My dad's life

Chapter 838 Good Luck Baby (seeking monthly pass)

"Okay, don't be sad, there are already a lot of three strings, didn't you know when you bought it in the morning? One string is that big." Lan Caiyi gestured to the side.

The little guy thought for a while, it seemed that he was quite big, and after thinking about it this way, he felt much better.

"Let's go, don't you want to eat the rice dumplings from Miss Sister's in the morning? Mom will take you to eat now, OK?" Lan Caiyi asked.

"Okay." The little guy remembered the beautiful five-colored rice dumplings in the morning, and nodded immediately.

Only Fang Yuan sighed in his heart next to him, Lan Caiyi was so insidious, it seemed that these three strings didn't want to be eaten by the little guy.

why would you said this?Because the five-color rice dumplings are made of glutinous rice, don't look at their size, but just eat one or two to make people feel full.

The little guy ate five-color rice dumplings, can he still eat kebabs?

Even if you eat it, you can never eat three skewers.

Fang Yuan glanced at Lan Caiyi quietly.

Lan Caiyi seemed to be aware of it and glared at him, warning him not to talk nonsense.

But when I entered the food court, I didn't walk a few steps, it was just a barbecue stall.

The barbecue stall is usually one of the most stalls in the food street.

"Mom, I want to eat." The little guy will naturally want it when he sees it, but his mother promised to buy her three bunches.

Fang Yuan smiled and looked at Lan Caiyi to see what she would do.

Unexpectedly, Lan Caiyi nodded immediately and said, "Okay."

Just when Fangyuan felt surprised.

She changed the conversation and said: "But, I think, you should go to see Miss Sister first, and then you can buy and eat together.

Otherwise, if you buy it, after you see the young lady, do you want to give her a bunch, maybe two, so you will be missing."

The little guy heard the words and thought, what my mother said makes sense.

She is a polite child. When she sees the young lady, she must be given to her-one, so don't you eat one less?

This seems a bit of a disadvantage.

"Well, when we see Miss Sister, let's buy it together." The little guy looked at the barbecue stall reluctantly.

Fang Yuan directly covered his face, not knowing what to say.

Lan Caiyi smiled triumphantly at Fangyuan.

Piggy grew up so big, it is estimated that the longest way to walk is her mother's routine.

What a poor child.

Fang Yuan thought gleefully in his heart.

But suddenly he couldn't help but think of some behaviors of Fang's father and Fang's mother again.

Things that seemed normal in the past, now that I think about them carefully, they seem to be very problematic.

So I don't seem to be so happy.


When Fangyuan and his party arrived at Huaruyi's Zongzi Restaurant, they were still busy.

Noon is the time when there are most people, so busy.

And the little girl Huang Ruyuan was sitting alone in the corner, eating kebabs...

So people are not as good as heaven.

Lan Caiyi tried her best not to let the little guy eat it, but the day failed.

I can only say that the little guy is indeed a super lucky baby.

"Mom, Miss Sister is eating barbecue meat, I want to eat too." The little guy immediately said happily.

Now Lan Caiyi couldn't think of a reason for not giving her food.

The little girl looked very happy when she saw Xinxin and them, and immediately waved to them.

But she never got off the bench because her mother told her not to leave the bench to prevent her from losing it.

"Do you want to eat? Give it to you." There were a few skewers on the little girl's table, and she graciously pushed them over and shared them with them.

"No, my mother will buy it for me." The little guy said immediately.

And immediately looked back at Lan Caiyi.

"Go and buy three skewers for each of them." At this point, what else can Lan Caiyi say.

Fangyuan can only buy it.

"Mr. Fang, let me go." Tang Zhi walked over and said.

"No, I can do it myself."

They were talking, Huang Yulong and Hua Ruyi realized that they were coming and hurried over to greet them.

"Okay, you go buy it, try to find one that looks better, just buy nine bunches, don't buy too much." Fangyuan explained.

"Okay, Mr. Fang, I will come as soon as I go." Tang Zhixing said, turning around and went out.

Fangyuan originally wanted to give him money, but he didn't expect that the others had already left, so he thought about waiting to go back to WeChat and then transfer the money to him.

Although the money is not much, one yard goes to one yard. Tang Zhixing is just a bodyguard. You can't let him post money. It's impossible.

"Sit down, have you eaten?" Huang Yulong came over, wiped the table with a piece of cloth, and beckoned everyone to sit down.

"Not yet, aren't we going to come to taste your five-color rice dumplings?" Fang Yuan was not polite, and smiled and sat down.

"Then dare to feel good, I promise you didn't choose the wrong one. Ruyi, you go-four rice dumplings come up." Huang Yulong said to Hua Ruyi who was greeting the guests.

"It's too much, just have two plates. Have a taste. There is a lot of food on the street today, and we have to save our stomachs to eat something else." Fang Yuan waved his hand and said with a smile.

"That's right, Ruyi, you just have to play two sets." Huang Yulong felt that it made sense.

Turning around and explaining to Hua Ruyi.

Two dishes are ten rice dumplings. Although they are not big, they are quite a lot.

"Xiaoyuan, do you want to eat a little too?" Huang Yulong finished speaking, and said to her daughter who was sitting next to him eating skewers.

"Well~, I'm not going to eat." The little girl shook her head.

"Look at you, why don't you invite your sisters and sisters to eat together?" Huang Yulong glanced at the skewers on her table, only then remembered, and hurriedly picked them up to hand them to Xinxin and the others.

"Don't let your daughter eat it herself, I have arranged for someone to buy it." Fang Yuan just stopped him hurriedly.

At this time, Hua Ruyi brought up two plates of rice dumplings.

"Okay, eat rice dumplings." Lan Caiyi pushed one of the plates in front of the little guys.

"Wow, I want to eat rice dumplings." The little guys are all very interested in these five colors of rice dumplings.

Fangyuan took out the disposable chopsticks and gave each of the three little guys a pair.

But when he got the chopsticks, only Xiaoshan and Yaoyao moved the chopsticks, and the little guy called the most joyous one, held the chopsticks there.

"What are you doing, eat quickly." Lan Caiyi asked strangely next to her.

"I'm waiting for Uncle Tang to buy skewers back." The little guy said happily.

Lan Caiyi: (⊙o⊙)...

She can't do anything with this lucky piggy now.

"You eat first, I am too busy over there, I will talk later." Huang Yulong said at this time.

There are so many guests outside, Hua Ruyi can't be busy alone.

"Go ahead and leave us alone." Fang Yuan said hurriedly.

When Huang Yulong left, Fang Yuan also took a pair of chopsticks and a zongzi to taste. The taste was really good.

"Xinxin, you can eat it, it's really delicious." Fang Yuan said to the little guy who was pestering his chopsticks.

The little guy looked at Yaoyao and Xiaoshan, and then at Song Xue and Lan Caiyi.

Seeing that they were all moving their chopsticks to eat, they finally couldn't help eating.

"Wow, not bad." The little guy put a piece in his mouth, and said with joy.

"It's delicious, my mother made it." The little girl Huang Ruyuan heard the words next to her and said proudly.

"Well, um, your mother is very good." The little guy said immediately.

The child is very simple, as long as she feels good, it is very powerful.

"How old are you this year, have you gone to school?" Lan Caiyi asked quietly next to her.

"I am six years old this year, and I am in the big kindergarten class." The little girl said happily immediately.

Fang Yuan took a look, and the little girl smiled, very similar to the Hua Ruyi in Fang Yuan's memory.

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