My dad's life

Chapter 231

After all, the old man is old, and it’s almost noon. After a half-circle in Beihai Park, he headed back home, and then slowly wandered home along the way. This is also the old man’s daily life. There are no disturbances and no surprises. Some are just plain, leisurely lives.

To be honest, Fang Yuan likes this way of life, at least he has no troubles, he hopes that he will be like the old man when he is old.

As a tourist city, Xiajing is full of people in alleys and alleys. It’s better to come out in the morning. Now it is full of tourists. Except for some buildings on the street because they are protected by cultural relics, all the others that can live in are turned into small shops. Candied haws, lamb skewers, old yogurt, old popsicles, etc., are all local snacks in Xiajing, which are for the little guy.

No, the little guy in front of the lamb skewers broke free of Fang Yuan's hands, ran over to the counter with his hands, and tried to stick his head out, drooling on his toes.

Beijing is close to Inner Mongolia, and because of the eating habits left over from the Qing Dynasty, people here like to eat mutton. Shabu mutton is also famous. There are more mutton skewers on the roadside. Basically, every street has it. Can smell the tangy aroma.

The one selling lamb skewers was a middle-aged woman. Seeing the cute look of the little guy’s mouth, she made a laugh, so she reached out and took a lamb skewers and handed it to her: "Little beauty has a vision, let me tell you On this street, our lamb skewers are the most authentic and delicious. This skewers are for you."

Don't look at only one, but the street sells big bunches, ten yuan each, but the little guy didn't pick it up, but looked back at the father and grandpa who came by.

"Take it, Grandpa will pay for you." The old man walked over and stroked her head with a smile, and then took out a black wallet to pay.

"Grandpa, no, I'll just give it, and mobile payment is also very convenient." Fang Yuan hurriedly caught him, and then directly scanned the code to pay.

"Master, is this...?" They are all old neighborhoods, and the middle-aged women naturally know Grandpa.

"Caiyi's child." The old man said with a smile.

"Caiyi is married? The children are so old?" the middle-aged woman asked in surprise.

Then he said annoyedly: "Father, how can I collect your money, so this string counts as my gift."

Then he took another mutton kebab and handed it over.

The old man hurriedly declined, but the middle-aged woman was so enthusiastic. In the end, the little guy got two skewers of lamb, one in each hand, bowed left and right, and his mouth was full of oil.

That's not a big deal. The boss next to him heard it and gave the little guy a bottle of old yogurt, saying that she had eaten skewers for shabu-shabu, and didn’t know how yogurt was shabu-shabu.

In this way, some people gave him candied haws, some pea yellows, and some sweets and fires. They walked over and made a lot of food, but they made the little guy happy and felt like stealing. Like the oily little mouse.

Fang Yuan was surprised to see how enthusiastic the neighbours were, and felt very humane.

The old man smiled and said to him that this street is full of old neighbors for many years. Even if you are sparse, you will be familiar with it after a long time. Many people grew up because of him, but they grew up in Caiyi. Yes, that's why I heard that the little guy is Caiyi's child.

The little guy hasn't reached the door of the house, and the little belly is already full. It seems that he can't eat at lunch, and his little face is also oily, like a little cat.

When Fangyuan came out, although he brought a napkin, the weather was too hot, and it dried out after a while, and it couldn’t be wiped off at all. He could only wipe it with a wet towel when he went home, but the little guy didn’t care at all, sticking out his little tongue around his mouth. After licking a circle, he licked the area around his small mouth clean, and then stretched out a small hand to pat his belly, with a satisfied-full face.

"Grandpa, shall we come tomorrow?" Then the little guy raised his neck and said to grandpa.

The grandfather laughed loudly when he heard the words, touched her little head and smiled and said, "Okay, we will come tomorrow and eat them."

Fang Yuan directly covered his face behind him, and then said to the old man: "The same was true when Caiyi was a child?"

The old man smiled and shook his head, "On the contrary, Caiyi lost weight when she was a child. I don't eat this or that. The picky eaters are very picky, but they worry me."

"Xinxin is like my grandfather. I used to be able to eat when I was young. I thought it was caused by too many hard days, but when the days got better, I found out that it was still good. Then I realized that it was delicious."

Fang Yuan heard the words: "This little guy can't let her eat like this. She is a little fat now, and if she eats it again, she will become a little fat girl."

The little guy was unhappy when he heard that, but because both hands were holding the food, she bumped her dad's ass with her small head, rubbing her ass, but she smiled heartlessly.

The old man was not happy when he heard this, and waved his hand repeatedly: "What's wrong with eating? It's good to be able to eat? When I was young, my body was good, and my bones were tough at such an old age, because I can eat, not picky eaters."

"Yes, "four" blessings, double great." The little guy immediately became proud when he saw the grandfather help her.

Fang Yuan reached out to pinch her oily little cheek, but she didn't expect that her little cheek was too oily, and it slipped off all of a sudden. Now she was even more proud, feeling that she was about to be invincible. .

When I got home, besides Mama Lan and my second aunt, there was one more person. He looked a bit similar to the old man. I think he is the uncle He Daowu who I didn't see yesterday. He has a completely different figure from my second uncle, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was tall and strong, and he looked younger than his second uncle. He was squatting and chatting with Madoka at this time. Seeing his enthusiastic appearance, he should have been chatting for a while.

"Madooka,..." He heard the movement behind him as soon as he was about to ask. He turned his head and saw that it was the old man and the others coming back. He hurriedly stood up and shouted, "Dad."

"Hey, Madoka is still very young, Madoka can't be your father." Madoka's big eyes showed a shy look.

Everyone: "..."

Everyone was stunned, and then burst into laughter, but Fang Yuan didn’t dare to laugh and could only hold back, and Xinxin was ignorant and didn’t know what everyone was laughing at. Only the old man laughed loudest, and they were all angry. The feeling of receiving his breath caused Fang Yuan to pat his back with fright.

After everyone laughed, the eldest uncle turned his black face and said roundly, "Are you the object of Caiyi?" Then he turned his gaze on the little guy who looked at him curiously, and saw her little cat-like face, and he was no longer stretched. He couldn't help but laughed.

"Fangyuan, called Uncle, Xinxin, and Uncle Grandpa." Mother Lan hurriedly said to her.

Fang Yuan and Xinxin yelled obediently, and then the little guy was taken to the washroom by his grandmother to wash his face. When the wash came out, he was a white and tender little baby.

"Aren't you very busy? Why did you come back free at noon?" The old man asked a little unhappily. He seemed a little unhappy that he didn't come back yesterday.

"Dad, I really don't have time. No, someone called Beihai Park the missing child in the morning. I just took the opportunity to come back." Uncle scratched his head and smiled bitterly. To be honest, these cases shouldn't be allowed to come. Intervene, after all, I don't know how many cases happen every day in Xia Jingcheng.

But who made Mayor Lin's family among the lost children?The meaning is different again.

"Lost the child again? We have just returned from Beihai Park." The old man was surprised when he heard this.

I also secretly rejoice that I didn't lose Xinxin today, otherwise he would have killed his old bones!

"A couple who came to travel abroad, Xia Jing, who just arrived yesterday, lost the child today" the uncle sighed.

"You said you are the director, why is the public security so bad? This is Xia Jing, if it can be done elsewhere? These traffickers are really rampant." The old man said angrily.

My uncle was a little speechless when he heard this. Who told him to sit in this position, but these human traffickers do have to take care of it. When this matter is over, we must report it to the above and come across the country. Combat operations.

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