My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 220 Balance Of Interests

Lin Chuan said indifferently, "This is a good thing. I don't know what the president wants me to do?"

Xiang Shang said directly: "Because Wanbang Group is engaged in agricultural development in Nanzhen, Jinjia Village also belongs to Nanzhen, the coal mine contract you signed at that time was signed with Jinjia Village,

Now Jinjia Village has been moved out due to coal mine development, so your contract has to be re-signed with the Nanzhen Management Department! "

This made Lin Chuan's eyes twitch slightly.

Simply robbing.

It is impossible to re-sign, and it is impossible for the management department to re-sign with him.

The reasoning is extremely simple.

Lin Chuan developed the coal mine, but the management department did not get any benefit.

Wanbang Group is engaged in agriculture, but also a factory, the benefits are definitely enough.

But Wanbang's condition must be that coal mine.

Lin Chuan then smiled indifferently and said, "Re-signing? President Xiang, are you kidding me? You might as well tell me directly that Wanbang promised to give part of the coal mine's shares to the management department for nothing?"

Xiang Shang's expression tightened slightly.

It turned out that Lin Chuan could see it so thoroughly that he could even guess this.

So he still smiled slightly: "After all, we are all for the balanced development of everyone. Wanbang Group's investment is very large, and other development of the management department also requires a lot of funds.

For everyone, I think Lin can always understand us! "

Understand them, who understands themselves.

It is absolutely impossible for Lin Chuan to agree.

"You don't need to say it, Mr. Xiang, I'm just a businessman. It's a natural development since ancient times for businessmen to pursue profits. It is impossible to re-sign the coal mine development contract I signed.

Everyone is for their own development, so my interests can be freely given up? If it was you, would you agree? If you insist on me re-signing, then let President Shao Hongyi tell me personally,

For a businessman, some interests are interests and can be thrown away casually, but some interests are dignity, which is impossible and must not be thrown away.

I'm sorry, Mr. Xiang, I still have a very important meeting to hold, so I'll say goodbye! "

After that, Lin Chuan got up and left the office without looking back.

Xiang Shang also shook his head and sighed repeatedly.

"This Lin Chuan is too short-sighted. I am also for everyone's development. Can't he make some contributions?"

Zhao Dongyan also saw that Xiang Shang was a little distressed.

But he is the president of the management department. Lin Chuan doesn't give face, so he can only be helpless.

So Zhao Dongyan said softly: "Why don't you call Mr. Shao and see what Mr. Shao thinks? It would be best if you can get Mr. Shao's support.

If you don't support it, and you oppose it, you can also hold your balance! "

Xiang Shang felt that this idea was okay, so he immediately called Shao Hongyi.

After listening to Xiang Shang's remarks, Shao Hongyi turned around and looked out the window.

Qiu Chenyuan could see that whenever Shao Hongyi was thinking about problems that were difficult to choose.

It is indeed very difficult for Shao Hongyi to make this decision.

Although Wanbang Group is important, Mengying Company cannot be underestimated either.

And in the near future, Lin Chuan's strength is 100% more than that of Wanbang Group.

If Lin Chuan is suppressed now, it would be equivalent to destroying a company or even a person.

However, losing the investment of Wanbang Group because of this is also a great loss.

After thinking about it, after a moment of silence, Shao Hongyi said solemnly: "Old Xiang, it is impossible to re-sign the contract, which will make other project companies no longer trust us.

Every project contract they signed is equivalent to waste paper. Your reason is really ugly! "

Xiang Shang's heart tightened suddenly, and a layer of cold sweat oozes out from his forehead.

Shao Hongyi is usually a very easy-going person, and he is rarely heard to criticize a person.

This time even such words are used, which shows that Shao Hongyi is very angry.

Xiang Shang also hurriedly explained: "Mr. Shao is right, this idea is indeed not safe enough!"

And Shao Hongyi changed his tone and continued: "Of course, your original intention is also for business development, which is worth understanding, but on this issue,

We should not participate in the competition between these two companies. Since it is for development, then we cannot be completely biased towards either side. I will call Lin Chuan later,

I will discuss with him a proper solution. You can put all these aside for now. Isn't it time to make personnel adjustments at the top of the management department? "

"Understood Mr. Shao!"

Hanging up the phone, Xiang Shang gritted his teeth to calm himself, while he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Shao Hongyi is really amazing.

Tell him clearly that the competition between Wanbang Company and Mengying Company is not something he can join at Xiang Shang's level.

At that time, those who participated in the cooperation did not understand, but they would also get him wrong.

Or leave it to him Shao Hongyi to operate it himself.

Let him do what he does.

At this time, Lin Chuan did not return to the factory, but came to the park by himself.

Find a quiet place to meditate.

Shi Yongjin is now absolutely to achieve the goal, and he wants to get the coal mine by any means.

Even if the coal mine can be saved, it will lose a lot of profits in the end.

So what he has to do now is to force Shi Yongjin to abandon the coal mine.

In contrast to interests, the force of this coercion must be strong enough.

Otherwise, it doesn't hurt or itches, and it doesn't have any effect at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan slowly raised his head and looked at the blue sky with extremely cold eyes.

Since it is destined to lose part of the benefits, it is also necessary to minimize the losses.

At the same time, Shi Yongjin can't lose nothing at all, he has to lose more.

It's useless if you don't hurt him.

When he returned to the garment factory, Shang Jiaxiu said softly, "Mr. Lin, Secretary Qiu from the management department called. He said that Mr. Shao wanted to call you!"

Lin Chuan just nodded and smiled indifferently: "Okay, go get busy!"

He immediately picked up the phone and called Shao Hongyi.

"Mr. Shao, how has your work been recently? Are you very busy?"

Shao Hongyi smiled and said, "Isn't that right? Now I'm busy at both ends. Now our development is either lacking in technology, or lack of funds, or lack of talents.

As a CEO, I feel a little stretched, haha! "

Lin Chuan could hear the meaning of the words.

After all, it is very simple. The interests of him and Wanbang are his own, and the interests of the management department are everyone's.

Whoever can benefit the management department, the management department will give the best balance.

So hearing this, Lin Chuan still smiled.

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