good food!

Aunt Sun was surprised that Miss had such a big child suddenly, but since Mama Lan didn’t say anything, she naturally wouldn’t say much, and the little lady was also very cute, she was just a little happy fruit, which made Sun Auntie thought of her grandson in her hometown, and felt very painful for her. So early in the morning, she ran to the Beixinqiao braised cooking shop and bought braised cooking and fire cooking.

Actually, Aunt Sun wanted to buy soybean juice at Lao Ciqikou, but she was afraid that the little guy would not be used to it.

Sure enough, the braised boil is especially appetizing for the little guy. The thick old soup, the small intestines and the lungs, are burnt through but not sticky, and the meat is rotten but not bad. Fangyuan also enjoyed the benefits of a little guy and ate an authentic Xia Jing Early, and then he learns how to do it. His keen sense of taste tells him what ingredients are in it, how big the heat is, and as long as he tries a few more times, the taste is not difficult to make.

After breakfast, Dad Lan and Lan Caiyi are going to the factory, because Lan Caiyi needs to formally hand over the things on hand to Dad Lan. As for Dad Lan, he really manages it himself, or he should look for a headhunting company to find a new manager. , She can't control it anymore.

As for Mother Lan, she went to her grandfather's house with Fang Yuan when she was fine at home. Grandpa gave a special account yesterday.

When they arrived at Grandpa's house, Wai Gongyi stood in the courtyard and waited for them to play Tai Chi.

"The old man didn't go out this morning to wait for you. He usually goes to Beihai Park to hang his throat at this time." Seeing them come to meet them, the second aunt said, as for the second uncle who has gone to work, she asked for leave yesterday.

The Mao'er Hutong where the old man lived has a long history, and is the place where the dignitaries lived.Starting from Nanluoguxiang, searching for its east and west wings, there are more than 20 listed cultural relics protection units in Sixteen Hutongs. This shows that this area has a heavy historical heritage!In this area, Maoer Hutong has the most listed protection, the highest level of courtyard architecture, and the most historical value.

In the Ming Dynasty, it was called Zitong Temple Wenchang Palace, and it was not renamed today as "Mao'er Hutong" until the Qing Dynasty.

So don’t think the old man’s small yard is as big as Lan Caiyi’s, and it’s not as gorgeous as her house, but in terms of value and location, the Lan Caiyi’s house can be completely exploded, but this house is forbidden to sell. .

Go west along Mao'er Hutong and walk for ten minutes to Beihai Park. It is called Sanhai together with Zhonghai and Nanhai. It is also one of the most representative imperial gardens. When we were young, we heard "Let's Swing Up "It is about Beihai Park, especially there are two lyrics in it, "The beautiful white pagoda is reflected on the sea, surrounded by green trees and red walls." It describes the main attraction of Beihai Park-the white pagoda.

However, Fangyuan felt a bit pitted. It felt like the big stone piers were built with white paint. They were nothing to see. There were a few forts beside them. It is summer vacation. Parents take their children to travel a lot, so many children ride on it. Take pictures.

In addition, because of its high location, you can get a panoramic view of Beihai Park from the top. The temples under the White Tower are beautiful, but they are not allowed to enter.

Fortunately, the old man is more familiar with historical allusions, and he can say a thing or two every time he goes, which makes Fang Yuan feel a little worthwhile.

"So, don’t just visit Xia Jing to see the scenery. The best scenery in the world is always nature. No matter how perfect artificial creations are, they can’t compare to Zhong Ling Yu’s embroidered nature. So what comes to Xia Jing is culture. , It’s history. You have time to take the little guy to the National Museum of China to learn about the splendid history and culture of the motherland. "The old man is very talkative.

"National Museum? Isn't it the Palace Museum?" In Fangyuan's impression, the Palace Museum seems to be more famous.

