Before he finished speaking, the other teams followed suit and said, "Don't transfer to our team, go wherever you like, we still want to get this month's production bonus!"

Shang Jiaxiu is like a child who has done something wrong, with his head down and red eyes, unable to say a word.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan turned around and left.

He can't show up at this time to protect Shang Jiaxiu. Not only will it not help Shang Jiaxiu, but it will also provoke more gossip, saying that he, the boss, is biased towards her.

Lin Chuan told Qin Mengying about his idea of ​​reassigning Shang Jiaxiu.

"Shang Jiaxiu is really not good in the production line. She still has a lot to learn. I want her to be my secretary first. When she is almost finished, she will be transferred to another position!"

Qin Mengying did not object, and felt that Lin Chuan should have a secretary now.

At least there must be someone who can communicate.

But her temper with Shang Jiaxiu was always a little unpredictable.

"It's okay for you to let her be your secretary, but why do I think she doesn't seem to be good? I don't know if you can see it, Shang Jiaxiu seems to have experienced something,

Or it seems that he has suffered some kind of injury, and his personality is very introverted, so it should be difficult to cultivate it! "

Qin Mengying's thoughts were similar to his.

But this also depends on Ge Maohua's face.

If it is still impossible for Shang Jiaxiu to be able to integrate into this group, it would be a matter of benevolence and righteousness, and Ge Maohua would not be able to say anything at that time.

Xi Xiaolei arranged it immediately. In order to make Shang Jiaxiu feel more confident, she also specially approved a set of work clothes for her.

At the same time, I carefully told her all the work that the secretary should do.

But Shang Jiaxiu just lowered his head and didn't say a word.

For a patient like Xi Xiaolei, she shook her head helplessly.

Shang Jiaxiu, who had changed her clothes, changed her entire image.

Even Xi Xiaolei felt that Shang Jiaxiu's figure was really good, even better than her own.

When I came to Lin Chuan's office, Lin Chuan smiled admiringly: "Look, isn't it good? I will work with Director Qin in the office next to me in the future.

When I have a job, I will call you, and now let's get acquainted with the environment! "

But Shang Jiaxiu held the corner of her clothes tightly and lowered her head, her eyes were helpless and shy, and she wanted to stop talking, so Lin Chuan immediately understood that she had something to say to herself.

"Xiao Lei, you go to work first!"

Lin Chuan gave her this opportunity to speak.

When Xi Xiaolei left, Shang Jiaxiu raised her head and said pitifully, "Boss, I, I'd better quit, they're right, I'm stupid and illiterate,

If I can't do anything well, I'll be your secretary. I'm afraid I really can't do it well, and I'll cause you trouble! "

Lin Chuan laughed and said cheerfully: "You don't need to think so, and you don't need to feel inferior to think that you can't know anything. To be honest, you will, maybe they won't.

And you can also talk, you know what you should do, but you have closed the door of your heart, you have imprinted yourself in some past experiences or pains,

You cannot gain the understanding and sympathy of others, and even make you always feel that you are someone who lives in the eyes of others. In fact, you can do well, but you have never been praised and encouraged! "

In Shang Jiaxiu's beautiful big eyes, there were hot and full of tears. Lin Chuan really knew her too well, as if someone could finally see the backlog of pain in her heart.

And such comfort and encouragement sounded so warm.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan asked while it was hot: "At work, I am your boss and your friend. If you regard me as a friend, tell me about your past. I am willing to do it. Your listener!"

Shang Jiaxiu was no longer imprisoned in her heart, and told Lin Chuan about her experience.

It turned out that her parents were farmers, but they failed to give her a good childhood.

Her mother is often hung up with a pair of broken shoes and abused.

Her father was an alcoholic, he didn't want to say a word to her, and when he died, he didn't say a word.

Her mother later hanged herself when she was 18 years old.

Her relatives arranged for him to marry Ge Maohua.

On the day of her wedding, she met the man she wanted to follow for the rest of her life.

No feelings, no love, all strangers.

Ge Maohua is a literate person and did not force her to do what his wife should do.

A few years later, Ge Maohua was assigned to work as an accountant in a coal company, and she stayed in the countryside for three years.

Lin Chuan heard this quietly, with sympathy in his eyes.

This also reminded him of the debt he owed to Lin Wanyu and Qin Mengying in his previous life, and his eyes were full of tears.

But this also means that Shao Jiayan has also completely opened her heart, which is a good thing for her.

He said slowly: "Speaking out, I feel a lot better, but those are just memories that can be thrown away at any time. If people want to live, they must continue to walk on the road under their feet.

Try to get to know yourself again and find yourself, you will find that life is actually a lot of happiness! "

Shang Jiaxiu is indeed much more enjoyable, and the haze that has been accumulated in her heart for many years seems to be dispelled by a beam of sunlight.

"Thank you boss, you made me feel that I am still alive, and I will live well. From now on, I will try my best to do every job well, and I will never disappoint your hopes for me!"

"I believe you can do it!"

Wiping away her tears, Shang Jiaxiu silently swore in her heart that for this man who could accompany her in tears, even if she gave her life, she would have no regrets.

At the same time, in the Hedong Textile Factory.

Several customers were very satisfied with the dyed fabrics and immediately signed orders worth 200,000 yuan.

Yuan Hedong happily invited several customers to the restaurant to have a drink.

During the banquet, customers praised one after another: "Boss Yuan, it's really amazing that you can get the dip-dyeing technology of Mengying Textile Factory!"

"I have to say that Mengying Textile Factory's fabric dip-dyeing technology is really good. Whether it is washed with cold water or cold water, the color does not fade at all!"

"I contacted their textile factory before and wanted to order a batch of these fabrics. Through their advertisements, I also made a batch of skirts to make some money, but they don't sell one meter. It's really cool!"

Yuan Hedong smiled disdainfully and said: "He Lin Chuan is nothing special, what he can develop, I can also develop, and it is better than his,

In the future, everyone can come to me to buy them. Lin Chuan is just a tailor. He has designed several clothes based on shit luck.

Such a person doesn't have much development, and I don't take him seriously! "

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