My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 219 I Earn My M1y

Lin Chuan said very deeply: "Don't be too excited, people will be picked up, but you better not meet now, I will arrange for you to meet when there is a chance,

And this time, Shi Yongjin also found someone to kidnap their mother and daughter. Fortunately, I stopped him, otherwise Shi Yongjin would definitely use their mother and daughter to blackmail you into selling your shares! "

Long Jiapeng caught fire on the spot.

He shouted almost angrily: "I'm such a scumbag Shi Yongjin, whoever dares to kidnap me, if he dares to hurt a single hair of their mother and daughter, I swear that I will kill him with my own hands!"

In fact, Lin Chuan also knew that the most important woman in Long Jiapeng's heart was Zhou Wenmei and Wenwen, apart from her mother.

From how nervous he was and how he was alone all these years, it could be seen that she couldn't hold any other woman in her heart except Zhou Wenmei.

So Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said: "You don't have to be so nervous, now their mother and daughter are safe in my factory, and Yongjin doesn't need you when solving the problem,

During this period of time, you should be optimistic about the coal mine, and then think about how to make up for their mother and daughter, especially Wenwen, her leukemia needs to be treated immediately, and there is no delay! "

Long Jiapeng agreed, and swore in his heart that he would make up for their mother and daughter.

In the middle of the night, when Lin Chuan returned home, Qin Mengying boiled the bath water for him as always, and reported on the work of the past two days.

"The head of the family, the financial expenses for the past two days are a bit too much, do we need to control it!"

"Which aspect are you referring to?" Lin Chuan was very serious.

"I'm not talking about employee benefits, which are already included in the cost of goods, but other aspects, such as water bills, and canteens,

Especially in the cafeteria, the waste is too serious now. Some workers can't eat so much, and then they dump it to the extreme. Some workers bring food to their homes.

There are even some workers who are stealing our textiles. Several have been found. There is also the maintenance of the machine. Many electric sewing machines are broken, but there are no parts.

The maintenance department cannot repair it, which also affects our production. There are imported parts in Huishi, but the prices are very expensive. I want to ask you, do you want to buy these parts? "

Lin Chuan said slowly: "The parts must be bought, and the production cannot be affected in any way, and the high prices of those parts are normal.

Otherwise, why did Brooke get so many electric sewing machines? In fact, what you earn is the money for parts. As for waste, it is absolutely not allowed.

Tomorrow, we will make rules and regulations. If someone is found to waste food in the cafeteria again, they will be fined 10 yuan each time. If they are found to have stolen things, they will be fined all their wages, and they will be fired immediately.

Just leave this to Wu Lei to do it, and when you have free time, go see Zhou Wenmei and Wenwen more, especially Wenwen's child has leukemia, you can spend 50,000 yuan on them tomorrow! "

Qin Mengying wrote down Lin Chuan's words one by one, and arranged them immediately when she went to work the next day.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Lin Chuan arrived at the door of the Office of the President of the Management Department on time.

Zhao Dongyan received him very warmly.

After all, Mengying Group is now the largest private enterprise in Huizhou, and what should be respected should be respected.

"Boss Lin, you are really on time, the president is waiting for you, please come with me!"

Walking into the spacious and elegant office, Xiang Shang, the president of the management department, a very calm middle-aged man, shook hands cordially with Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan is actually no stranger to Xiang Shang.

They have fought many times in previous lives.

Reborn into this life, still have to continue to fight.

Xiang Shang is no stranger to Lin Chuan.

Just as he said with a steady smile: "Mengying Group is now in full swing, and its business is booming. It has also made outstanding contributions to the development of Hui City. It is worth learning from other companies!"

Lin Chuan looked at the color in Shang Na's wrinkled eyes, and knew that he was complimenting and making a request first.

However, Lin Chuan just said with a smile: "Mr. Xiang, you have won the prize, I am just a small businessman, there is nothing worth learning,

You still have to see me today, you are worthy of our learning! "

Not talking but listening.

What Lin Chuan means is that everyone is very busy, so the whole point is useful. Is there anything worth learning?

Xiang Shang laughed and said, "Mr. Lin, you are too modest, there are not many people who can make a successful career, and Hui City needs business development talents like you the most.

It also requires more advanced technology and capital to make Hui City's economy develop in an all-round way. For every Hui City person, there are only advantages and no disadvantages! "

This is clear enough.

It is far from enough to have Mengying Group in Hui City, and more investors are needed to invest in Hui City.

For example, Wanbang Group is a good investor for Huishi.

The pathfinder stone was thrown to Lin Chuan, and Xiang Shang paid special attention to Lin Chuan's expression.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see any psychological reaction on Lin Chuan's face.

Can't even know what Lin Chuan is thinking?

When it was Lin Chuan's turn to speak, he took a sip of tea first.

Then he said slowly: "Of course it is good to have capital investment, I agree with both hands, my Mengying Group is now developing steadily,

Funding is quite stable. After all, we have national market support and export market support, which can also play a great role in localized business development.

And to the development of Hui City, we are also contributing our modest strength. After all, it is where I was born and raised, so naturally it is not a problem! "

Xiang Shang was smiling, but his heart was a little ups and downs, and he was also a little sighed.

It is said that Lin Chuan is a more difficult person, and he is also very powerful. When I met him today, it was indeed the case.

Before he could say this, he blocked his mouth first.

The meaning is very clear.

Lin Chuan doesn't care how Hui City develops, but it is not easy for him to get involved in his company. After all, he is now a star company in the country.

They are doing what they have to do, just don't bullshit him.

So Xiang Shang also took a sip of tea, and then said slowly: "Now Hui City's industry and manufacturing are booming, but agriculture and other industries are still very backward.

The Wanbang Group in the imperial capital has very advanced technology in the field of agriculture. This time, I came to Hui City to open a large-scale agricultural test base in Nanzhen area.

Investing 1 million yuan at a time, and building a large-scale electronic equipment manufacturing plant in Nanzhen, can solve the employment of tens of thousands of people at one time, which plays a very important role in the field of agriculture and technology manufacturing in Hui City! "

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