My dad's life

Chapter 904 Dabai is officially on sale (seeking monthly pass)

The little guy felt that her mother had done too much, so she was very angry, so she slumped her neck and decided to ignore her.

"Okay, don't be angry, mother is also good for you."

"I don't want you to be good for me." The little guy heard the words capriciously.

"You are my baby. What can I do if I don't do it for you? Or else, what good food do you want to eat at night, how about letting your dad cook it for you? Isn't your dad cooking more delicious than these snacks?"

Lan Caiyi is also afraid that things will be reversed, and she won't be wrong if the little guy does not bring back snacks.

"Really?" The little guy's attitude softened when he heard that Dad was asked to make some good food for her at night.

"Of course it's true, so how about it. As long as you bring snacks back and don't eat them every day, you can ask Dad to cook you a dish you want to eat every day, how about it?" Lan Caiyi coaxed.

"Really? Dad?" The little guy directly asked Fangyuan, who was sitting next to him.

"Of course, what your mother said is what your father said." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

To be honest, he didn't want the little guy to be sad, who didn't want her to be happy every day.

But snacks really can't let her eat more, it will only harm her.

"That's all right, Recoil." The little guy was happily trying to recoil Fangyuan.

After the two of them pulled the hook, Fang Yuan asked with a smile: "So big boss, what do you want to eat tonight, Dad will make it for you."

"Um~, I want to eat candied sweet potatoes." The little guy thought for a while and said.

The little guy loves this dish very much. Fangyuan has taken her out to eat it several times before. The impression is relatively deep, but because it is too sweet, Fangyuan rarely cooks it for her.

"Sweet potatoes? There are very few sweet potatoes in the season, and there are none at home now. How about dad make you a candied apple?"

"Apple is fine too? Is it delicious?"

"Of course, it tastes the same as sweet potatoes, even more refreshing than sweet potatoes."

"All right, I want to eat candied apples." The little guy cheered.

From this day on, the little guy also followed the promise to bring back snacks every day, and Fang Yuan also cooked her a dish she wanted to eat in accordance with the promise.

But gradually, there were fewer snacks, and in the end there were no more snacks.

Because of the little guy's refusal, the children brought her fewer snacks.

But Fang Yuan did not stop cooking her favorite dish every day.

Eating less snacks is just a requirement of her mother, and learning to reject others is a kind of growth.

Before I knew it, it was April 1st, April Fool's Day.

Dabai began to distribute goods across the country, and Fanglan Group is not a fool on April Fool's Day.

Users who paid in advance before will start shipping on the same day.

The offline experience store also officially opened.

For this reason, Fang Yuan did not go to the company first this morning, but went directly to the Dabai Experience Store in Deer City to participate in the opening ceremony.

It is the shop of sister-in-law Xiao Lin, which can be said to give her sister-in-law's face.

Not only Fang Yuan came over, but the old man and Dad Fang were fine at home, and they all came over to cheer his sister-in-law.

Qiongzhou TV Station, Lushi TV Station and even CHTV News Station etc. all reported the incident.

Dabai officially entered thousands of households, announcing that mankind has entered the era of intelligence 2.0, which is of epoch-making significance.

Sister-in-law is naturally very happy and feels full of face.

The lobby brother He Xiangrong is also there today, but he also fights and can't help much.

The sister-in-law held a brief ribbon-cutting ceremony to announce the official opening.

Sister-in-law did not entertain everyone in the hotel at noon, but in her own home.

Father Fang had accompanied the old man before, but Fangyuan and Lan Caiyi had come here for the first time.

The lobby brother is not good at words, but at noon he toasted a glass of Fangyuan, thanking him for his help.

In fact, for Fang Yuan, he is also taken care of by his uncle a lot, otherwise his career will not go as smoothly as it is now, and he must be grateful for a long time.

When Fang Yuan returned to the company leisurely in the afternoon, the entire company was busy.

Today, Dabai’s sales have increased sharply, and agents from all over the country have even called directly to request additional goods.

Especially the marketing department managed by Ning Yuting, which has always been relatively idle, is now completely busy.

But these have nothing to do with Fangyuan, he is only responsible for development, and the specific implementation is completely left to Huang Haodong.

He didn't even ask about the sales growth of Dabai today, but went straight into the laboratory.

"Zhang Yuan, how about it, have you retested the interactive system?"

When Fangyuan entered the laboratory, Zhang Yuan was holding a virtual helmet, connected to the computer, and tested the code line by line.

"Mr. Fang, I'm taking a test, and learn by the way, hehe." Zhang Yuan smiled honestly.

"So how does your experience feel?"

"It's great. The sensitivity of brainwave manipulation has increased by at least two hundred percent. There is no longer any delay or stuttering. The heart moves at will, which is great." When Zhang Yuan said it, he seemed very excited. .

The technology in the fantasy works did not expect to be realized in his hands one day, and this sense of accomplishment cannot be expressed in words.

"But Mr. Fang, there is still a problem." Zhang Yuan hesitated and said again.

"what is the problem?"

"Internet speed and machines can't keep up with the speed of thinking."

Fangyuan: -_-||

I solved the amplification and processing speed of the brainwave sensor before, but I didn't expect it to be too fast and the machine could not keep up.

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said: "Can we make a buffer area, which is equivalent to a computer buffer area. The user first calls the pre-stored information in the buffer area, and we don’t need to think so fast. Set a threshold based on standard human thinking actions. ..."

Following Fang Yuan's words, Zhang Yuan's eyes became brighter and brighter, revealing a suddenly realized expression.

Although Fang Yuan came up with a solution, he only had to give it to Zhang Yuan and the others, and he didn't need to do it himself. Someone would be fine.

After getting off work in the afternoon, Lan Caiyi looked particularly good.

"What's wrong, so happy today?" Fang Yuan asked strangely.

"Can you be unhappy? Do you know how many goods we have shipped today?" Lan Caiyi said with a smile.

The purse of her chief financial officer finally bulged up.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. By the way, now that you have money, you have to speed up the charity fund."

"I see, busy guy."

Seeing Fangyuan, Lan Caiyi didn't mean to ask Dabai's sales, let alone her sales.

To be honest, she admired it in her heart, if she hadn't waited to ask questions.

When Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi returned home, they saw the little guy standing on the sofa, and Fang's mother was standing not far away from her, with a long bed sheet on their hands.

It turned out that the bed sheets and quilts were washed today, and Mother Fang was tidying up, and the little guy helped grandma to stack up.

Seeing Mom and Dad come back, the little guy jumped up happily, and the bed sheet in his hand fell unsteadily and dragged to the ground.

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