Zhao Nianshun shook his head directly.

A few foremen were not happy.

One of the foremen took a heavy puff of cigarette and said dissatisfiedly: "Then don't talk about it, don't do it for him, who are we going to build a house for, don't give us 10 yuan and 20 yuan?"

Another foreman also echoed: "If you don't give him more money, you won't do it for him. Now that there is work everywhere, I don't believe that you can't make money?"

Zhao Nianshun just smoked in a muffled voice.

Now he finally understands why Lin Chuan can be the boss. These people are the lives of migrant workers all their lives.

At this time, the construction industry in Huizhou is priceless.

If you want to earn 100 yuan a day, you have to have a job.

Good projects are all given to big construction companies, and small people can find people to do it themselves, can they still get their turn?

If they don't work here, they probably have to go back to the countryside to farm.

They can't look away, and they can't look away like them.

With so many projects in Lin Chuan's hands, they still have to build a construction company, so there is no shortage of workers.

These foremen can't eat these meals, and they don't deserve their own ideas.

Zhao Nianshun stepped on the cigarette butt hard, and said solemnly, "That's fine, I'll count the wages for everyone tonight, and tomorrow morning, you can leave the construction site!"

"What about you? Do you still want to peel that Lin?"

Zhao Nianshun laughed and said, "You're right, I have to work on it. It's impossible for me to leave until this project is finished!"

Everyone looked at each other and stopped talking.

More than 800 workers, except for more than 200 people from Zhao Nianshun's hometown, all left the construction site.

Immediately afterwards, advertisements for Lin Chuan's recruitment of workers were broadcast in newspapers and radio stations.

And Lin Chuan is still doing what he should do, as if there is no difficulty, it can make him have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Instead, he devoted himself to the production of his suits, as well as the new cashmere fabric weaving technology.

At this time, Yuan Meiqing came.

In the office, Lin Chuan just lowered his head and continued to draw his design drawings, without taking the initiative to speak to Yuan Meiqing.

He is also very clear about what Yuan Meiqing wants to do, it depends on what she thinks.

After this time, how could she still not understand the reason, then it would be useless for him to say more.

Yuan Meiqing held the teacup, and the repressed silence made her even more nervous.

Don't know how to speak.

Instead, it was Lin Chuan, who looked at the time from time to time, as if urging her. If he had nothing to say, then he had other things to do.

"Lin Chuan, I...I don't know what to say?"

However, Lin Chuan was always drawing design drawings and still didn't speak.

Yuan Meiqing couldn't hold back her inner struggle, and said painfully, "Lin Chuan, I know I was wrong, and I was very wrong. I was used by Fu Xinan's rhetoric.

Now that I have no equipment, no workers, and no market, I should not treat you as my enemy, let alone drive you out of the factory.

Now I really regret it, I know that you must hate me very much now, and I don't ask for your forgiveness. I have made a decision to give you the Meiqing Textile Factory without a cent.

Only in your hands can the textile factory survive, and in my hands, the hopes of generations of my family will be destroyed,

I don't want the textile factory to fall into the hands of Fu Xinan. I only have one condition. I hope you will make the textile factory bigger and stronger! "

Lin Chuan's soft gaze finally lifted slowly.

But he still smiled coldly: "You are determined to be a loser, since you don't even have the last fighting spirit, then I can't help you.

Go back, I don't want your textile factory! "

Yuan Meiqing was already bursting with tears, she stood up suddenly, her thin shoulders swayed from side to side like drifting weeds in the remnant wind.

"You said you would give me a chance, and now I just want to cash in on this opportunity, and I want you to take over the textile factory!"

Lin Chuan said coldly, "You are willing to give me the textile factory, so what are you going to do?"

She wiped the unstoppable tears on her face, and pretended to be strong and said, "Don't worry about it, you just need to keep the textile factory!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan couldn't hold back, and laughed.

The more he laughed, the more aggrieved Yuan Meiqing felt.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Of course I'm laughing at you!"

Lin Chuan said disdainfully: "You can give away the textile factory, why not stand up again? At least let the people who pit you have a lesson, right?"

Yuan Meiqing stared at Lin Chuan tearfully.

Didn't get it at all.

Lin Chuan followed with a smile and said, "Don't give me that textile factory and sell it to the boss behind Fu Xinan at a price of 2.7 million. Then you can use the 2.7 million to invest in other projects!"

Yuan Meiqing was immediately surprised: "You told me to sell the textile factory, no, I will never!"

"The only difference between your textile factory and the collapse is that there is still a legendary person like you watching. The textile factory is dead and people are alive.

Feelings and beliefs are not worth a dime in business. The most important thing is that you can earn back all your lost profits through this. Don't you want revenge? "

Yuan Meiqing finally understood.

She vigorously wiped the tears in her eyes and said, "You mean, let them buy an empty shell, right!"

Lin Chuan laughed and said: "Fortunately, you are not stupid enough to ask them to buy an empty shell, and soon, you will buy this empty shell back at an ultra-low price,

But the boss behind that may not accept this price. You can give him the second set of dye formulas I gave you. The price is controlled at around 1.5 million, and you can sell it! "

Yuan Meiqing now has no doubts about Lin Chuan, and obeys every word.

She returned to the textile factory and immediately called Fu Xinan and told him about the idea of ​​selling the textile factory.

Fu Xinan immediately relayed the words to Yuan Hedong.

"2.7 million? An empty shell factory? I think Yuan Meiqing is really crazy. With 2.7 million, I can start a textile factory by myself!"

Yuan Hedong was very angry.

Others don't know about the textile factory, doesn't he?

Now there are only a few factories and one office building left in the textile factory, and they don't even have a single piece of equipment, so they dare to ask for 2.7 million yuan.

Fu Xinan followed up: "Yuan Meiqing also said that 2.7 million, including the dip-dyeing technique formula Lin Chuan once gave her!"


Yuan Hedong narrowed his eyes slightly.

The dip-dyeing technique is indeed very good, and the color of the dip-dyed fabric is naturally long-lasting.

If you can master this technology, it's still a bit tricky.

At least if you take over the textile factory, you can make a fortune on this fabric.

Thinking of this, Yuan Hedong said coldly, "Tell Yuan Meiqing that I will only give her 1.7 million, 2.7 million, don't even think about it!"

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