Lin Chuan opened the curtains of the hotel room, but did not see the slightest sunlight.

In the cloudy weather, there was also a slight drizzle of rain.

However, it still cannot stop the busyness of the city and the rush to seek life.

Lin Chuan pondered carefully, and had to meet Zhou Wenmei, which was his primary job in the imperial capital this time.

If today's Zhou Wenmei still refuses as always, then he can only carry out the second plan.

So he came to the mall in the drizzle. He wanted to find a waiter and ask where is Zhou Wenmei's office?

But just at this moment, she saw Zhou Wenmei walking out of the stairwell holding her things.

Lin Chuan is very strange, doesn't Zhou Wenmei do financial management?

Why does it look like it's not working?

So Lin Chuan took a few steps, chasing after Zhou Wenmei.

"Where are you going?"

Zhou Wenmei hated Lin Chuan when she saw Lin Chuan, and she hated him even more. She ignored him at all and just moved on.

Lin Chuan wouldn't give up because she hated her eyes, but instead said, "You don't even want to work because of this, right?"

This sentence still stimulated Zhou Wenmei.

She turned around suddenly, her angry eyes burning like fire on Lin Chuan's face.

He even sneered resolutely: "I want to ask you, is it that I don't want to work, or you and Long Jiapeng don't want me to work? I really didn't see it.

Long Jiapeng is so filthy that he uses this method to fight for the custody of the child, but you will not succeed. Even if I starve to death with Wenwen, I will not hand over the custody to you, so let's die! "

Lin Chuan frowned suspiciously.

Neither he nor Long Jiapeng would do this, and the one who has this strength in the emperor must be the Wanbang Group.

But even if she explained it to Zhou Wenmei now, she wouldn't listen.

Lin Chuan said angrily: "You are right to think so, the child's custody can never be given to him, let alone coerce you to give it to him, you are Wenwen's mother, and doing this is the most cruel injury to you,

Don't say it's you, even I won't agree, this is simply too much! "

Seeing that he was so angry, Zhou Wenmei was still a little stunned.

"Aren't you the one behind the scenes?"

Lin Chuan smiled coldly, and said disdainfully: "If I guessed correctly, it must be the Wanfan Group for such a frivolous method, right?

I know you don't believe anyone now, and I don't want to waste time explaining things that are useless to you. In short, Long Jiapeng and I are preventing the Wanban Group from doing this.

Don't doubt, I'm right, it's me and Long Jiapeng. If you want to know why this is happening, I think we can find a place to talk about it in detail, so that you can know it! "

Zhou Wenmei was quite surprised.

Long Jiapeng doesn't want custody?

is it possible?

But in order to find out, Zhou Wenmei nodded.

The two immediately came to a nearby park and found a quiet place to sit.

"Okay, tell me now, what's going on?"

Lin Chuan nodded slightly, and explained in detail that the vice president of Wanbang Group wanted to acquire the shares of Long Jiapeng and Long Jiapeng's thoughts.

"That's why I came to the imperial capital in person. Long Jiapeng wanted to come with me, but he was afraid that you would be angry. He drank a lot that night.

I don't know why this happened between you two, and Long Jiapeng didn't want to mention it, as if he was exposing the scars in his heart! "

Zhou Wenmei was very complicated.

But she still slowly explained why she was like this with Long Jiapeng.

"I met him in college, and we got together after that, and then I had Wenwen, but at that time, when a woman was pregnant with a child, it was like ending everything.

My family regarded me as their shame, my classmates regarded me as an unclean woman, and even the school teachers discriminated against me,

In my world, there was only Long Jiapeng at that time. I even naively thought that it would be enough to have him.

Long Jiapeng wanted to marry me, and we also got the certificate, but his father disagreed, thinking that I was just a child of an ordinary worker and was not worthy of his family's social status.

And I also had Wenwen at that time. His father came to the imperial capital in person, and only threw me 100 yuan and left the imperial capital with Long Jiapeng.

At that time, I thought Long Jiapeng would not leave me, but he finally chose to leave with his father. He said he would come back to pick me up and told me to wait for him! "

Speaking of which, Zhou Wenmei was already in tears.

That painful memory tormented her like a knife twisted in her heart.

"I don't even know how I survived those days. When Wenwen was born, it happened to be the twelfth lunar month, and I had no money. The day before Wenwen was born, I was still washing dishes in a restaurant to make money.

After giving birth to Wenwen, the place where I was confinement was cold and breezy. No one took care of me, and no one cooked for me. I made a fire to cook by myself, but accidentally caused bleeding and passed out.

If it wasn't for the neighbors to hear Wenwen's cries, she might not be able to wake up. I'm still going through this difficult situation. I also believe that Long Jiapeng will come back to pick up our mother and daughter.

But what we waited for was less and less letters. It was not until Wenwen was 5 years old that he came to see us once and wanted to take us to Hui City.

But at that time, I had nothing but hatred for him. He wanted to raise Wenwen, and I didn't agree. When I needed him the most, he was not by my side. What qualifications do I have to come to Wenwen now? ? "

Lin Chuan's face was extremely solemn when he heard this, and his heart was even more uncomfortable.

He felt sad for Zhou Wenmei and helpless for Long Jiapeng.

He said softly: "I don't know if Jiapeng knows the hardships you have gone through, but I can say for sure that if he knew, he would definitely blame himself and feel guilty for a lifetime.

Even letting him make up for the rest of his life is not enough. I also know that you don't need his compensation at all, and I understand that your hatred for Jiapeng is a whirlpool that has accumulated little by little.

It's impossible to let this hatred go away easily, but now it's different from the past, you and Wenwen are entwined with huge interests.

Shi Yongjin of Wanbang Group will do anything for his own interests. If you believe in me, Lin Chuan, then I have a proposal for you, bring your child to Hui City with me,

In this way, I can protect the safety of you and your children, but don't think too much, I promise and will never force you to see Long Jiapeng, because I think it's good to torture him.

From another point of view, Wenwen must have a father at any time. Even if you don't forgive Long Jiapeng, you can't let the child lack this love, otherwise it will hurt the child's childhood! "

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