My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 218 Really Convinced

Zhou Wenmei didn't think about it otherwise, but the damage to Wenwen's childhood really touched Zhou Wenmei's heart.

Lin Chuan saw that Zhou Wenmei was moved, and then said: "Children are innocent, and no one has the right to hurt a child's childhood, even parents,

What Jiapeng did was indeed wrong, or he also had his own difficulties, but he was Wenwen's biological father after all, and this could not be changed. Instead of letting Wenwen grow up with hatred and a broken childhood,

It's better to give Wenwen a good childhood, even if you don't see Long Jiapeng, let Jiapeng do his best as a father, that's what he should do! "

Although Zhou Wenmei did not make a clear decision on Lin Chuan's proposal, she also considered that what Lin Chuan said was right.

And now she doesn't have a job either, or Wanbang Group is behind the scenes, can she really rely on picking up scraps or begging to raise Wenwen in the future?

That is simply impossible.

But Zhou Wenmei did not immediately agree to Lin Chuan's proposal, but looked at the time, got up and said, "I have to pick up Wenwen from school!"

Lin Chuan was not in a hurry to ask her for an answer, and also got up and said, "I'll invite you to dinner at noon, it's not too expensive, it's just a homely meal!"

Zhou Wenmei did not reject Lin Chuan.

After all, through these conversations, Zhou Wenmei's hostility to Lin Chuan is not so much.

At least Lin Chuan can still think about things from the perspective of her and her children.

On the contrary, some people only consider their own interests.

Such as Shi Yongjin.

When he knew that Zhou Wenmei refused to exchange custody for an opportunity, he just sneered disdainfully.

Then he said coldly to the person on the phone: "Then give that Zhou Wenmei some ruthlessness and ask someone to take her daughter to play for a long time,

Let her, Zhou Wenmei, know that doing the right thing with me is the worst choice in her life! "

After hanging up the phone, Shi Yongjin changed into a newly bought suit and went to the hotel and the president of the management department for dinner.

On the side of the imperial capital, Lin Chuan and Zhou Wenmei came to the school gate, and Lin Chuan found that there were several random people around, staring at Zhou Wenmei furtively.

Lin Chuan also pretended to wait for the children to get out of school, and whispered beside Zhou Wenmei: "Wenmei, there are a few people staring at you over there, probably from the Wanbang Group!"

Zhou Wenmei was shocked at the time, she turned her head to look at her, and sure enough, she saw those people looking at her, two of them were wearing sunglasses, so it was not a good thing at first glance.

"What do they want?" Zhou Wenmei asked in horror.

"You rejected Shi Yongjin in the morning. It is estimated that he wants to kidnap Wenwen to blackmail you, but you don't have to be afraid, pick up the child normally, and leave the rest to me!"

Zhou Wenmei nodded immediately. At this moment, the school bell rang, and the children ran out of the school happily.

Wen Wen, who was carrying a schoolbag, ran to Zhou Wenmei happily as soon as she saw the mother in the crowd.

Zhou Wenmei was frightened in her heart, and hurried forward to hold Wenwen tightly in her hands.

At the same time, those ruffians also went straight to the mother and daughter.

They just walked out of the school gate, and a local ruffian directly took out a dagger and put it on Zhou Wenmei's waist.

Before Zhou Wenmei could shout, the local ruffian viciously threatened her in her ear: "If you dare to speak up, I will kill you and come with us!"

She also nodded immediately and said, "As long as you don't hurt my children, I'll go with you!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

The local ruffian grabbed Zhou Wenmei's arm fiercely and walked to the bread by the roadside.

Wenwen didn't know what happened, and asked innocently, "Mom, who are they?"

Afraid that the child would be afraid, Zhou Wenmei said with a strong smile, "They are neighbors, Wenwen is good, hold mom's hand!"

Seeing that she was in front of the bread, Zhou Wenmei saw Lin Chuan, drinking soda while standing beside the bread pretending to read the street sign.

Those ruffians didn't know Lin Chuan at all, and thought he was just a passerby, so they didn't care.

The moment they passed by, Lin Chuan saw the opportunity and smashed a bottle heavily on the head of the ruffian who was dragging Zhou Wenmei.

He smashed this guy on the spot, his eyes blacked, his head slammed, and he stumbled directly to the ground.

Lin Chuan's shot is quick and decisive.

Before the other ruffians could react, Lin Chuan's fists and feet had already landed on them.

The few ruffians who were beaten didn't even have a chance to fight back, and fell to the ground one by one.

Zhou Wenmei hugged Wenwen tightly, she was overwhelmed with fright.

When the people around were looking towards this side, Lin Chuan had already stopped one and left with the mother and daughter.

Lin Chuan was afraid of Wenwen's fear, so he smiled and said, "Wenwen, I'm you Lin Chuan Uncle, those people are my friends, I'm just kidding with them, will Uncle take you to the plane?"

Wenwen was very happy, but she still looked at Zhou Wenmei.

And Zhou Wenmei is now in shock, she has lingering fears, and she doesn't know what to say.

Lin Chuan said in a low voice, "Go back and organize your things, it's not safe for you to stay in the imperial capital!"

Now, it can only be so.

After returning to the courtyard, she sorted out the contents of the two suitcases. Zhou Wenmei called the school teacher again and asked Wen Wen to drop out.

The three of them went directly to the airport, took the nearest flight, and returned to Hui City in the evening.

Lin Chuan directly brought the mother and daughter back to the factory, which is the safest only in the factory.

First, they arranged a renovated dormitory room for their mother and daughter.

After that, Lin Chuan asked Wu Lei to transfer more than a dozen security guards to protect their mother and daughter.

After everything was arranged, Lin Chuan was about to take their mother and daughter to a restaurant for dinner when the office phone suddenly rang.

The call was from the secretary of the president of the management department.

"It's Lin Chuan, the manager of Mengying Garment Factory. I'm the secretary to the president of the management department. My name is Zhao Dongyan. That's it. The president wants to make an appointment with you to meet with you. Do you know if it's convenient for Boss Lin?"

It doesn't matter whether it's convenient or not, he is the president of the management department, and he can see it if he doesn't want to.

So Lin Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, let's do it tomorrow morning!"

Zhao Dongyan was also very happy, and then smiled: "Okay, then tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, see you in the office of the president of the management department!"

The phone hung up, and Lin Chuan's smile disappeared.

It seems that Shi Yongjin felt that he could not hold Long Jiapeng with custody, and wanted to use other tricks to grab his mine.

He wanted to see what kind of tricks Yongjin could play at this time.

Lin Chuan immediately called Long Jiapeng.

When Long Jiapeng learned that Lin Chuan had brought both Zhou Wenmei and Wenwen to Hui Shi, he almost bit his tongue in shock.

"Oh my shit, how did you do it? I can't even get custody. You went out and everyone took it back. I'm really convinced!"

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