My dad's life

Chapter 357 Family Status (asking monthly pass)

Today, Fangyuan rarely got off work early, because Dong Liqun’s game DEMO made him a little fascinated.

Although there are still many imperfections, when you manipulate characters to walk on the road, the sense of reality is particularly strong.

As if I was really shopping.

This is an effect that no game has, because it is the real world, so it has such a strong sense of substitution.

Especially for a group of people who have been sitting in the office for a long time, the feeling is deeper.

The real map can only be the first perspective, and can only be fixed on a specific direction line.

In the game, not only can the first angle of view be switched, but also the third angle of view can be switched, and it can be rotated at three hundred and sixty degrees.

Can see wherever you want.

Cars parked on the side of the road, trash cans full of rubbish, crooked trees, and a stationary dog...

Wait, a dog like a sculpture?

This is something that Fangyuan didn't consider before. When processing the real map before, only the people inside were removed, and some animals were not removed.

But because the map is static, this makes these animals look like sculptures. It seems that this problem needs to be solved later.

Record it first.

As for trees, flowers and plants, they are not standing still like models.

It is mainly due to the four seasons climate function in the Fanglan engine. For example, when the wind function is added, the trees, flowers, etc. in the scene will be dynamically processed according to the wind direction. In addition to planning, items can also be defined.

At this time, the weather in the Fangyuan game is sunny and windy, so slight shaking can be seen on the treetops, which is very similar to today's weather.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan's heart moved and turned on the Fanglan engine. As expected, he didn't know which one. He added a function of real-time weather acquisition to the engine. The weather conditions of the day can be obtained through the network, and then the game can react in real time.

This idea is very good, but the timeline of the game needs to be established in synchronization with reality, so it seems a bit tasteless.

Fang Yuan continued to manipulate this character to walk on the street, because there was no sound, it seemed a bit monotonous, and there were too few NPCs.

Even though Dong Liqun used a unified role template to generate a batch of NPCs and randomly put them on the map, there are still too few maps for the entire Deer Market.

So should we consider scaling down later?

In short, there are still a lot of problems that need to be adjusted in detail.

Fang Yuan ran and took notes and found out a lot of problems. He was so busy until Lan Caiyi called him to know that he was off work.

It's not just him. Except for the administration department, the other departments of the entire company have not left.

Because this simple DEMO allows them to see hope and the future.

The ultra-real scenes, coupled with the interesting and interactive nature of NPC, let everyone explore the map tirelessly.

They even went downstairs to the company in the game to take a look, and it was exactly the same as in reality.

"After get off work, everyone will go home early." Fang Yuan said in the enterprise communication, and then directly turned off the computer.

There are many problems, and the game world is too real. Fangyuan is even considering whether it needs to be beautified or whether it needs to be beautified, or just like some games on the market, there are multiple styles for players to choose with confidence.

"Are you still thinking about working? A lot of things today?"

The blue Caiyi who was holding Fangyuan to the parking lot, saw him absent-mindedly, and asked curiously.

"No, there was a DEMO today. There are still a lot of problems. I'm thinking about handling this." Fang Yuan shook his head.

"Already have a demo?" Lan Caiyi was very surprised when she heard this.

I heard about Fangyuan’s grand goal before, and it took a long time to realize it. I didn’t expect that there would be a DEMO now, which is an unexpected surprise.

"It's just a simple DEMO, many functions are not perfect, mainly for internal testing."

Fang Yuan explained to her that the current version was far from the game in his mind.

"I don't care, show me tomorrow to see what the game you are talking about is like."

"Tomorrow you can ask Dong Liqun to give you a copy, but I am afraid you will be disappointed." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"How come, as long as you did it, I won't be disappointed." Lan Caiyi said, leaning against him.

Fang Yuan heard the words, feeling a burst of sweetness in her heart.

Looking at Fang Yuan's slightly upward corners of her mouth, Lan Caiyi was very proud, "Heh, man, if you can get through the sky, you can't escape the palm of my old lady."

Sure enough, any man can't stand a woman's flirting.

When they got home, Fang's mother did not go out today.

The reason for not going out was also very strange, saying that it was to buy school supplies for the little guy.

Fangyuan felt strange. Didn’t the school send out everything about school?What else needs to be bought.

Then Mother Lan took out what they bought today—waterproof label.

In order to label the little guy’s lunch box, small cutlery and small water cup.

For this they sacrificed a day.

Fangyuan was really speechless, and just because he bought this little thing, he added a lot of things.

For example, new clothes, but not skirts, are short sleeves and shorts, because it is convenient for her to play in kindergarten.

For example, new shoes, but they are round shoes without laces, because they are afraid that the little guy will not be able to tie them after the laces are loose.

For another example, small hairpins and scalp ropes are simple to choose, because they are afraid that they will be too beautiful and naughty children will pull her.

In short, the three old people have considered the extreme.

This made Fang Yuan very moved and a little depressed. Compared to when he was a child, he felt like he was picked up in the garbage.

Of course, shopping, the little guy's toys are naturally indispensable.

Now the little guy is holding an animal meeting, and the sofa is full of plush toys, two of which are eye-catching.

A giraffe with exquisite workmanship, with colored dots embroidered with colored threads.

The other is a doll of a flower fairy, Fang Yuan feels a bit familiar.

He had seen him when he was buying gifts for Xiaoshan before. The little guy stopped in front of it for a long time and finally chose a balance bike.

Fang Yuan frowned slightly, but he couldn't go on like this.

He found that the issue of buying toys for the little guy at home was double-standard, including himself.

For example, Fangyuan took the little guy out to buy toys, and Fang’s mother would definitely say that there are too many at home and shouldn’t buy them for the little guy.

But after they went out, they forgot about it, what the little guy wanted to buy.

So discuss this matter with Lan Caiyi and let her remind everyone.

Why not speak for yourself?

Because he found that his voice on the issue of children's education was not as powerful as that of blue colored clothes.

At least what Lan Caiyi said, Fang's father and Fang's mother would definitely listen, but what did Fangyuan say?

Make a discount first, and then consider whether it makes sense and whether you can refute it.

In short, they feel that what the daughter-in-law said must be reasonable.

My son didn't even understand it himself, but could he have more experience than us?

In addition, the little guy's toys must also find a way to deal with a batch, not all of them can be left at home for her.

When I was in Xia Jing before, I wanted to come back and take her to the children's orphanage to do some charity work. After returning, I was not free.

Recently, the little guy is about to start school again. After the school starts, I will have a weekend and go to the orphanage to see the children and see if I can do some one-on-one assistance.

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