My dad's life

Chapter 806

Dai Xiaolan invited dinner, so she also found a place.

When Fangyuan and the others arrived, she was standing at the door waiting from afar.

"Xiaolan?" Lan Caiyi yelled uncertainly when she got off the car.

Because the person in front of her is very different from the Dai Xiaolan in her impression, the previous long braid has become a short hair.

Always like to wear short sleeves and shorts, she wore a blue long-sleeved long dress, wrapped tightly.

She never had a makeup shop and put on heavy makeup, but even so, she still couldn't hide the haggardness of her face.

She used to smile, but now she doesn't have a slight smile, her face is blank.

"Ah, Caiyi." Dai Xiaolan was taken aback for a moment, and then she smiled happily.

Then hurriedly reached out and gave Lan Caiyi a hug.

"Sister Dai." Fang Yuan walked up and smiled.

"Little brother Fang, you still have the same skin as you used to be. Sister Dai, please remove that learned character." Dai Xiaolan let go of the blue color clothes and looked up and down Fangyuan.

"How is it? I haven't changed yet?" Fang Yuan opened his arms and turned around.

"You haven't changed much!" Dai Xiaolan said with emotion.

The look seemed a little depressed for a while.

Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi are looking at each other. If it had been in the past, this emotion would definitely not have appeared on her face.

At this time, Dai Xiaolan also reacted, opening her arms and jokingly said: "School Brother Fang, shall we also give a hug?"

"Okay." Fang Yuan opened her arms and hugged her lightly and immediately let go.

Dai Xiaolan reacted and said with a smile, "You are not afraid that Caiyi will be jealous!"

"Don't worry, if it's you, I won't be jealous." Lan Caiyi said.

"Why...?" She didn't turn her mind for a while, just about to ask why.

But he reacted immediately, and hurriedly said: "You don't need to answer the next words, so I won't be in the mood to wait for dinner."

"Haha~" The three looked at each other and laughed.

"Let's go, let's go in, I have already booked a position." Dai Xiaolan looked at them, and said with her sideways unaccustomed to it.

"Then let the senior sister spend money." Fang Yuan smiled and took the lead and walked in.

Liang Feibai and others naturally followed along on both sides, Fangyuan had to do so now when he was traveling.

Following the delivery of the first batch of Dabai, certain groups and forces became active again after perceiving that the core system of Reverse Dabai was unavailable.

It is said that in the recent period, Deer City has dropped many foreign forces and arrested many spies, just for the harmony and stability of the society, so it has not been disclosed to the public.

"This restaurant was recommended to me by the front desk of the hotel. I don't know if it's really good. Don't dislike the low-grade."

When entering, Dai Xiaolan held Lan Caiyi's hand tightly.

"No, you still don't know who Fangyuan and I are?"

"I knew about you in the past, but now that the area has developed, I don't know." Probably because of seeing Lan Caiyi, a friend who has not seen her for many years, Dai Xiaolan is in a much better mood.

"No matter how developed he is, he still has that radius." Lan Caiyi said with a smile.

"Hey, you can be considered a treasure." Dai Xiaolan said with emotion.

Lan Caiyi smiled upon hearing this, but after all she said nothing.

Fang Yuan walked up from behind and said with a smile: "It's not Caiyi who found the treasure, but I found the treasure."

"Hey, I really can't stand the two of you. The relationship is still so good. By the way, didn't you mean that you brought your baby? What about her?" Dai Xiaolan turned the subject away.

"She doesn't want to come to play with the children. After two days, Fang Yuan and I will invite you to dinner, and then we will bring her over." Lan Caiyi said.

"In two days?" Dai Xiaolan was stunned.

"Why, wouldn't you just leave when you came to Lushi?" Lan Caiyi raised her eyebrows.

"How come, I must stay longer." Dai Xiaolan said with a guilty conscience.

"That's right, I'll take the time to accompany you to get better together." Lan Caiyi said.

"No, you are busy with you, I can do it by myself." Dai Xiaolan said hurriedly.

During the talk, the group came to Dai Xiaolanding's box.

The box is not very big, but it is quite hygienic.

Lan Caiyi and Dai Xiaolan seemed to have endless conversations.

Fangyuan is like a foil throughout.

"By the way, do you ever want to go back to school? I went to school a few days ago and met our former counselor. He also hopes that you can go back to your alma mater." Dai Xiaolan said.

"Hey, didn't you come to Deer City by plane?"

"Who would come to Deer City by plane? I first flew to Yecheng, and then took the high-speed train from Yecheng to Deer City. This way the air ticket is a lot cheaper." Dai Xiaolan vomited.

This is true. Although both Lu City and Yecheng belong to Qiongzhou, there is a huge price difference between North and South.

After all, as a key tourist city, Lu City has always had high air tickets.

"In fact, Principal Du had contact with me a year ago, but because of his busy work, I never had time to go back. After a while, I took the time to go back with Lan Caiyi." Fang Yuan remembered the incident. .

After the Dabai press conference, Du Liyang, president of Qiongzhou University, contacted him through Lu Shouyi, and he was originally planning to go back and have a look in the next year.

But if Dai Xiaolan hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten it.

"Cai Yi, take a look at it, and then we will go back together." Fang Yuan was afraid that he would forget it again, so Fang Yuan said to Lan Caiyi.

Lan Caiyi nodded when she heard the words, and then said to Dai Xiaolan, "By the way, where do you work now?"

"A foreign trade company in Magic City is a carpet import and export business."

"I heard that you were married before, but unfortunately I was not in the country at the time and I couldn't attend your wedding.

But why don't you come with your husband this time so that I can see you."

"Haha~, it's really a pity, if you were in China, it would be fine, let alone him.

It’s been a long time since we ate a seafood feast. I want you to have a big meal today."Dai Xiaolan turned the subject away.

Then he stretched out his hand and gave Lan Caiyi a chopstick dish.

Because the arm was stretched out, the sleeve of the shirt was rubbed up, and the area under the wrist was accidentally exposed, a black and blue spot.

Dai Xiaolan hurriedly put down her sleeves again, a little embarrassed: "The last time the company moved, I accidentally touched it."

"After that, I must pay more attention. By the way, did you see it in the hospital?" Lan Caiyi seemed to believe her.

And he didn't continue to ask, just asked casually.

Dai Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief and said happily: "I have already visited it, it's okay, it's okay to wait a few days for the swelling to disappear."

During the next meal, Lan Caiyi never mentioned anything about her personally.

Instead, I continued to chat with her about those interesting things in school and some news about her classmates.

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