My dad's life

Chapter 358 First Day of School (Part 1) (seeking monthly pass)

Time flies, and the little guy’s school day finally comes.

It was probably the first day of school. The little guy seemed extremely excited. He stayed up late at night. He got up before six o'clock in the morning. He didn't change his clothes. He carried his little schoolbag and ran upstairs and downstairs.

It was so arguing that the family couldn't be peaceful, and finally they all got up.

Fang Yuan also caught the little guy back and put on her new school uniform, making her happy, not knowing what to do.

So early in the morning, the whole family mobilized, because it was the first day of school, it was naturally impossible to go with the school bus, and parents needed to send it.

In addition, it is necessary to divide classes, and the teacher also exchanges some educational matters with the parents and cooperates with them in the future work.

"Even though today is the first day of school, the school won't open when you get up so early, and it makes the adults not rest well." Lan Caiyi said while brushing her hair.

"But the baby is so excited, so excited he can't sleep." The little guy frowned and said that he was also very upset, how could he blame the little baby.

"Do you like going to school so much?" Lan Caiyi asked with a smile.

"Yeah, when I go to school, many children can play with me. Mom, can I make many good friends?" the little guy asked happily.

"I hope you can always maintain the mentality that you like to go to school!" Fang Yuan said, standing beside.

"Of course, the baby will definitely like going to school forever." The little guy clenched his fists and vowed.

"Then what if other kids don't want to be friends with me?" The little guy was a little worried.

"No, you are so cute, everyone will be willing to be friends with you." Lan Caiyi comforted.

Hearing the words, the little guy immediately held his little face, and blinked at the mirror, but she was beautiful.

Looking at the cheering daughter, Fang Yuan, who was standing next to her, was not in a good mood.

Because I woke up very early, even if I had breakfast, there was more than enough time.

So Fang Yuan drove away early because he was going to the hospital to pick up Chen Chao, which was his last wish.

Arranged to meet Lan Caiyi at the school gate, Fang Yuan drove to pick up Song Xue and Xiaoshan first.

When Fangyuan drove to Song Xue's house.

Xiaoshan and she have been waiting at the gate of the community.

Seeing his car, Song Xue waved to him from a distance.

Fangyuan stopped the car along the side of the road.

"Good morning Uncle Fang." Song Xue helped Xiaoshan open the car door, and the little guy greeted Fangyuan as he climbed up.

"Never mind you, have you had breakfast?" Fang Yuan asked, turning around.

"After eating, the little guy didn't sleep well on the first day of school today, and got up early in the morning." Song Xue sat in and replied.

"Sister is the same as you!" Fang Yuan laughed.

"Where is my younger sister?" Xiaoshan asked in confusion, looking around in the car.

"She and her mother were waiting for us at the school gate. Now we are going to the hospital to pick up your father."

"Okay." The little guy said excitedly.

On the first day of school today, like Xinxin, Xiaoshan was also wearing her new school uniform, so she wanted to show her father.

She can go to kindergarten again, she is so happy.

When he arrived at the hospital, Chen Chao was already waiting for everyone.

With the help of Aunt Zhang, he changed his upper body into a white shirt and his lower body into a blue suit trousers.

But it looks a little too fat and doesn't fit well.

As if he understood Fangyuan's idea, Chen Chao explained with a smile: "This is what I wore when I got married. At that time, my body was fatter, so it looked a little bigger.

"Very good, let's go." Fang Yuan hugged him into the wheelchair, just about to push him away.

Xiaoshan took the lead, "Uncle Fang, I want to push my father myself."

"Okay, then you slow down." Fang Yuan was taken aback for a while, nodded in agreement.

So Fang Yuan and Song Xue walked behind to take care of them, and Xiaoshan pushed his father ahead.

"Dad, don't my clothes look good?"

"Well, it looks good."

"Dad, isn't my little schoolbag cute?"

"Well, it's cute."

"Dad, am I the most obedient, best-behaved child?"

"Well, you are the most obedient and well-behaved child in the world."

"Dad, I'm going to kindergarten again. Don't be angry, okay?"

Chen Chao: "..."

"Dad is not angry. Dad is very happy, especially happy. Dad has never been angry because you went to kindergarten..."

Chen Chao didn't know how to explain it for a while, because when Xiaoshan was crying and going to kindergarten, he was helpless a few times until she didn't mention it again, but the little guy remembered it in her heart.

So she thought she would make her father unhappy because she went to kindergarten.

"Dad, really? You didn't lie, did you?" Xiaoshan asked carefully.

"Well, Dad doesn't lie to others, let alone lie to you, Dad is really happy."

"Then why are you crying, are you lying?"

Xiaoshan stopped and took out the napkin that mother had put in her small schoolbag and wiped it with her father.

Song Xue and Fangyuan stood behind, no one stepped forward to help.

"Dad shed tears because of happiness."

"Oh, just like I saw my mother, did the tears of joy run out by myself?" The little guy nodded seemingly.

"Yes, that's it, my little baby, my father is very happy." Chen Chao hugged his daughter and patted her slender back lightly.

The tears that had just been wiped off began to shed again, and he thought his tears were already drained.


"Sister." Fang Yuan and they just arrived at the school gate.

I saw the little guy carrying a small schoolbag, craned his neck and looked at the road.

In the morning, not only Lan Caiyi came, but also Father Fang, Mother Fang and Mother Lan.

The whole family was dispatched together.

Not only are they like this, the other children are even more exaggerated, and there are even eight or nine of them.

"Sister Xinxin." Xiaoshan greeted Xinxin happily when she saw Xinxin.

Song Xuexi Bufa followed.

Fang Yuan pushed Chen Chao to follow behind.

The two little guys held hands, jumping and jumping happily.

At this time, a teacher came out and shouted: "Please send a representative from each family to pull their children into a line, and the remaining parents line up separately.

Please hurry up and don't waste time. There are still many things this morning, and the teacher in charge of each class will hold a class meeting for you."

The parents who were messing around were better than their children, holding their children one by one, and lined up obediently.

Xiaoshan heard what the teacher said, turned around, looked at Song Xue, and then at Chen Chao, a little tangled.

"Go, let your father take you in." Song Xue squatted down and helped her tidy up her somewhat wrinkled school uniform.

"Well, mom, I love you." Xiaoshan smiled, kissed Song Xue on the cheek, and then ran to hold Chen Chao's hand.

Seeing the little guy, he naturally came over and pulled Fangyuan.

So he just pushed Chen Chao to the back of the line.

The remaining parents lined up consciously, and then walked to the classroom under the leadership of the teacher.

On the same day that school started, the country’s first smart sweeper infringement case opened in Xiajing.

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