My dad's life

Chapter 874

"Hey, hasn't Xinxin got up yet today?"

The old man who was sitting in the living room watching the morning news saw Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi coming down from the stairs, but he didn't see the little guy, so he asked in confusion.

"No, I slept soundly, let her sleep for a while, maybe I was too tired from playing yesterday." Fang Yuan replied.

Fang Yuan finally agreed to the little guys' request yesterday afternoon and helped them dig a big sandpit.

Fangyuan was responsible for digging, Uchikawa Toshio was responsible for carrying water, and after soaking the sand with water to set the shape, he finally dug a big square hole.

The three little guys are very satisfied and have a sense of accomplishment, because they also helped to dig together.

Although Fangyuan does 99% of the work, it would be nice if they didn't help.

But even so, it would be tiring, so I woke up very late this morning.

"You said you, I have no objection to playing with children. There must be a degree. The children will not grow up if they are too tired to play." Fang's father sitting next to him immediately said.

"I know, I know." Fang Yuan agreed without sincerity.

"You stinky boy." Fang's father knew what he was saying, and Fang Yuan didn't listen at all, feeling a little sulky.

"Well, young people have the education methods of young people, don't worry about too much." The old man said next to him.

Although Father Fang has a bad temper, he still respects his elders, not to mention the words of the old man.

Fang Yuan was about to wash with Lan Caiyi when she heard the little guy upstairs shouting loudly, "Dad."

"Come on!" Fang Yuan heard the words and hurried upstairs.

"You see that Fangyuan feels sorry for his daughter. As long as he is good to her daughter, he knows what to do without you." The old man looked at Fangyuan, who was running upstairs, and said with a smile to his father.

"That's true, I didn't expect this stinky boy to love his daughter so much." Father Fang touched his head and said with a smile.

"Xinxin is so cute, who can't feel bad." The old man said dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes, the old man is right, I have never seen such a cute kid."

"Also smart, just like Caiyi was when she was a child." The old man added.

"I'm still sensible, this must be like Caiyi's childhood." Fang's father said immediately.

"Also considerate..."

"Also big eyes..."

"Still fat..."


Lan Caiyi listened to a few words next to him, and I was really embarrassed to listen to it again. The two of them praised the little guy in one sentence.

Fortunately, Fangyuan is not here, because all good places are like blue clothes.

As for the bad?Is there anything wrong with Xinxin?

Fang Yuan returned to the room and saw the little guy sitting on the bed, his neck up, his eyes closed and loudly shouting "Dad, Dad...".

"Don't shout, am I here?" Fang Yuan said hurriedly.

"I thought you left me and went to Brother Du Tianhao's house alone." The little guy opened his eyes wide when he heard the sound.

"It's still early, and if I really go to Du Tianhao's house, it will be useless if you shout loudly, and I can't hear it." Fang Yuan said silently.

The little guy was stunned for a while, and then said: "Then I will shout a little louder."

"No matter how loud it is, I can't hear it." Fang Yuan said while changing her clothes.

"No, I believe Dad can hear you, Dad, you have to believe in yourself." The little guy said seriously.

Is this a question of believing or not?

But Fang Yuan didn't entangle her with this issue anymore.

Changed her clothes directly.

"Let's go, follow me downstairs to brush your teeth and wash your face." Fang Yuan took her hand.

"Wait a minute." The little guy broke free of his hand, turned and ran to the balcony.

Fang Yuan was curious about what she was going to do, and followed her.

"It's early Grandpa Sun, the sea is early, and the trees are early." The little guy stood on the balcony and beckoned everywhere.

Fangyuan: "..."

"I'm fine, Dad, let's brush our teeth and wash our faces." The little guy turned around and took the initiative to take Fangyuan's hand.

"That's what you are in a hurry?" Fang Yuan said silently.

"Of course, this is a very important thing. I have said hello to Father Sun, and it will feel better.

Then we will run faster, so that we can go to Du Tianhao's house earlier."The little guy said innocently.

"You really are a little clever ghost, what about the sea and the big tree?" Fang Yuan couldn't laugh or cry.

Hearing the words, the little guy glanced at him sideways, then tugged his arm to make him bend down.

It seems that this is still a secret.

So he just squatted down, and the little guy leaned into his ear and whispered: "They are just incidental. Otherwise, what should I do if Grandpa Sun likes me too much? What if he stays in the air and doesn't leave? It will die from the heat."

Fangyuan: -_-||

It can only be said that the imagination of children is too rich.

However, Fang Yuan didn't let the little guy wait too long. After breakfast, he took a little rest at home and took the little guy to Du Tianhao's house.

After all, he is one of the chefs today, and he must have arrived early.

But the little guy felt it was her credit, because Father Sun was in a good mood and ran fast.

Lan Caiyi didn't follow. She will go there later, not only her but also the father and others will go.

Du Tianhao's house is in the 24th building, and the room type is similar to that of He Liuqing, and they are all large units.

When Fang Yuan took the little guy there, many people in the yard were already busy.

Seeing Fangyuan and Xinxin, Lin Qiaoyun greeted him from the house.

As for Du Yutang, he is directing a few apprentice-like people to work.

"Prepared so many ingredients, it cost a lot today." Fang Yuan said as he watched the people who kept moving down the container truck.

"There is nothing to spend. Besides, it is our honor to invite a great scientist like you to be a guest. I hope you come every day." Lin Qiaoyun said politely.

"Okay, I will come to your house every day for a meal, and let Brother Du make me good food every day." Fang Yuan joked.

"Wow, come every day, I also want to come with Dad every day." The little guy took it seriously when he heard the words, and said happily.

Lin Qiaoyun said with a "pouch": "Forget your father, you are here every day, auntie is absolutely welcome."

Lin Qiaoyun reached out and touched her little head, her face full of affection.

Fang Yuan looked at her with a vigilant look, and I would eat a meal from your family. You wanted to lie to my daughter.

"Where is Big Brother Tian Hao?" the little guy asked with his neck up.

"I don't know where I went, Tian Hao, Tian Hao, Xin Xin are here, come and play with my sister." Lin Qiaoyun shouted loudly.

"I'll be here soon." Du Tianhao's voice passed down from the stairs.

Du Yutang gave a few words to the apprentices and greeted him.

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