"The Palace Museum? What's so good in there? It's all some of the old Qing Dynasty tatters, can it represent the five thousand years of Chinese culture? Besides, the good things in the Qing Palace are no longer in the Palace Museum." The old man was very disdainful.

"Where is that?" Fang Yuan was curious.

The old man glanced towards the southeast, and Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment to understand.

So Beihai is so famous that it is almost universally known, but is it unparalleled because of its scenery?Definitely not. The beauty is its foundation, humanity and history.

But the little guy was very interested. She was used to seeing the vastness of the sea. At first sight, the place like this small pond was also called the sea. It was very strange, especially when she went to Qionghua Island, the mountains were rugged and there were no strange rocks. A good road, but the little guy has the strength to get up, he also picks up rugged places, and then rides on the raised rocks and asks his father to take pictures of her.

When you come down from the mountain, you will see Yuanfan Pavilion. Next to Yuanfan Pavilion is the cruise ship dock. Many parents take their children to swing the sculls. Of course, there are no sculls anymore. They are all electric and pedals.

The little guy was very excited when he saw it, and he grabbed his father's arm and told him to take him to boating, but the old man is so old, how dare Fangyuan take him to boating.

"Next time Dad will bring you here, today we and grandpa will visit other places, okay?" Fang Yuan hugged her.

"No, I'm going to row the boat now. The other kids are rowing, why can't the baby?" The little guy said with his neck up and bulging.

At this time the old man said, "You take her there, I happen to be sitting here for a while."

After all, the old man is old, although his body is still tough, but he was a bit tired just climbing on Qionghua Island.

When Fangyuan took the little guy to swim around in the lake, he saw the old man talking with a group of old men and old ladies from a distance. Some of them were holding flutes, some holding erhu, some holding pipa, and knees. Guzheng's and so on, like an elderly band.

He took the little guy and walked over. Before anyone approached, he heard one of the old silver-haired ladies sing.

what a beautiful Jasmine Flower

what a beautiful Jasmine Flower

Fragrant and beautiful full of branches

Fragrant and white people boast

Let me take you off

Give it to someone else's home


Even if Fang Yuan doesn't know much about music, he still knows that this song is called "Jasmine Flower". Its melody is beautiful, clear and graceful, with smooth fluctuations and delicate emotions.Singing in the mouth of the old lady even has a light and lively feeling.

When the old lady finished singing, everyone around her applauded, and everyone who knew each other shouted: "Teacher Xu, sing again."

Fang Yuan took the little guy and walked quietly, standing behind the old man.

After hearing the words, Teacher Xu smiled and said: "Stop singing, stop singing, go home and take grandson." Wu Nong's soft words were very nice.

"Teacher Xu, you can sing it again. You sing really well." Everyone asked in unison.

They were all old acquaintances, but after everyone's strong request, Teacher Xu finally agreed to sing again.

Thinking of the accompaniment music, Teacher Xu poses and sings first: "What a beautiful jasmine."

The little guy stood by and sang in a low voice: "What a beautiful jasmine."

Teacher Xu went on to sing: "The fragrance is beautiful and full of branches."

The little guy sang a little louder: "The fragrance is beautiful and full of branches."

Teacher Xu sang a sentence, and the little guy sang along. The voice became higher and higher, and she was completely in a state of selflessness. The old lady also noticed that she lowered her voice slowly. In the end, she could even say that she was not singing, but To remind the little guy of the lyrics, the eyes of the people around him also turned from Teacher Xu to her.

The old man also turned his head and looked at the little guy in surprise.

The little guy’s little milk sound reverberates in the park. This song "Jasmine" sang from her mouth a kind of childlike joy, and the rhythm is very accurate.

Seeing the little person like a little angel, everyone seemed to hold their breath for fear of disturbing her.

When she finished singing a song, the people around her eagerly put it on the warm palms. The little guy was shocked and shyly shrank into his father's arms behind him.

All around are filled with admiration, and they all envy Fangyuan for having such a cute and smart daughter.

