My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 129 Going To Study Finance

Customers laughed and said, "That's it, as long as there are fabrics, we can make good clothes. He Lin Chuan is really nothing special!"

"Boss Yuan, but we have to agree that as long as the quality and quantity of your fabrics are guaranteed, we will take the goods from your house in the future. If there is a problem with the quality, you will have to compensate us for the liquidated damages!"

Yuan Hedong said very confidently: "You don't need to worry about the quality, how can I say that I have been a textile factory for many years, can you still trust me?

When you say that we all signed a contract, just put your heart in your stomach! "

When I left the hotel, it started to rain.

A large number of fabrics from Hedong Textile Factory began to be shipped out.

The workers didn't pay much attention, so many fabrics were soaked by the rain.

By noon the next day, Yuan Hedong was still ordering cotton and planning to produce more fabrics.

Customers who ordered fabrics yesterday called and scolded.

"Yuan Hedong, what are you doing? Your fabrics are all spent and can't be used at all. You are cheating. This time you won't be able to help me if you don't give me an explanation!"

"Yuan Hedong, why don't you want to live anymore? Even Laozi, you dare to play, the fabrics you produce will fade when they meet water, so why don't you pay me the liquidated damages immediately, otherwise Laozi will never finish with you!"

"What else are you talking about? You just said that Datianlai is not easy to use. If you don't compensate the liquidated damages, I will kill you!"

Yuan Hedong just put down the phone, and the thunder that pierced through the hazy sky seemed to hit him directly.

His nerves were all scorched.

He rushed into the warehouse as if mad, and under the shocked eyes of the workers, he picked up a bucket of water and sprinkled it directly on the fabric.

A minute later, the colorful fabrics were all spent, gray and white, and the water and the dye seemed to have a chemical reaction, making the originally hard fabrics all become slick, and cracked with a slight tug.

There was also a pungent odor.

In one minute, Yuan Hedong seemed to have experienced the passage of his entire life.

As if from a high sky, he fell heavily to the ground, shattering his bones.

He tugged at the fabrics one by one, laughing hideously for a while, and wailing like mourning for a while.

The workers were so frightened that they watched from a distance, and no one dared to approach.

Yuan Hedong scolded while crying and laughing: "You're amazing, you can do it, you've fooled me, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

At this moment, Lin Chuan received a call and hung up after listening for a while.

Then he called Yuan Meiqing again.

"How has your study been recently?" Lin Chuan asked with a smile.

Yuan Meiqing, who was buried in a mountain of books, pushed the glasses on her face and smiled, "I think I can produce textiles by myself now.

You call me, is there any news from the textile factory? "

Lin Chuan said indifferently: "You're right, Yuan Hedong is powerless now, and he doesn't even have money to pay for the liquidated damages. If you have time in the afternoon, go to the bank.

But the bank may sell it to you at a price of 2 million. This price is unacceptable. You can give a maximum of 1 million, even if you don't sell it! "

"Okay, I'm ready to go right now!"

However, Yuan Hedong at this time was completely mad in the face of pressure.

Since the mill is doomed to fail, let no one get it.

Crazy Yuan Hedong picked up two barrels of gasoline and poured it on the fabric.

Following him, he lit a match fiercely and threw it down without hesitation.

The textile factory instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the workers ran in all directions, shouting loudly.

Only Yuan Hedong remained in the sea of ​​​​fire, allowing him to be drowned by the fire that filled the sky.

By the time the fire brigade arrived, the entire factory area had been set ablaze, and even half of the office building had been burned down.

After Lin Chuan heard the news, he immediately brought Yuan Meiqing to the textile factory.

At first glance, Lin Chuan knew that this textile factory was completely abandoned.

Then Yuan Hedong is really too extreme, and he can't think about it so much. What's the big deal? Is that so?

Yuan Meiqing shed tears of sadness as she watched the family property being destroyed.

All of this is driven by profit.

In the face of interests, the feelings of any family, even human life, are so worthless.

But Lin Chuan's heart is very calm.

He had seen too many scenes like this in his previous life.

The cruelty of business competition is equivalent to a life-and-death war.

Those who can adapt will be able to continue to survive, and those who cannot adapt will be eliminated in the end.

If Yuan Hedong had thought about doing well for the family's industry, not so greedy, and so vicious, how could he be like this?

When she left the factory, Yuan Meiqing's mood was also much calmer.

But she remained the same and asked in a low voice, "Now that the textile factory has been destroyed, is there any need to buy it back?"

Lin Chuan turned the steering wheel and said indifferently: "To be honest, I personally don't want you to buy it, because now I also have my own textile factory,

From an energy point of view, I'm unlikely to help you more. From a business point of view, I don't want you and me to become competitors. There is no ideal in business, only rationality.

Therefore, I suggest that you go into other businesses. When you are mature enough, you are starting the family business again. That is the best choice! "

Yuan Meiqing obeyed Lin Chuan's words, nodded and said, "Then I'll listen to you. I'm going abroad to study business management for a period of time. What do you think?"

In this era, going abroad is hot, and many people who have the conditions will choose to go abroad.

But business management, Lin Chuan is not optimistic.

Because with the passage of time, business models often change, and sometimes foreign business management is not suitable for real work.

Therefore, Lin Chuan gave Yuan Meiqing a very insightful opinion.

"Don't study business management, study financial management, including stocks, futures, etc. In the near future, financial talents will be the most sought-after career in the world!"

Yuan Meiqing had no opinion, but asked suspiciously, "Why are you so sure that finance will be so popular?"

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently: "It's very simple, because the world is developing, enterprises and businesses are developing, and the management of the financial system will be the connecting belt of the whole world in the future.

Fundraising in the future will mainly be carried out from private capital, because everyone wants to make money. The concept of stocks will become popular in a few years. Just listen to me and study finance! "

Yuan Meiqing turned her eyes into a crescent moon.

"Then there is no food to eat, you have to support me!"

Lin Chuan laughed and said, "I'm especially good at raising pigs. When the time comes, I'll definitely take care of it for you!"

Angrily, Yuan Meiqing clenched her teeth and punched Lin Chuan.

After returning to the factory, Xi Xiaolei walked into the office and said coldly, "Mr. Lin, do you know what Wang Kaizhe has done?"

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