My dad's life

Chapter 440 Close your eyes and catch people (seeking monthly pass)

After dinner, the little guy's energy has nowhere to vent because he can't go out because of the rain.

So he ran around at home, pushing cats and dogs to hide, and finally couldn't escape.

The little guy who can't find cats and dogs can only come and play with his father.

"Why don't you find your mother to play?" Fang Yuan felt strange, why the little guy looked for himself instead of Lan Caiyi.

"Because I love dad, because you are the best dad." The little guy has a sweet mouth.

Although Fang Yuan is very happy to say that, playing with her is really time-consuming and labor-intensive.

"She let you play with her, you should feel honored. She can also let you accompany her for a few years. When she gets older, do you think she will take care of you?" Lan Caiyi, who was playing with her mobile phone, said to her help.

"Although what you said is very reasonable, I always feel that you are fooling me, but I can't find evidence." Fang Yuan scratched his head and stood up.

"Dad, hurry up and go." The little guy grabbed Fangyuan's hand.

"Well, what do you want to play?" Fang Yuan said helplessly.

"I want to play with closed eyes and catch people." The little guy thought for a while.

"Close your eyes and catch people? Then let's find something blindfolded." Fang Yuan thought for a while, pulling the little guy back to the room upstairs.

"What do you use to blindfold your eyes?" Fang Yuan opened the closet and searched for it.

"Use this?" Fang Yuan turned out a blue silk scarf and gestured on his head, feeling a bit short.

"Use this?" The little guy took an item from the closet and put it on his head.

Fang Yuan grabbed her hands quickly, and it turned out that she was holding a pair of her mother's pink underwear.

"You can't put underwear on your head, otherwise you will not grow tall, you will be a short man in the future." Fang Yuan frightened her.

"Oh..., use this?" The little guy pulled out her mother's bra from the closet again and put it on his head.

"I'm Superman, biubiu..." the little guy gestured.

"Ah... I'm hurt." Fang Yuan said, covering his chest.

"You two guys?" Lan Caiyi didn't know when she followed, she was standing at the door of the room, sticking her waist angrily.

"Hehe, let's find something blindfolded." Fang Yuan smirked, and hurriedly took off the bra on the little guy's head and put it back in the cabinet.

Lan Caiyi walked in with a "dum-dum-dun" after hearing this, and then picked up an object on the bedside table and handed it to them.


Because Lan Caiyi handed over a sleep mask.

Fang Yuan swears, he really didn't think of it just now.

Because he never used this thing, as a programmer, sleeping with his eyes closed is a basic life skill, otherwise he would have died suddenly.

So he never used this thing, this blindfold was also blue.

"Then who will come first?" Fang Yuan asked after taking the blindfold.

"Dad first, mom, do you want to play with us?" the little guy asked Lan Caiyi again.

"Let's play, but don't play too crazy, just take a shower, don't make another sweat." Lan Caiyi exhorted.

"Stop playing with mobile phones, isn't it okay to play with us?" Fang Yuan was a little dissatisfied when she saw that she was still playing with mobile phones.

Lan Caiyi raised her head when she heard this, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's not because of you, otherwise, how can I have so many things?"

"What's the matter? Why do you blame me again?" Fang Yuan asked silently.

"Did you delete WeChat?" Lan Caiyi said angrily.

"Yes, too many people add me as friends, especially those parents of students, I don't know." Fang Yuan said the truth.

"You feel relaxed, but after all, you are the parents of classmate Xinxin. If you just ignore them, aren't you afraid of others talking about you?"

"Not afraid." Fang Yuan said confidently and confidently.

He was also telling the truth, there was nothing to be afraid of, what did their gossip have to do with him.

"Forget it, I can't tell you." Lan Caiyi rubbed her forehead.

Fang Yuan's answer was in her expectation. As a programmer who became a programmer after graduating from university, it is obviously unrealistic to expect him to handle interpersonal relationships.

"How can you get through if you don't tell?" Fang Yuan whispered dissatisfiedly.

Lan Caiyi thought for a while and sighed: "Although the parents don't know each other, they are Xinxin's classmates. Everyone's children can study together in a kindergarten and a class. This is also a kind of fate. You are so stiff now. Don’t you think it’s impolite and demeanor to refuse everyone?"

Fang Yuan felt that what Lan Caiyi said was a little bit reasonable. It was really not good to refuse others, especially Teacher Dong and Teacher Wang, who didn't know if they had added their own friends.

After all, Xinxin is still "begging for life" under them. What if they leave a lump in their hearts, and will not care about Xinxin in the future, or even if it is not good?

Thinking this way, Fang Yuan was also a little panicked.

"How about I put WeChat back and add them back?" Fang Yuan thought about it for a while.

"Save the time. How can you do things repeatedly like you do? Leave it alone, I will take care of it." Lan Caiyi waved her hand and continued to reply to everyone's WeChat.

Fang Yuan opened his mouth and was about to say something more, when he saw the little guy urging at the door: "Come on, dad, what are you doing?"

"Come here, don't worry." Fang Yuan didn't say much after thinking about it, and turned around and walked out of the room.

"Let's first say yes, close your eyes and catch people. We can only go downstairs. You are not allowed to go upstairs and you are not allowed to run to the corridor outside, you know?" Fang Yuan took the little guy downstairs, and first made a three chapters with her.

"Okay." The little guy doesn't matter, as long as someone plays with her.

So Fangyuan put on the blindfold and counted to ten. During this time, it was a little guy hiding in the buffer.

"Xinxin, have you hidden yet?" Fangyuan asked immediately after counting to ten.

Then tilt your ears to sound.

But now the little guy learns to be smart, unlike before, ask her if she hides it, she will definitely tell you that it is.

Hearing no one answered, Fang Yuan said loudly, "Then I'll catch it."

And immediately concentrate on sounding.

Fang Yuan's body has been strengthened, and his five senses are very sensitive.

So the hearing is very sensitive.

In a quiet environment, Fang Yuan soon heard the little guy's breathing and a small, uncontrollable whisper.

It turned out that the little guy was sneaking and hiding not far behind him.

Fang Yuan suddenly turned around and rushed over.

The little guy screamed in fright.

Now her position was completely exposed.

However, she responded in a timely manner, and immediately covered her mouth, then turned and ran towards the kitchen.

For the fun of the game, Fangyuan couldn't catch her all at once.

Deliberately let her run away.

Sure enough, the little guy looked extremely happy, and Fang Yuan just caught up.

I heard the sound of breathing not far in front of me again, so I didn't think much, and hugged him.

"You brat, what are you doing? Let go of your old lady."

Just after coming out of the kitchen, Fang's mother didn't know what was going on, she was hugged by Fang Yuan, and she reached out to give him a thud.

The little guy hiding behind the grandmother finally couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

When Lantian Heng and He Liuqing, who were standing on the stairs, saw this scene, they smiled at each other.

"Look, where can a man who can make trouble with his daughter be so bad?" He Liuqing said with a smile.

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