Yuan Meiqing agreed to the price of 1.7 million.

When the transfer contract was signed, Yuan Hedong finally came forward in person.

When Yuan Meiqing saw Fu Xinan circling around Yuan Hedong like a dog, she instantly understood that it was Yuan Hedong's plan.

But who's to blame?

If she wasn't stupid, how could she be used by Yuan Hedong?

At this time, Yuan Hedong was very excited.

He looked at Yuan Meiqing as if he had won everything, and said gloomily, "I said that I will definitely get this textile factory, how about now?

You must be very angry now, right? I think your father's spirit in heaven is as angry as you are, and you must be wondering why I did this?

I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I'm just fighting for this! "

Yuan Meiqing's heart was tumbling, but for revenge, she held back and looked at Yuan Hedong expressionlessly.

He continued: "I worked hard together with your father to build this textile factory back then. Why should everything be up to him? If he died, he would leave it to you, and he didn't give me a dime.

Does he think the textile factory can be better if you have it in your hands? It's a pity, you let him die! "

Yuan Meiqing gritted her teeth in hatred, and even the roots of her teeth were aching.

But she still remembered Lin Chuan's words, and now she has to endure it no matter what.

The more arrogant Yuan and Dong were, the harder they fell.

So, she let out a slight sigh, and said coldly: "If you have said enough, let's sign the contract, because I don't want to see your face for one more second!"

After all, Yuan Meiqing pushed the contract to Yuan Hedong.

Yuan Hedong was also very enjoyable to vent, he picked up the pen without hesitation, signed his name and stamped it.

Song Hua accepted the contract and handed the cheque prepared in advance to Yuan Meiqing, and the transaction officially took effect.

"Miss Yuan, you have to give me the dip-dye recipe that you agreed on before!"

Yuan Meiqing didn't bother, and immediately gave Song Hua the recipe she had written in advance, picked up the check, and left directly.

Yuan Hedong looked at the factory outside the window and laughed: "After so many years, my wish has finally come true, and now this textile factory is finally mine!"

Song Hua and Fu Xinan immediately flattered.

"Mr. Yuan has a brilliant plan. In the future, under your management, this textile factory will definitely become the best textile factory in the province, even the whole country, and the world!"

"My Fu Xinan wishes Mr. Yuan a prosperous business and a lot of money!"

Yuan Hedong was very excited, and there were countless plans formed in his mind.

But now the first thing to solve is the question of funding.

The money was used to buy factories, and now funds are needed to buy equipment and hire employees.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked Song Hua to ask Xie Hongchen to have dinner together at night.

At this time, Yuan Meiqing had already come to the garment factory and put a check of 1.7 million yuan in front of Lin Chuan.

"It turns out that Yuan Hedong has always been behind the scenes. I must make him pay the price. Lin Chuan, the money will be placed with you first. You can use it as you like. I just want you to avenge me and get the textile factory back!"

1.7 million can indeed solve many problems.

But Lin Chuan shook his head and said, "I can't take this money. You should save it and use it when you buy a textile factory. As for Yuan Hedong, you don't have to worry about it, he will want to die soon!"

Yuan Meiqing believes that Lin Chuan can do what he says.

As for the 1.7 million, she did not refuse.

As Lin Chuan said, the money will be used for future acquisitions of textile factories.

But Yuan Meiqing thanked Lin Chuan and felt guilty for betraying Lin Chuan.

She immediately went to buy a new Nissan model worth 120,000 yuan and gave it to Lin Chuan.

When Lin Chuan saw this Nissan, he knew its value.

Lin Chuan felt that this gift was really too precious.

And looking at the entire Hui city, there are not many who can drive this Nissan.

But Yuan Meiqing insisted: "This is just my opinion. If you don't accept it, the page in my heart will never be turned over!"

Lin Chuan could feel Yuan Meiqing's sincerity, and he really needed such a car.

Wherever you go in the future, you don't have to open his big card anymore.

"Then I won't refuse. I've already bought it anyway, so I'll drive it first. Don't be idle during this time, learn to manage or something. In half a month, your textile factory will be able to buy it back. ,

At that time, you have to manage it yourself, and I can't help you too much! "

Yuan Meiqing is now obedient to Lin Chuan.

"I'll go to the library now and buy more books on this subject!"

Looking at Yuan Meiqing's back, Lin Chuan was not in a relaxed mood.

After taking other people's Nissan, he will have several times the benefits to Yuan Meiqing in the future.

In short, he still understands the truth of taking other people's hands short.

It's just that Qin Mengying was a little unhappy when she saw this Nissan.

"Lin Chuan, this is not cheap, right? Yuan Meiqing gave it to you for nothing?"

Lin Chuan also saw that Qin Mengying's face was a little ugly.

He smiled indifferently and said: "Your husband and my worth cannot be replaced by a Nissan, so don't think about it, I have always regarded Yuan Meiqing as my sister.

Come on, let's pick up the kids and go for a spin! "

Although Yuan Meiqing didn't say much, she was still grumpy about this.

I also secretly thought that I must pay more attention to that Yuan Meiqing in the future.

Going for a ride is cool.

When passing a restaurant, Lin Chuan looked at the time and smiled, "I won't go home to cook today, let's go to the restaurant!"

Lin Wanyu clapped her hands happily and said, "Okay, I agree, I agree!"

The family walked into the restaurant talking and laughing, found a seat by the window and sat down, and ordered everyone's favorite dishes.

While Lin Chuan was enjoying the food, the waiter and the eater at the next table got into a fight.

Lin Chuan glanced back.

It was a middle-aged man in shabby clothes, and a middle-aged woman in floral clothes and a headscarf.

There were only two dishes on the table for the two of them, two bowls of noodles.

The waiter said with indifference and contempt: "You don't have the money to go to any restaurant, and you want to eat Bawang meal, don't talk so much nonsense with me, it's 12 yuan in total, hurry up and pay!"

The guests who were eating so loudly looked at the man and the woman with strange eyes.

The woman lowered her head, avoiding everyone's eyes.

And the man's thin face was also embarrassed.

He said in a low voice: "Comrade, I really didn't eat Bawang's meal, I really forgot to bring money, can you let me go back and get it?"

The waiter didn't believe this at all, and with a cold glance, he said bluntly: "Don't tell me this, I've seen people like you a lot.

If you can't afford it, don't eat it. If you are poor, you should learn to go out to restaurants? Do you want shame? Seeing that you are dressed like this, you are a farmer, and you are asked to go back to get it. You simply say that you can't afford it? "

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