In front of so many people, the waiter didn't show any sympathy for men.

Even Lin Chuan thought that what the waiter said was a bit too much.

And no matter how good the man's temper was, he couldn't help but say at this moment, "Why is your comrade so mean? I just forgot to bring money. What does this have to do with affordability?"

The waiter frowned extremely impatiently: "Okay, don't say it's useless, such an adult doesn't bring money with him, he can't afford a meal for 12 yuan, and ghosts don't believe you, anyway, if you don't give money today , I can't let you go!"

Everyone wants a face, and being so scolded by a waiter, the man's face also sank.

Ignoring the rural woman's obstruction, he took off his watch and put it on the table.

"Isn't it just 12 yuan? I put this watch here, it's alright!"

The waiter didn't eat this at all, snorted coldly, and said yin and yang: "Whoever wants you to break the table, I want food money, I have seen many people like you,

He said that he put the watch here, and when he came back to get the watch, he said that if it was broken, we would lose money. Don't even think about it, take your broken watch away! "

The man got up angrily and said, "You comrade is so outrageous, who do you take me for?"

"Who cares who you are? Anyway, you have to give money to eat. If you don't give money, you don't want to leave!"

Just when the man's face was flushed with anger, Lin Chuan laughed and said to the waiter, "Waiter, I'll pay for his meal, don't hurt your temper because of 12 yuan!"

While speaking, Qin Mengying took out 12 yuan and put it on the table.

When the waiter saw the clothes of Lin Chuan's family, especially the Nissan outside the door was driven by Lin Chuan, he knew that they were the real rich people.

She immediately became full of smiles, picked up the 12 yuan, turned her head and said with disdain: "This is the rich man. If you don't bring money in the future, don't go out to restaurants, it's a shame!"

After dropping the sentence, the waiter glared at the man fiercely, then twisted the waist of the bucket and left.

The man was still annoyed, but he immediately came to express his thanks to Lin Chuan.

"Comrade, I really thank you today, leave me an address, and I'll send you the money when I get back!"

Lin Chuan smiled and shook his head.

"No, it's only 12 yuan. Everyone has a problem when they go out. I have experienced it before!"

Seeing Lin Chuan's generous manners and elegant speech, the man wanted to make friends.

So he smiled and said, "The money is still to be given. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ge Maohua. I work in a coal company. That is my wife, Shang Jiaxiu!"

Working for a coal company?

The 12 bucks is really worth it.

What he needs to know most now is the people from the coal company.

Because of his open-pit coal mine, whether it is sales, mining, etc., it needs to cooperate with coal companies.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan also got up and said politely, "My name is Lin Chuan, I work in Mengying Garment Factory!"

In the name of a newspaper, Ge Maohua suddenly pointed at Lin Chuan and said with a smile, "You are Lin Chuan, the boss of Mengying Garment Factory, you have heard the name for a long time!"

If you don't sign up, no one will know Lin Chuan.

Speaking of Lin Chuan of Mengying Garment Factory, it is estimated that few people in Hui City do not know about it.

Even the overwhelming advertisements are already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Lin Chuan immediately asked Ge Maohua and Shang Jiaxiu to sit down, and asked the waiter to add two pairs of chopsticks and two wine glasses.

Ge Maohua hurriedly said: "You're welcome, we've all eaten, we've eaten!"

Lin Chuan said with a smile: "After eating, we also drink two glasses of beer. Knowing is a fate in life, and it will also be accompanied by a lifetime of memories!"

Although Qin Mengying didn't know why Lin Chuan wanted to know this person, she could see from Lin Chuan's face that he was very happy.

So she poured beer for the two of them.

The kindness was difficult, Ge Maohua raised his glass and drank it with Lin Chuan.

After drinking, he talked more.

Lin Chuan is a master of language, and he became acquainted with Ge Maohua in a few words.

Ge Maohua said slowly: "I have only been transferred to the coal company for less than a year. I used to work in the office, and then I was transferred to the financial room to be an accountant.

My daughter-in-law and I have always lived in two places because of work. I recently brought my daughter-in-law here. I wanted to find a job for her, but she came from the countryside and has no culture, so no one likes to use it! "

Lin Chuan also respects Ge Maohua from the bottom of his heart.

Accounting for a coal company is a profession with powerful powers.

Usually gift givers have to step over the threshold.

Under the temptation of the flowery world, he still does not forget his wife with hair, just because of this, he is someone who can be handed over.

Lin Chuan immediately smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, go to work at my place tomorrow. Now the garment factory is short of manpower. I've been advertising recruitment all day, and the benefits of the garment factory are very good, as long as my sister-in-law is not afraid of being tired!"

Ge Maohua seemed to be afraid of something, and hurriedly said: "I have heard about the welfare benefits of the garment factory, and they are really good, but we meet by chance.

And your sister-in-law knows nothing. The garment factory is a technical unit. She has never touched a sewing machine. If she goes, she will only cause you trouble! "

Shang Jiaxiu is a very introverted and shy woman.

All the characteristics of traditional rural women of that era can be seen in her body.

It's not that Lin Chuan's head doesn't turn around, and he goes all out to make friends with Ge Maohua.

It is not as simple as saying a few words behind this.

Ge Maohua is an accountant of a coal company, and he is a person with big money every day.

Although it is said that there are many high-level executives above the accountants, in this era, those who can manage money are very trusted and reused by high-level executives.

To put it simply, Ge Maohua is not short of money, and it is no problem to support Shang Jiaxiu.

If you don't mix well, it's impossible to lead Shang Jiaxiu to the restaurant.

So Ge Maohua's idea is to let Shang Jiaxiu get in touch with the city more, socialize more, and then integrate into the city and become a city person like him.

Ge Maohua is a literate person, but Shang Jiaxiu has been in the city for so long, still dressed in rural clothes.

It's not that he will be laughed at, but Ge Maohua can't be pointed at everywhere he goes.

Therefore, looking for a job to make money is fake, but packaging Shang Jiaxiu is real.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan smiled and said, "What's the trouble? You can learn it if you don't know it. I have a master there, and I have more exposure to things in the fashion industry, which can also broaden my horizons and improve my knowledge and knowledge!"

In one sentence, it went to Ge Maohua's heart.

That's what he thought.

It was also these words that made Ge Maohua suddenly feel that Lin Chuan had seen each other late.

This time, he took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for Lin Chuan.

"Kuanzi, brother, toast to you, I am really happy to meet you. As the saying goes, it is enough to have a confidant in life. Come, cheers!"

"It's too late to meet you, love is in your heart, come, cheers!"

The more he talked, the more speculative the words became. Lin Chuan said in a very timely manner, "Brother, I have a favor and I want to ask you to help me!"

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