"This belongs to my family, my great-grandson, haha..." The old man said to everyone happily, don't mention the pride.

"Master, you have someone to succeed." The old man laughed.

"Your great-grandson? This is Xiao Caiyi's child?" Teacher Xu walked over, squatting down and looking at the little guy and asked.

At this time, the little guy had put his head out of his father's arms and looked at the teacher Xu in front of him with a little curiosity.

Teacher Xu is about 60 years old, with silver hair, a silk scarf tied around his neck, and a Chinese-style silk dress on him. He looks very temperamental.

"Don't be afraid, come here to grandma. Grandma taught your mother how to sing too!" Teacher Xu is also kind and good-looking, and speaks very well.

The little guy quickly put down his guard and walked out of his father's arms.

"You look so much like your mother, and you have great talent!" Teacher Xu touched her little face.

Then he raised his head and said to Old Man Lan: "This child has a good voice and a strong sense of rhythm. Are you going to let her inherit your mantle?"

The old man was stunned when he heard the words, then smiled and shook his head, "Forget it, forget it, she will teach me if she is interested in learning, and I won't force it if she is not interested in learning."

Teacher Xu stood up and said with a smile: "It's still the old man, you can see it."

The old man just smiled when he heard the words, and then the other party said roundly: "Let's go, I'll take you around again."

But obviously, he was not interested.

Fangyuan takes the little guy and silently follows you behind him.

After a while, the old man suddenly said: "When I was young, I learned drums and sang Yue opera. In the end, I sang Peking opera and mixed food. But I didn’t expect that none of my children inherited my mantle. In fact, I blamed me. In the past, actor belonged to the lower third class, and I didn’t let the children learn to sing with me. I didn’t expect that as my life got better, it turned out to be an art."

The old man said and smiled like he laughed.

"Drama itself is a kind of national art, an important part of Chinese national culture, the quintessence of the country, and a world cultural heritage..."

The old man waved his hand to interrupt him and continued, "Later, I have accepted many disciples one after another, but none of them are talented and can't bear hardship. I can't wait to find a good seedling, but it is a short-lived ghost. I caught tuberculosis at a young age and died within a few years."

"Later I stopped teaching my apprentice until Caiyi was born. She was very talented, so when I was a child, I also deliberately nurtured her, but a good fellow, this girl is more temperamental than the other boys in the family. The master of opinion, he gave up on the road of art when he was in high school." The old man said with a sad expression.

Fang Yuan stretched out his hand to take his arm. The little guy saw him and wanted to take his father's arm, but he was too short and couldn't reach his toes after a few times. In the end, he could only put his little hand in his father's palm.

The old man looked at her little appearance and reached out to touch her head, "This little guy has as good a talent as her mother."

"In this case, let's teach the little guy how to sing, old man!" Fang Yuan said quickly to help.

The old man was happy when he heard the words, but then shook his head, "Forget it, I am old and don't have the energy to teach, and she has her life, so you can't force it."

"You can teach her some basic skills. If she likes it, let her learn it. If she doesn't like it." Fang Yuan hurriedly said, in order to please the old man, he even sold his own daughter. As for the little guy, he doesn't understand anything. I don't know, when Dad looked over, he gave him a big smile.

Hearing this, the old man thought for a while and said: "It's okay. Even if you don't like it in the future, it will always do no harm to learn more. Besides, art is all figured out, and learning other things is fast."

Fang Yuan was talking to the old man, and suddenly he felt that someone was staring at him. His five senses were sensitive. As long as someone's eyes stayed on him for a long time, he would be aware of it, so he subconsciously looked at him.

It turned out to be a middle-aged couple. The woman was still holding a child in her arms. She was leaning on her shoulder and fell asleep. Seeing Fang Yuan looked over, the man grinned at him with a simple and honest appearance. Fang Yuan nodded, looked away, and took Xinxin to continue chatting with the old man.

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