My dad's life

Chapter 903

There are many notes next to Kuai Mingchun's design drawings. While naming his design ideas, he also explained some of the fantasy effects that can be achieved after the holographic projection.

In addition to the main building, the entire design plan has two floors at the highest.

The traditional buildings in Daxia are not distinguished by the number of floors. The tall ones are generally temples and stupas.

The tallest is the main building, but it's not the number of floors, but the height of his foundation.

In the design plan, it is located in the center of the entire Emerald Island.

It has 19 steps up, why not 20, because in ancient times, odd numbers were yang and even numbers were yin.

Yang is for people, and yin is for dead people.

Therefore, the yin houses generally use even numbers, or the general temples also use even-numbered steps to express their yearning for beauty.

Kuai Mingchun is a master of traditional architectural design, even though the current design adds a lot of exaggerated expressions.

However, those design concepts in traditional architectural design are still imprinted in his bones and are inevitably incorporated into the design.

"What do you think?" Fangyuan asked for Lan Caiyi's opinion after reading everything.

Lan Caiyi nodded directly, expressing satisfaction.

"Then I look forward to your construction design drawings now. I hope to produce the draft as soon as possible. If the person asks for the money, you directly declare to Mr. Huang, and strive to complete the construction as quickly as possible." Fangyuan returned his draft and said.

"I have a construction team myself, but for such a large project, I am afraid that I am unable to complete the construction as quickly as possible."

Designers generally have their own construction team. Because of long-term running-in, the people in these construction teams can better understand the designer's concept and build the work in the designer's mind.

"Then recruit more people, we can bear the cost, and I also have an engineering team here, you can be responsible for supervision, let them build." Fang Yuan thought for a while and said.

"Then there is no problem, I will get the construction design drawings as soon as possible." Kuai Mingchun nodded readily upon hearing the words.

As long as the money is in place, everything is fine.

Money can settle 99% of the problems.

"President Huang, you should pay more attention to this matter, and strive to complete the construction as soon as possible. You can directly report to Mr. Lan how much it will cost." Fang Yuan told Huang Haodong again.

Seeing Fangyuan's solemnity, although Huang Haodong didn't understand why he was so anxious, he took it seriously and decided to follow suit.

"Then don't bother Mr. Fang, I'll go back and have a rest. This period of time has kept me busy." Kuai Mingchun stood up and said.

Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi hurriedly stood up and sent him out.

Regardless, at such an old age and still so dedicated, it deserves respect.

Kuai Mingchun's daughter had been waiting for her father in the secretary's room, and when she saw him coming out, she hurriedly greeted him and supported him.

"Dad, are things done?" Kuai Mingchun's daughter asked casually.

In fact, when Kuai Mingchun came out, seeing the smile on his face, he knew that things should not be separated.

"Let's go, I will have a good meal at noon today, and then sleep for another afternoon." Kuai Mingchun broke free from her daughter's hand and walked forward.

"Do you want to call all the brothers?" Kuai Mingchun's daughter greeted her and asked.

"Of course I call, I am happy today." Kuai Mingchun said loudly.


"The old man is so old, and his spirit is still so vigorous." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"Yeah, at such an old age and working so hard, we have any reason not to work hard, President Fang, President Lan, I'm back to work." Huang Haodong finished speaking and went back to his office.

After they all left, Lan Caiyi asked, "Why do you want to build it so quickly, so the construction cost will increase a lot."

"Of course I am useful." Fang Yuan explained.

"What's the use?" Lan Caiyi asked.

"This is a secret."

"Hurry up and tell me, I want to know." Lan Caiyi said angrily.

"I said it was a secret, how could I tell you, then you will know it."

Lan Caiyi wanted to continue to ask, Fang Yuan hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Is it a task for you?"

"Task? What task?"

"Now that the design plans have come out, I said before that the flag and national emblem of the Starry Kingdom designed by the little guy should start painting."

"You really let Xinxin paint?"

"Of course it is true, is there any problem?"

"This is too trifling? Is she really good at painting?"

"What can't be done? This is a children's paradise in itself. The flags and badges are more childlike, the better. Besides, how is this a child's play? I think Xinxin's paintings are much better than Picasso."

"That's because you don't know how to appreciate."

"Yes, you don't know how to appreciate Xinxin's paintings."

"Anyway, I mean I can't help you. If you leave, I have to go back to work and work hard."

Lan Caiyi said, clenched her fists, made a cheering gesture, turned around and went back to her office.

"Why is it the same as Xinxin." Looking at Lan Caiyi's back, Fang Yuan smiled and shook his head.

After I finished speaking, I realized that this sentence was wrong. It should be said that Xinxin is really like her.

Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi just got home when they got off work at night.

The little guy immediately greeted him excitedly.

But today, instead of jumping into Fang Yuan's arms, she hugged Lan Caiyi's legs.

"Mom." The little guy cried, tilting his neck.

"What's the matter? Did you miss your mother?" Lan Caiyi squatted down and stroked the messy hair on her forehead.

"No, Mom, I'm bringing back snacks? Am I great?" The little guy said expectantly.

"Wow, you are really an honest baby. Tell your mother, did you eat it secretly?" Lan Caiyi asked with a smile.

"No?" The little guy stretched out his hand and wiped his mouth, and said eagerly.

Blue color clothes: o(╯□╰)o

"Well, mom believes you, then let's take a look at your snacks, which ones can be eaten and which ones can't be eaten?" Lan Caiyi stood up and said, holding her hand.


The little guy hurriedly pulled Lan Caiyi onto the sofa to sit down, and then dragged his little schoolbag over.

Fang Yuan also walked over curiously.

Lan Caiyi stretched out her hand for a moment, and said in surprise, "So many?"

This is probably a small schoolbag, right?

After Lan Caiyi opened, first took out a packet of potato chips.

"Potato chips? These puffed foods are not nutritious and unhealthy."

"Such a big piece of chocolate? You might grow a few catties of meat after eating it, so forget it."

"What's this? Beef sticks? You eat so much meat every day at noon, and you still eat it?"

"Wafer? Too much leavening agent."


The snacks in the bag were taken out by Lan Caiyi one by one, and she could tell a shortcoming of each one.

The little guy was stunned by what she said.

In the end, only a lollipop was left under the bag.

The little guy has quick eyes and grabs it in his hand.

"Lollipop, it's too sweet, it will have cavities." Lan Caiyi lightly pulled it back from her hand.

Little guy: (*︿)

I didn't even leave any, bad mother, the baby is angry!

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